Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 107: gaming room

Xie Chen instinctively wanted to refute that he was not a child, but his height and face seemed to have no need to refute. Xie Chen sighed and felt even more uncomfortable. He just wanted to see a poster and had to chase someone out. I go wherever I want, and I have never been driven!

"Hayok, bite him!"

So Xie Chen’s response was also very straightforward. When he didn’t hesitate, he would throw the ball. Naturally, the opponent didn’t expect Xie Chen’s actions to be so simple and straightforward. He was caught off guard by the bite of Hayok, and shouted. Fortunately, there are so many people in the game hall that there is a lot of noise, and no one cares about his wailing.

At the moment everyone is staring at the pattern on the slot machine and no one cares about it. Soon the trash fish will drop a sentence and you will run away without any promise.

Naturally, I don’t pay attention to the nonsense of the trash fish. Xie Chen just hummed and patted Haryoke’s head with a trace of natural arrogance. He glanced at the poster of the trash fish guarding him-it seems that there is nothing. Why is that guy so guarding? What?

The poster is just an introduction to a city's sightseeing, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

With that thought, Xie Chen stood on tiptoe and watched it again-this time he found the drawbacks.

A corner was raised on the edge of the poster. Xie Chen originally just wanted to help paste the corner, but he pressed a button.

Next to him, I don't know why the floor of an area surrounded by walls suddenly disappeared.

Now Xie Chen understood why a wall was built there, and it really wasn't there for no reason.

Such a downward staircase seems to invite people down no matter how it looks. Xie Chen couldn't help but curled his lips.

Although I couldn't go to the Rainbow Gymnasium or play the slot machine, it seems that I found an unexpected plot. There is no reason not to play.

It's a pity that Pikachu is not there, and you have to show off after you go back.

Xie Chen predicted that fighting would be indispensable, and it was a pity that Pikachu, who liked fighting, gave up this opportunity.

Xie Chen, who was triumphant in his heart, released the ghost again. Anyway, there is no sun indoors, and the ghosts will not feel hard.

Originally, Xie Chen preferred to have Pokémon with him instead of inside the ball.

Speaking of which, people like this are relatively rare in Kanto and Hezhong. I don’t know if this is also true in other parts of the Pokémon world.

If possible, he would also like to visit other areas. The customs of Hezhong and Kanto are so different. I don't know if it is in other places.

Soon I reached the downstairs floor, and the interior feeling completely changed and became cold. Whether it was the floor, the wall or the ceiling, the metal tone was unified.

And the soundproofing is good. Once inside, the noise of the game hall is inaudible.

Although the content is very different, it seems that the noise level is the same no matter which game hall is. Xie Chen rubbed his ears, and suddenly became quiet, making people somewhat uncomfortable.

"It's the first time I saw this kind of place. Although it's quiet, it's nice that there is no response." At least it doesn't seem too scary. Xie Chen muttered to himself and looked around.

It seems to be quite big here. If you are not careful, you might get lost, so he first asked Guisi to find a route to the next floor. Guisi obediently hid it, and Xie Chen led Hayoke to search everywhere. Get up-what a joke!

No matter how you look at this kind of place, it's a villain undercover. How can you be worthy of yourself if you don't do a good search!

There must be some rare props hidden everywhere, there must be some rare skill machines and the like, but it is my own thing.

Don’t forget what Xie Chen likes to do the most-picking up trash. He picked it up in Yuejianshan. Of course, this opportunity can’t be let go!

......Although this makes Xie Chen look more like a villain.

Hayok's sensitive nose played a big role at this time. Relying on him, Xie Chen also picked up a lot of props and took a lot of detours.

Then, encountered the first enemy.

Black clothes and hat, red R logo on the chest.

Sure enough, this must be the Rockets' den. Xie Chen was not scared at all when he was discovered, but he was even more open when he discovered that it was the Rockets. Xie Chen was not afraid to deal with these trash fish at all.

It happened that Hayoke was also outside, so he cleaned them up.

Since this is a den, the Rockets will definitely not have fewer players. Xie Chen's guess is correct. Fighting is inevitable. Although it is a bit boring, it can be regarded as a warm-up activity before showing off.

Xie Chen had a hunch, since it is a den, there must be someone who can beat him. Since there is someone who can fight, it is not a loss.

Besides, he also searched a lot of props.

With a smile, Xie Chen casually found a place to take a break, and tossed one after another magnet-like thing in his hand. It was one of the props found just now. It looked like a magnet, but Xie Chen knew it was not something as simple as a magnet. , Looks much more expensive than magnets.

At this time, the illustrated book plays a role.

Xie Chen checked the picture book to find out what it was, and it quickly became clear.

"Special metal jacket. The power of the steel trick will increase after carrying it."

"Well, just bring this kind of thing to Flying Mantis."

After all, only Flying Mantis in his team seems to be able to learn the steel trick. Pikachu knows the steel tail, but he already carries the electric beads and can't wear more props.

Just after Xie Chen equipped the Flying Mantis, Guisi also ran back to report that he had found his way to the lower level.

Xie Chen immediately proceeded to the lower level with enthusiasm—just as excited as an adventure or digging for treasure.

Having said that, this is a den of villains, is it okay to be so leisurely?

Of course, this idea was abandoned by Xie Chen in less than two seconds.

What can be more important than waves? The answer is no.

What's more, rare items can be found here. ..


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