Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 962: , [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] divine transformation

Vaguely, Li Rui seemed to feel the pain of other transcendents facing him.

But when he was in distress, Wang Lei was also picking his head in his heart.

In any case, Li Rui is second only to [The Immortal Dragon].

Judging from the contacts just now, although there is a gap in frankness between the two sides, they are not as afraid of confronting him as other transcendents.

He can fight in close combat and attack at a distance. The speed is fast, uncontrollable, and he is not afraid of sudden face...

I have never seen this scene before!

Although he was in desperation for life and death countless times in the past, no enemy has brought him a strong sense of powerlessness like Li Rui today.

This guy seems to be able to switch freely among various professions, but there is no shortcoming that can be targeted!

Very annoying!

But when Wang Lei was thinking hard about how to drag him back for a 1V1 man battle, the giant ferocious worm actually rushed towards the golden giant.


Although I don't understand why Li Rui took the initiative to deliver the goods, the stern Xing Tian axe still chopped on the carapace without hesitation.


The colorful axe light split the carapace, and the sharp purple and black claws penetrated deeply into the golden giant.

[Stab of Fear]!


[Indestructible Grip]!

The two people who were drinking each other trembled, their smiles became very reluctant, and their eyelids jumped wildly without control.

On the other side of the battlefield, two behemoths comparable to mountains seemed to have smashed their eyes, and they invariably gave up their defenses, using giant axes and claws to leave a hideous gap on each other.

After a while, the two people adapted to the pain from the Fa, and struggled to swallow a glass of Chinese wine.

"Hehe, Brother Lei, your axe is really exciting."

"You're not bad, it's the first time I have encountered an opponent who dared to fight each other head-on, happy!"

A burst of intense pain gradually stained the eyes of both of them with a trace of anger.

Motivated by the negative emotions, Wang Lei's [Blood Fury] became more irritable, and even Xing Tianxu's divine light glowed with a hint of red.

At the same time, Li Rui's system panel is quietly changing.

Xingtian axe splits the carapace, armor digestion +9...

Anti-injury shock burns cells, magic resistance digestion +7...

Dragon Fury +1!




"Brother Lei, [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] How strong is the seventh damage reduction ability? You are obviously one level lower than me. Why do I feel like I am one level lower than you?"

The more he hits Li Rui, the more he feels wrong. Without Xingtian Axe, his attack power would definitely crush Wang Lei.

But when it comes to fighting, Li Rui feels like he is playing a mythical boss!

The suppressing effect of his secret diamond personality on the golden personality is not reflected at all!

"Hehe, do you know what energy level the seventh stage [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation] corresponds to?"

Wang Lei did not answer directly, but looked at Li Rui with interest.

Frowning, Li Rui faintly understood something based on his own experience.

Seeing the change in his face, Wang Lei smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it's an angel rank!"

"Entering the level of mythology, [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] will undergo an unprecedented transformation."

"Originally, my energy level was not enough to support this power, but fortunately..."

After a pause, Wang Lei looked into the distance leisurely, a colorful divine light reflected in his eyes.

"I have [Xing Tian Axe]!"


The Zerg’s magic phase was swept away, and a canyon-like gap was split between the fly’s chest and abdomen, and there was a faint colorful creeping inside.

It took several seconds for Li Rui to let out a faint muffled hum before he was relieved.

"Others use their own energy to activate the law of magical instruments."

"In turn, you use the energy of the artifact to urge your own divine law..."

Li Rui's chest was rising and falling, staring at Wang Lei's dark golden pupil.

"Yes, this is the only way to maximize the power of [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation]!"

"Then what effect does it have?"

"There are too many effects, but let me just say the most important one..."

Turning his head and looking at Li Rui, Wang Lei had a brutal smile on his face.

"All the attacks against me below the angel rank are reduced by 90%!"

Li Rui: "..."

Well, Mai Pi, you are not right!

His face was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Li Rui finally picked up the bottle and simmered the wine, but his face became more bitter.

No wonder you can't move!

Regardless of his dozens of injury reduction effects, but they are all calculated independently, it is far less powerful than Wang Lei's!

After drinking a few sips of boring wine, Li Rui gradually realized that Wang Lei's approach was not completely flawed.

"Even divine attacks will be reduced by 90%?"

"Yes, fragmented divine attacks will also be reduced!"

"What is a broken system?"

"Simply put, it is not your own comprehension, but a divine attack motivated by other forces."

If he glanced at Li Rui pointedly, Wang Lei turned his head to look at the Zerg's Dhamma that was gradually falling into the wind.

[Giant Hydra], [Landry’s Torture], [Armor of Thorns]...

Thinking of the divine attack that could only be spurred by the system equipment, Li Rui nodded with enlightenment.

"Using a visual analogy, you can imagine it as a shield of law."

"The divine nature that is not "sharp" can only cause negligible damage, and only the same level of divine law can "pierce" it..."

"That is to say, an angel-level, systematic divine attack can crack 90% of the damage reduction?"

The easiest way is to crack with an offensive artifact!

Because a complete artifact must be its own system!

Li Rui's eyes lit up, UU read, but it dimmed in an instant.

[Blood God Orb], [God's Cloth Gauntlets], [Tiamat Crown]...

None of the three artifacts in his hand have been refined, and the soul of the original owner is still suppressed at the bottom of [Rune Land]!

In other words, he can't find a systematic mythical attack method at all!

However, when he heard Li Rui's question, Wang Lei gave him a look of "you are thinking of fart".

"The angel-level person is only on the same level as the seventh stage [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation], returning the damage reduction effect caused by the divine transformation to a normal level."

"The enemy of the Secret Diamond rank hits you, will your fourth level [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] damage reduction effect completely disappear?"

Hearing Wang Lei's rhetorical question, Li Rui slapped himself in his heart.

"Then how much can be reduced?"

"About 40 to 50%."

Can still be halved...

Li Rui's five senses were all worried together, suffering like a chrysanthemum.

Seeing him like this, Wang Lei picked up the wine bottle and filled him with a glass of wine.

"Don't panic, in fact, this situation is not incomprehensible. A higher-personal divinity, or the same level, but a special offensive divine law can weaken the effect of [Eternal Immortality] to a certain extent."

"Of course, the combination of the two is the most obvious restraint."

Li Rui looked at him blankly and said quietly.

"such as?"

"Like Xuanyuanjian."

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