Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 108: Exploring

Xie Chen continued to continue his adventure in the Rockets base with great interest, saying that the expedition would be more interesting?

Xie Chen, who had completely used this base as a playground, was very happy to play.

As a relatively stable member of Xie Chen's team, Hayok, even though he was speechless to a child like his master, still honestly stood in front of his investigator.

Nothing will happen anyway.

Perhaps because it is currently the only evolutionary type in Xie Chen's team, Hayok also thinks that he has a different power from other Pokémon.

Pikachu and Guisi are like children, while Flying Mantis is a girl-there are reasons to stand in front anyway. Although his power is always ignored.

Even so, I must want to do something. The more you get downstairs, the more enemies and organs become.

Xie Chen was not afraid of these institutions at all, but added more fun. Xie Chen treated them like amusement park rides.

Hayok also seriously tightened his nerves to keep up with the master's pace-he couldn't do this as fun like Xie Chen.

Soon Xie Chen picked up a lot of props he was interested in and stuffed it into his backpack. Although Xie Chen's movements were cautious enough, he would definitely attract enemies when he was so messy. Xie Chen didn't care about it at all.

There was no fear when he was surrounded by a group of uniformed Rockets.

"It's too troublesome to go one by one, you can go together."

Xie Chen looked provocatively at the miscellaneous fishes that surrounded him.

Soon they were naturally angered by Xie Chen, and then they released supersonic bats and gas bombs, their usual Pokémon.

Naturally, Xie Chen used Hayoke. Guisi is not around now, but does Hayoke have any tricks that can be used for group attacks, so Xie Chen also added Flying Mantis.

Two pairs of N, is also an interesting battle.

"Don't make me feel too bored."

"Smelly boy, I will educate you today, brothers!"

"Who educates, who can't tell, Hayok, bang, flying mantis, attack with wings. Let's solve it all in one breath!"

Xie Chen looked very motivated, so he was rather happy.

But the opponent in front of him is really not enough.

Hayok stood in front of Xie Chen, and at the moment Xie Chen gave the order, he rushed towards the gas bomb in front of him. At the same time, he heard the sound of the wind and his hair was raised by the wind.

There was a heavy impact, and Hayok did not stop his attack. After his body fell back to the ground, he raised his hind paws and jumped again towards other enemies nearby.

There was a chaotic shout, and Xie Chen folded his arms silently. Before he had time to make the next order, this group of people was beaten out of the army. It should be said that the Rockets boss recruited a group of useless trash fish?

I always feel very delicate.

Even a warm-up exercise is not even considered. Hayok killed two or three gas bombs at lightning speed. The Flying Mantis directly used its wings to attack the wind and disturbed the opponents so that they could not find their way. Fight with the trainer.

Under Xie Chen's education, as long as it is an informal battle Pokémon, they are all familiar with the efficient way of fighting their master first. As long as the master becomes only yelling, all the Pokémon they enslaved will lose their threat.

This is also true now.

Soon the group of people evacuated with no root hair left, and Xie Chen sighed again.

"They...really useless. It's been hard work, Flying Mantis, Hayok."

While saying this, Xie Chen took out the Pokémon Ball and retracted the Flying Mantis. At this time, he noticed the people standing in the distance.

. It is naturally not a trash fish of the Rockets, you can tell from the color of the clothes.

Of course, when Xie Chen finally saw the familiar red color, Xie Chen's mood inevitably rose, because after all, that guy is a rare opponent that Xie Chen will meet, and he will rarely meet in such a place for a long time. Friends I haven't seen——

"Chi! Why are you here!"

Chi did not hide, walked to Xie Chen's side and lifted his hat slightly, but still did not speak, just looked around and then looked at Xie Chen.

The personality of Xie Chen, who is accustomed to Chi's dislike of words, actually didn't have any questions in his first sentence. Chi would probably not answer anyway, and he didn't care about it either.

"It's been a long time since you are here. Since you are here, it means that you also care about the Rockets. In that case, let's explore together!"

Xie Chen smiled and threw his fist upwards, and soon he got a red nod in reply.

I haven't seen him for so long, and I don't know if Chi's strength has increased. Xie Chen still wants to see and see, rather than waiting, he can just fight Chi again before going to Rainbow Gymnasium!

Anyway, the owner of the Rainbow Gymnasium is not there.

Just as Xie Chen was struggling with a little abacus in his heart, it was time for Guisi to float back. He was taken aback when he saw the existence of eating, but Xie Chen didn’t look like he was dealing with an enemy, and Guisi was still a little suspicious. The look didn't get too close all of a sudden.

Chi first found the ghost who had returned, patted Xie Chen's shoulder while he was wandering, and pointed to the ghost in the distance.

"Ah, it's Guisi, my new partner." Xie Chen beckoned to Guisi as he explained. "Come here! Chi is a partner."

Although Xie Chen said that, the ghosts still don’t feel relieved. Perhaps the Pokémon of the ghost system is suspicious in nature. In short, he did not express any obvious rejection or liking for Chi, just relying on Xie Chen’s shoulders and did not make any expressions. . Soon Xie Chen knew that he came back because he had found the stairs, and told Xie Chen that the next floor was the last one.

"I just made a lot of trouble, does the person in charge here already know my existence?"

It's troublesome now, you can't pick up trash sneakily. Xie Chen felt very sorry for not being able to pick up trash.

"Well, but since you are the person in charge, you should be able to fight well, right?"..


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