Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 88: Purple city

Xie Chen just came here to rest. His next destination was the purple city, and his name, Ziyuan Town, was also marked on the map.

It's not a big city, and it seems a bit lifeless. There is no gym where Xie Chen needs to go, but Xie Chen feels that he still needs to go there and take a look.

The quiet and peaceful city seemed to guide him in this way.

Since Xie Chen was only a small town, Xie Chen didn't plan to stay there for a long time, but just crossed the road.

If there is nothing special, you can leave soon and go to cities with gyms to get other gym badges.

The journey wasn't very short. Two or three days passed by Xie Chen, Pikachu and the others. When the purple buildings were already visible, the air calmed down.

It was uncomfortably quiet, and Xie Chen felt a little inexplicable.

Maybe it’s because of the folk customs, but in a place not far away, this kind of silence began to spread. Even Pikachu, who has always been noisy and unable to stop, is not so noisy. He quietly lays on Xie Chen’s shoulders and occasionally goes into his backpack. Can't get out. Obviously I don't like the atmosphere of this city very much.

Just go around two times. Xie Chen thought about stepping into the city entrance.

The city is much quieter than the surrounding area, and there are no newcomers on the street. Everyone is doing their own things tacitly, not saying hello or saying anything, and even the sound of opening and closing doors is deliberately softened.

This is just a small town with no people. The depressed purple forms an invisible circle, which makes people breathless and wants to escape here.

The only big building is a purple tower. Xie Chen leaned closer and looked at the words engraved next to it, which said "Pokemon Tower"

In this city, everyone doesn't seem to like going out so much. Xie Chen only saw a little girl near the tower. She had no companions, just sitting there and playing alone.

There is no Pokémon by her side and no children of the same age. She is just sitting on the ground alone and wondering what she is doing. Xie Chen looked around, and there was no one.

Obviously it should be a big sun, but the sun is not glaring at all. Xie Chen pondered it, exchanged a glance with Pikachu on his shoulder, then stepped forward and bent down to talk to the girl.

"Are you alone?"

So the little girl raised her head and looked at Xie Chen—fortunately, her face was not scary at all. It was great that she didn't have the ghost film that Xie Chen thought in her heart.

The little girl showed a big smile, as if she could sweep away the haze of the city, and let Xie Chen's breathless heart relax a lot.

Look, there is still a normal person!

"Yeah! Because everyone always stays in the house and plays, so there is only me here."

"Why don't you play with other people?"

Xie Chen also put on a small face and squatted down to look at the girl. The girl in front of him was like any child he had seen before. She didn't look as bearish as anyone else. Xie Chen thought of Kenta again. Kenta was a little older than this child and a lovely child. He would become an excellent Pokémon trainer after he was ten years old.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

The girl didn't answer Xie Chen's question, but instead asked abruptly. Xie Chen was asked a little bit inexplicably, but still answered her with a smile. The children's thinking was always fascinating and jumped seriously with them and lost.

"Do not believe."

"Then what is the hand on your shoulder?"

At that moment, Chill climbed up his back, and Xie Chen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Xie Chen felt his hands and feet cold, as if there was a hand on his shoulder, but no, Xie Chen turned his head to confirm.

"Haha, just kidding."

Seeing Xie Chen's reaction seemed a bit unexpected, the girl smiled relaxed again, but this time Xie Chen looked at her smile and there was really no way to get the sun. Could it be that this is why she doesn't play with other children? Because she likes to make such excessive jokes?

But Xie Chen felt that this might not be just a joke. The chill and fear at that moment were real.

Seeing the girl who was lacking in interest and planning to leave, Xie Chen immediately called her out


So the girl stopped and looked back at Xie Chen who was still squatting on the spot.

It's useless to want a child to open up and tell him the truth, just saying that I believe you. They need to give them a clearer concept, such as letting them understand that they are the same kind of people, so Xie Chen immediately changed the way of speaking.

"Is it still here now?"

Xie Chen pointed to the position of the shoulder, which is what the girl said, the position of the hand. He also put on a nervous expression in a mysterious way. But seeing Xie Chen's appearance, the girl smiled easily. She put her hands behind her back and walked back to Xie Chen.

"Not anymore."

The girl’s voice is soft, especially when she talks about these suspected spiritual stories, her tone is always so soft and gentle, as if she will float to the sky with bubbles, as if she is a ghost, and listening It makes a subtle discomfort.

But there was no malice, no matter whether it was behavior or words, Xie Chen didn't hear malice from it, that is, it would make people feel terrible. If it was really there, Pikachu would have to take action first.

Maybe she is a special physique that can see ghosts, or maybe she is one of them. After all, this city also gave him a feeling that ghosts would appear.

"You can see these things, it's amazing."

"Don't you think it's scary?"

The girl tilted her head in doubt.

"Because there are you who can see these, I am not afraid at all. If those things follow me, you will remind me."

Xie Chen touched the top of the girl's head, trying to make herself look amiable.

I always feel that I can't just leave this child alone. ..


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