Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 87: v green 3

If it is a trick that does not require melee attacks, how would you respond? Curious about Green's next tactics and wanting to know how many ways he can crack the tricks, Xie Chen couldn't help getting excited. Sure enough, the pursuit of the strong is endless. No matter how many times I face the strong, I can't help but get excited.

"Kami turtle, spin at high speed!"

The speed at which the turtle responds to the green is also very touching. The high-speed rotating hard shell instantly bounces the air blade and then a water gun to change the trajectory of the action-actually using the high-speed rotating speed to offset the air blade, not only that, a more terrible counterattack began.

The Kami Turtle, which can move freely while hiding in the natural fortress, undoubtedly poses a great threat to Xie Chen. The Flying Praying Mantis began to flee in a panic so as not to be wet by the water.

But the green arrogance will end here. In this period of time, Xie Chen had almost figured out his tactics, and this tactic had flaws. The Kami turtle shrunk in the tortoise shell can’t confirm the direction of action and route by himself, and because of this, he is not chasing the flying mantis to inflict damage, but is chasing around in disorder. This is because Green has not been able to control this. Proof of recruitment.

That being the case, then this is an opportunity! "Come back, Flying Mantis!"


"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

Since he can't find the target immediately, then this is the best time to change hands! Pikachu, who had just been forcibly retired, was still holding his stomach, and immediately raised two ears like antennas when he was released, laughing badly.

"Pika——!" How dare to do this to my uncle——!

As if understanding the meaning of Pikachu's call, Xie Chen also pulled the corners of his lips with supreme pleasure, and smiled softly.

The white light bursting after a hundred thousand volts hit the target was dazzling and dazzling. It appeared in an instant and stirred up the quiet air in the cabin, which was not bright enough for it. Rather, it dissipated the quiet air in the empty cabin. To be fresh, water molecules add a round of moisture to the air that is not dry enough, and these water molecules also become the fuse that detonates one hundred thousand volts.

The only thing that shone after the dazzling light was the golden electric ball on Pikachu's neck.

"Kami Turtle...that's it..."

Lu's eyes widened in disbelief, and his cat-like eyes were rounded by him, more like a cat. At this moment, the Kami turtle that fell on the ground was no longer in the state of being shrunk in its shell, with its limbs and head exposed, its eyes turned into mosquito-repellent coils, and it lost the ability to fight.

Perhaps it was attracted by the white light here. I don't know when someone has been watching behind Lu, ah, there is a staircase behind Lu, which just leads to the outside. The group of people who witnessed this battle even clapped their hands to cheer Xie Chen and Pikachu.

One move kills. This is probably considered to be the power blessing of the electric ball, although it is suppressed by its attributes. But Xie Chen did not expect to achieve the effect. Lu looked a little depressed, and his ostentatious haircut seemed to be sluggish because of the water vapor.

"How about, there are a few more next, let go."

If I remember correctly, Green should also have two Pokémon in his hand, one is Lada and the other is Casey. He had seen those two during his battle with Chi, but now Green just took back the Kami Turtle, and did not release the next one, shrinking the Pokémon ball and buckling it on his waist.

"Enough is enough, I give up."

Green still had a stinking face, and pouted slightly, looking very unhappy, but because of the crowd, she seemed to have a lot of words. He silently watched Xie Chen after watching for a while, then turned around, pushed the crowd away and went up the stairs to the deck. Xie Chen just watched his back disappear.

"Boy, your Pikachu is really amazing!"

Seeing that the battle was over, someone surrounded Xie Chen, and Pikachu immediately squatted back on Xie Chen's shoulder. Not very good at coping with this kind of scenes, Xie Chen felt a little dazed to step back. He has heard the whistle of the ship about to go, and the ghost knows how long it took him to fight with Green. In short, he is not like this group of eldest ladies and gentlemen and ladies to enjoy the trip on the Saint Ann. But it’s just to explore and get off the ship as soon as possible. Although he has a flying mantis, he can’t use the flying technique. If he doesn’t make time to get off the ship, I’m afraid he will follow the ship and don’t know where to go. Up.

Xie Chen smiled awkwardly and responded casually to a few words, then immediately turned and ran to the exit.

The time to disembark was just right, almost when Xie Chen's heels just landed on the stairs behind him, he retracted back, and then the boat drove away. It was really close, and now Xie Chen seemed to understand a bit why the Green Club chose to end the battle at that time, and the time card was really good.

Xie Chen took his sleeve and touched the sweat secreted on his forehead from running with all his strength, and exhaled heavily. Pikachu swayed his tail on his shoulders, but did not urge Xie Chen to move on.

Next, go to the next city to challenge. Xie Chen thought about adjusting his state a little to rectify his mood and planned to leave the port. As soon as he turned his head, he ran into Green with his backpack.


In this case, Xie Chen didn't know how to say hello.

Lu raised his head and glanced at Xie Chen, did not respond to his greetings, put the map he was still looking at in his pocket and left, how cold and cold it was.

Probably because of the loss, Xie Chen took it for granted and decided not to care about it. After all, he couldn't manage other people's affairs. Besides, he was not good at comforting others because of what he could manage.

Besides, he still has things he needs to do, and it is impossible to spend his time on an insignificant person. Besides, Green's goal is probably Chi, wanting to defeat Chi, and just want to walk in front of Chi, and Xie Chen is just a bystander passing by, without any intervention.

Even if it is far away, the purple city is quite conspicuous. On the second floor of the connecting passage between the roads and for travelers to rest, even if you don’t use a telescope, you can see the purple in the distance. If you use the telescope, you can see more clearly. Pikachu is also curious to play with the telescope. A handful. ..


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