Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 83: Agreement

It's just the psychological shadow that the Rockets guys left on his important partner now. There is nothing to be embarrassed or disturbed. As a partner of Flying Mantis, Xie Chen must keep her away from this psychological shadow.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, the warehouse or something. Now no one can put you in those cargo boxes, and you also have the strength to resist them, and I will never let you go back to that place. ."

Although the Flying Mantis was holding the Elf Ball in one hand, the Flying Mantis was not released, not to mention that she did not have human hands. Xie Chen still stretched out his little finger at him, simulating a hook posture. "It's an agreement, I won't let you go back to that kind of place."

"Absolutely not."

Xie Chen smiled softly at Feitian Mantis, only wishing she could listen to what she said even if it was only a little bit. It's just that, he wanted to share the pain that the Flying Mantis endured when he didn't know it. Not overnight, Xie Chen understands that the pain that accumulates over the years cannot be comforted and eliminated by a few words, but he is willing to stay with her until she overcomes this strange phobia. His Pokémon should not bear this Pain, they should live happily, living the life they like like Pikachu. Although I don't remember when Xie Chen started to choose to respect Pokémon's wishes, he can stand up and say without complacency that the Pokémon around him are happy, and it is their choice to follow him.

Therefore, even if it is a little bit, I hope the Flying Mantis can continue to travel happily.

The Flying Praying Mantis in the Pokémon Ball slowly raised its head as if feeling Xie Chen's mood. When Xie Chen saw her eyes widened, there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. Feitian Mantis stared at Xie Chen's hand for a long time, and finally raised it with her usual hunting hand, and gently touched the inner wall of the Pokémon ball. Since there is no way to pull the hook, this method can also replace the pull hook to achieve constraints. Flying Mantis is willing to believe the master's words, even if it is now to overcome the fear of darkness, it is still somewhat reluctant.

"Yo Xi, then you can take a good rest in the Pokémon Ball, and then I and Pikachu will go to explore and explore!" Finally, I calmed down the flying mantis and Xie Chen didn't forget to explore the ship. He couldn't gain anything. If you don't have any, come here in vain. It's hard to get all the tickets for the Saint Annu, which can't be wasted.

So Xie Chen rushed to the Flying Mantis in the Pokémon Ball and smiled and got a response. After receiving a response, he safely put the Pokémon Ball into the other-dimensional backpack, and couldn't wait to open the door——

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Hayok and Pikachu, one large and one small, squatting very honestly at the door, like little guys in trouble waiting for the owner to blame, but Xie Chen knew that they were not in trouble, because that guy Pikachu It must be the fastest one to get into trouble. Why would you wait for blame? So Xie Chen knows very well that they are also well worried about the flying mantis.

"It's okay, the Flying Mantis is okay, so let's continue exploring."

"Pikapi!" When I heard that the flying mantis was probably all right, Pikachu's ears were erected faster than anyone else, Xie Chen looked at Pikapi with a black line and looked very excited when he raised his paw and felt very helpless. Well, but to explore, it’s better to be happy, so—the new Xie Chen exploration team, let’s go! ! This time Xie Chen no longer walked from the warehouse on the bottom floor, but the cabin on the upper floor. Now most of the guests are on the deck, and there are no people in the cabin, so Xie Chen ran in the corridor that was not very spacious. Pikachu sat on Hayok’s back and saw Xie Chen ran and immediately pikapika yelled for Hayok to run up and follow up, as if he didn’t want to lose to Xie Chen. Played a race.

What Xie Chen didn't even notice was that after the changes in his body, he even became a little childish in his behavior. In short, he was a bear.

Suddenly running in the corridor, a person and two beasts would naturally not think that a person would suddenly appear at the corner, so there was no time to brake or there was no brake in the head. When this instruction appeared, they ran into a person with a full heart, Xie Chen's eyes It's dark...just kidding, Xie Chen didn't fall very miserably, but it hurts very much.

Xie Chen rubbed his forehead and butt. It was a bit painful just now, and when he saw that he had just hit him and knocked down someone sitting on the ground like himself, Xie Chenqing couldn't help but screamed. . He didn't realize the fact that theoretically he would not know the name of the person in front of him, so he shouted rudely.


"It hurts...Hey, please be careful, okay, this is a corridor!"

Fortunately, Lu didn’t even notice why Xie Chen knew his name. He also got up from the ground and accused Xie Chen without hesitation, and it was indeed Xie Chen’s fault. Xie Chen was speechless and couldn't refute at all, so he had to accept education depressed.

It wasn't until Green conditioned that he educated Xie Chen for a while and he later realized what happened. He was silent for a while and stared at Xie Chen's depressed head, as if hesitated for a while. Speak slowly.

"Hey, I haven't seen you before, how do you know my name?"

Ah ah, in the end, it was discovered. It's better to say that it is Mr. Green, it is not the green kid, this guy's reflection arc seems a bit long?

It’s not a big deal anyway, it’s better to tell the truth, thinking about that Xie Chen smirked and rubbed his head and raised his head to look at Green. In fact, Xie Chen is a little bit taller than Lu, although I can’t tell. . He and Chi and Lu should be about the same height, anyway, this body is also very young, Xie Chen doesn't care so much.

"I have been to Zhenxin Town and greeted your sister Damu Nana, so I know your name. Later I was fortunate enough to witness the battle between you and Chi, so I naturally know your name."..


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