Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 82: Strange phobia

During the waiting time, Xie Chen bored his face with his hands, pressed his elbows on his thighs, and shook his legs boredly. He can't do anything while sitting here. After a long time, he looked at Hayoke beside him—and then He even began to count the hair on Hayok.

Pikachu finally returned when he counted from the top of his head to the neck, but he didn't come out from behind the door as he expected.

It was the back of the neck hair that was held by Shui's hand and threw it out. It happened to be thrown into Xie Chen's arms and then he was right. When he saw Pikachu's bright yellow, Xie Chen suddenly forgot how many he had counted.

Anyway, that's a relatively inconsequential thing, no need to worry about the results of Pikachu's exploration that he is more curious about now.

There is no need for Xie Chen to give a voice to remind Pikachu to consciously jump up and pat his body to clean up the messed hair, then jumped to the next step and took a deep breath and danced to explain to Xie Chen.

"Pikapika! pikachu——"

Although Xie Chen really seemed to have a headache, it would be nice if the Pikachu Grade 10 Chi was here at this time, but it was a pity that the guy couldn't appear on this ship without a ticket.

But fortunately, with Pikachu's single-player theater, Xie Chen was able to understand what Pikachu meant.


Pikachu found the Flying Mantis in the gap between the box and the box. Although he wanted to say something, the Flying Mantis just hid inside without saying a word, and looked at Pikachu with a scared look.

Pikachu tried to pull the Flying Mantis out, but was attacked when he did this attempt. Of course, Pikachu was also irritated. One accidentally yelled loudly and attracted the sailor. Finally, he was thrown out and the sailors gathered. When he came over, the Flying Mantis also ran away instantly, after all, it was also a very fast Pokémon.

Finally, after finishing a series of actions, Pikachu was breathing tirelessly, and Xie Chen slipped Pikachu up and put it on Hayoke.

"Then, trouble you to go in again, this time with the Pokémon ball, at least you must put her in the goal."

Xie Chen, pass the Pokémon Ball to Pikachu. This is the only way he can bring the Flying Mantis out, because there is a sailor inside and he can't go in, so he can only ask Pikachu.

This time Pikachu came back quickly, and Xie Chen was very satisfied with Feitian Mantis. Xie Chen was really relieved when he saw the Pokemon Ball with Flying Mantis in it.

But after all, this is not a place to talk well, so Xie Chen returned to his room. Fortunately, he still has a private room to use. But Xie Chen didn't release the Flying Praying Mantis even when he entered the room, but he also let Pikachu and Hayok go out for free activities. So Xie Chen and Feitian Mantis were the only ones left in this room.

"Are you calming down a bit?"

Xie Chen asked as softly as possible. The Flying Praying Mantis inside the ball just showed no reaction at all in the standard sitting posture with legs folded. Because she had calmed down and recalled the previous rude behavior and buried her head quite guiltily, she had previously attacked her owner and partner. "Well, well, put those things aside."

Xie Chen felt very helpless. He is not very good at dealing with Pokémon, especially like this kind of well-behaved and particularly well-behaved, but the Pokémon that will not express what happens is the same for humans.

If you don’t say things well, you won’t be able to work hard with your partners to find a reasonable solution, so things will never be solved, but Xie Chen is not good at comforting people, and is not good at guiding them to tell the problem.


It would be great if he was as outgoing as Pikachu, but now it doesn't help to be like this, so Xie Chen started to guess randomly.

When I first boarded the Saint Annu, it was fine—not very good, but on the deck, the sea breeze was blowing, and when I looked at the leisurely ladies and gentlemen on the deck, even though there were some flying mantises. She looked timid, but she was enjoying it. In that case, perhaps the anomaly just now has little to do with the ship itself.

The time when things really started to go wrong was from entering a dim warehouse.

"Is it possible... Flying Mantis, are you afraid of the dark? Well, it's normal for girls to be afraid of the dark. Nothing to be embarrassed to say~"

Xie Chen smiled in a joking tone and said that the Pokémon ball in his hand shook lightly, perhaps in response to Xie Chen's conjecture, but he saw that the Flying Mantis was very slow and slow, and shook his head again. It's right, but it's not quite right.

Xie Chen didn't know why he could suddenly understand the body language of Pokémon at this time. Perhaps it was growth or his talent was good.

It's still very happy to be able to communicate well with my Pokémon.

So Xie Chen started thinking from another direction.

In that warehouse, there is nothing other than the goods being moved, and there should be nothing wrong except the darkness that makes people feel a little creepy. Is it possible that because of the goods, there is something in the goods that makes Flying Mantis feel scared. ?

Xie Chen just wanted to ask and stopped himself, Feitian Mantis has never had anything special to fear, it's better to say that it was because of the Rockets that she was afraid of forcibly overcoming everything. After all, she also escaped from the Rockets. Guy, so Xie Chen once again attributed the cause to environmental factors-wait, the Rockets?

Xie Chen reacted immediately.

The Flying Mantis originally stayed in the hands of the Rockets. The Rockets’ Pokémon were all snatched from the trainer or captured from nature. In that case, a large number of Pokémon would naturally need to be transported. Perhaps this is the case with the Flying Mantis. The one who was locked up in the warehouse at the bottom level and transported to Lance is also uncertain.

That's it, that's how it is.

Xie Chen gently stroked the Pokémon ball, and now he knew what the Flying Mantis was afraid of. ..


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