Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 8: Guardian begins

Usopp was called a deceitful cloth, it was a big talk, no one in the whole village believed him.

It was getting late, the setting sun quickly fell below the sea level, the blue sky was also covered with a star-studded dark curtain, and the sea breeze became bitter.

Liar asked, "What are your fighting skills?"

"Slash." Sauron shook his three sword.

"Extend." Luffy stretched out his arms.

"Steal." Nami put her finger next to her cheek and raised her finger. After speaking, all three of them looked at Xie Chen, and Xie Chen was still working hard to summarize her attacking tactics.

"What about you?" The liar looked at Xie Chen curiously. They didn't seem to have said a word after they met. From the beginning to the end, the man stood beside him calmly, neither commenting nor objecting.

"It's hard to tell." Xie Chen looked up at the stars with his arms around his chest. After a long while, he was sure. "Since you are all that simple, I will tell you simply and rudely that my best skill is fighting."

"So handsome!" Lu Fei cheered and agreed in his absence.

Liarbu nodded, but he felt a little bit about Xie Chen's handsome skills, but now the most important thing is, "Well...then I am good at hiding!"

"What is this good at, you have to fight too!" Nami patted Deceptive Bu's shoulder with great uncomfortable strength.

After discussing, Xie Chen quietly watched Lirenbu holding a big bucket of oil to go around, and Nami didn’t come to help, so he didn’t bother to tell them, Captain Zambou tomorrow morning. The attack route of Captain Krabat is actually another ramp similar to this one.

Knowing that these messages are true, but explaining the source of the messages is too troublesome.

Liebu took out the slingshot, but his legs were still trembling, "Well, when they come and slide on the ramp, I will take the opportunity to annihilate them with my slingshot!"

"Don't accidentally drop yourself on the oil. It's no different from picking a fire pit yourself." Nami pointedly pointed out the dilemma that Sauron faced in the original book because of her.

"Be careful, don't come close." Xie Chen looked at her and smiled slightly, "Don't worry too much, I will take care of you when we fight."

With such a reliable smile, I wish I was also a girl!

Deceptive Bu, whose legs trembled in fright, thought from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really troublesome." Nami curled her lips. "I hope that after helping this time, that Miss Kaya will promise us to sponsor our boat."

The world passed quickly. At least on this small island, the alternation of day and night seemed to Xie Chen to be no more than a blink of an eye. After that, the sun and the moon were in the same sky, and the birds glide across the sky in a lazy and graceful manner.

"It's not quite right, it's been so long and I haven't come over yet." Nami frowned, her eyes moved suddenly, her hands were tube-shaped and placed beside her ears, "There seems to be someone shouting over there, do you guys? Hear."

"It's the North Coast over there," Xie Chen pointed out leisurely. "Our ship seems to be still there."

"North!" Lu Fei's eyes widened, and he rushed to the north coast. Liar Bu and Sauron followed. "Ah!"

When Nami was about to move, she accidentally slipped on her feet and almost fell on the oil-sprayed ground. She had expected such a scene near Xie Chen to reach out her hand in time to hold her, a little helpless. Doingly smiled.

"Don't be too anxious, they ran over in three minutes."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and go." Nami turned around with blushing cheeks and ran quickly to the north.

By the time the two of them passed, it was already a melee. Luffy and Sauron were killing the pirates, and it seemed that they could almost resist.

"I didn't get lost." Xie Chen raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. Both of these guys are super crazy.

The pirates shouted loudly, "Come on, Captain Crowe is still waiting for us, don't be afraid of them, everyone!"

"Captain Crowe, is it... by the way, I almost forgot!" Nami immediately stopped the pace she had originally wanted to run over, and she also grabbed Xie Chen and said seriously: "We shouldn't help them now, and You should help Miss Keya. Since Clobatel is the housekeeper of their house, he might be at their house now, and it will be against Miss Keya!"

In the middle of the battlefield, even though he was beaten to the ground, Liar Bu still stood up hard and shouted at Nami and Xie Chen, "Please be sure to rescue Miss Keya!"

"Don't worry, they will leave it to us, look at me-rubber rockets!"

Luffy screamed and rushed in front of Captain Zambo, and then both of them were hypnotized to fall asleep by Zambo's hypnotism.

It's not reliable at all.

The corners of Xie Chen's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked at Sauron with a headache immediately after Luffy. His sword stopped less than two centimeters away from the pirate, but was directly hit by another pirate with a stone. On the mind.

Without changing her face, Nami hurriedly glanced at Luffy and Sauron, then took Xie Chen's hand, and the two rushed towards the town.

"Do you want me to hold you and fly over."

Nami's figure is too slow, and Xie Chen's speed is no different from walking beside her.

"It's a matter of life, I'll talk earlier next time, I'll forget it in a hurry." Nami rolled her eyes at him.

Now that Nami said so, Xie Chen didn't hesitate. Before Nami reacted, he hugged her horizontally, and the fine orange hair tips fluttered in the wind mischievously. A faint trace of orange belonged to her. The sweet scent is tangy.

"It's better to have long hair, Nami, you should be very beautiful with long hair."

Although the impression of Nami with short hair is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, in the end of One Piece, she has beautiful long hair, beautiful and suffocating.

"You didn't tell me to have long hair because you like Miss Keya, you big pervert!"

Nami stretched out her hands unwillingly to pull Xie Chen's cheeks, but was avoided by the latter.

"Nami looks so jealous, she's pretty cute."..


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