Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 148: Black cavity

There are more and more Kilian around, and Kira Izuru is really tired of the endless and comical quarrel between Omaeda Nozomi and his invisible head.

"Look up."

Just when Jiliang Yizuru was about to liberate the soul-slashing knife "Watsuke", a brilliant red spiritual pressure rushed from the other side, destroying the base security department around them.

Just relying on the impact of the spiritual pressure to dissipate Kilian, this powerful attack power is really surprising.

Even more frightened Oh Maeda Nozomi and Invisible Head, the two brothers stopped arguing and just hugged each other.

At the same time, the three of them looked towards the direction where Lingxiao had rushed over, and the Zuocun Zuozhen and his soul-slashing knife, black rope, Tianqi Wangyi stood there.

"Captain Cypress Village."

"Okay... That's amazing." Nozomi Omaeda and Invisible Head exclaimed at the same time, "It bruised me a little..."

"Yeah." Komamura Zuojin rubbed his shoulders and said, "I have been training for too long, and my body is still a little stiff now."

Since the soul-slashing knife rebellion incident, the Zuo Jin of Yucun was injured by his own soul-slashing knife, the Black Rope Heavenly Scourge King Ming, and has been recuperating in the fourth division without participating in the battle.

Now that he has finished his cultivation, he really wants to show his skills.

Kira Izuru nodded awkwardly

Komamura Zuojin rubbed his shoulders and continued: "If you dare, everything will be solved by me. It won't matter if you do this, but you at least don't get involved in my power."

"Yes." Oh Maeda Nozomi Chiyo said with trembling lips, "I'm very sorry."

And the fat cheeks with the invisible head that hugged him have begun to twist, "Slightly...slightly shorter."

At this moment, the Kuchaki Rukia, Ishida Yulong and others, facing the huge purple-red round creature, have been concentrating on searching for Xie Chen's spiritual pressure since just now.

"No." Kuchiki Rukia sighed softly, and said disappointedly: "I don't feel the pressure of Captain Xie Chen at all."

"Captain Xie Chen..." Inoue Orihime put her hands on her chest and said softly.

Ishida Yulong was holding the spirit bow and kept changing the position. At this moment, he said: "It won't help if this goes on. If you don't think of a solution quickly..."

Ishida Yulong thought for a while, raised the spirit bow and shot a spirit arrow into the sky.

"Wait, Ishida." Chadu Taihu shouted behind him.

The spirit arrow went straight to the huge purple-red creature in front of him. After touching it, there was no sense of impact as imagined. Instead, the spirit arrow sank directly along the surface.

"What is this guy..." Seeing that his attack had no effect, Ishida Yulong said harshly.

Kuchiki Rukia said at this time: "Muramasa's Reiatsu has already lost control. Even with the power of the captain of the Swastika, it will not be easy to defeat him."

"But." Ishida Yulong said: "If this goes on..."

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky beside the few people, and a piece of black ink-like liquid poured down from the sky.

When the black ink fell on the ground, it turned into dozens of gigantic Gillians, and the ink was still rolling down from the sky. "This is..."

Hina Mori, who had been observed nearby at the same time, exclaimed, "Could it be that those guys are coming out."

"Really." Gui Dengmaru also said with a spear on the nearby battlefield.

The glazed peacock stood beside him, looking at Kilian who was constantly forming in front of him, and said in surprise: "Those guys won't want us to deal with it."

"That's it." Ayasegawa Yumi nodded.

"Really." The corner of Madarame looked a little impatient, "additional unnecessary work."

The long-haired woman with Shewei Maru standing in the air on the other side also pinched her waist and looked at Gillian, who was constantly gathering ink in front of her, and said, "It seems that it is not the time to say this or that."

The red-haired girl chuckled, spread her hands and said, "This is no way."

Asani Renji said with a little self-deprecating: "You are in a good time like this."

In contrast, Broken Bee's expression gradually became serious, and he said softly: "But this is no way to continue."

The Evil King standing next to her also frowned. Xie Chen didn't know his safety. Now that a large number of troublesome guys appeared, she was really fed up.

The huge purple-red round creature also swelled at this time, and I could feel that its own spiritual pressure was still increasing.

Kuchiki Rukia stood in the ground and said, "The spiritual pressure of the sphere has increased again."

The black cavity above its head gradually enlarged, and countless blood-red eyes appeared in it, like a red lantern in the dark night.

"It becomes an incentive to increase the size of the cracks, attracting more Daxu, and if it goes on, Daxu will endlessly flood into us."

"Cut." Madarame cut a corner and said, "This is endless."

Guidengmaru carried a spear on his shoulder, and walked forward slowly, "I'm going."

"Where are you going?" Madarame asked.

"That crack, just plug it up and it will be easier to handle."

The corner of Madarame seemed incredible and exclaimed, "Are you an idiot, how can you block such a big thing?"

The traces of cracks in the sky continued to increase, and the black cavity became bigger and bigger. Like a huge black river in the sky, Kilian rushed out of it at this time.

"Crack..." Chadu Taihu exclaimed.

"That's bad." Kuchiki Rukia's eyes looked at the huge black cavity in the sky for an instant, and said: "It's gushing out again."

Feimei hurriedly said in mid-air: "Hurry up and stop them."

"How do you do it?" the gray cat called out loud beside her.

Ohmaeda Nozomi also pointed at the black voice at this time, and said loudly to the invisible head beside him, "Think of a way."

The invisible head also pointed to the black cavity exactly as he did, and said loudly to him: "You hurry up and think of a way."..


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