Wang Lei drank the wine in one sip, and the golden giant in the distance suddenly glowed with mysterious light.

Giving up defense, Xing Tian axe flew up and down, using offense instead of defense, smashed the endless cold light, and smashed on the Zerg shell.

However, the exhaustion after the ultimate move has not passed. Although the giant axe smashed Zergs to the heart, it is not fatal in terms of the defense of both sides.

Already used to exchange injuries, sharp claws fell on the golden giant at the same time, but Li Rui's pupils shrank severely.

A strange counter-shock force spread upward along the sickle and claws, like hot magma, destroying wantonly along the meridian.


Two familiar words immediately popped out of his mind, and Li Rui quickly mobilized his qi and blood to annihilate this alien energy.

"[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] endows us with blood and energy like a bottomless abyss. When the speed and agility are not as good as the enemy, we can completely replace the injury with the injury, and injure people with "this"."

Silently pouring wine for Wang Lei, Li Rui looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Brother Lei, I have similar abilities."

"Oh? Your [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] is the fourth stage, right? You actually comprehended such high-end skills?"

Wang Lei held up the wine glass with surprise on his face.

"And I just used it to you."

The wine glass held to his lips froze, Wang Lei pondered for a moment, and after a while he apologized.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now."

Li Rui: "..."

With a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, Li Rui shook his head without entanglement.

[Armor of Thorns] Only black iron step, even with the anti-injury effect of divine transformation, its absolute value is still too small.

Although [Divine Severe Injury] caused great trouble to Wang Lei, the power of anti-injury may be completely offset by the final damage reduction!

It's as if the ant bit the elephant, but it didn't even break the skin. Of course they didn't feel it!

Damn it, if I digest all the extra dual-resistances, and then upgrade [Armor of Thorns] to Secret Diamond, what would I be like?

Secretly slandering in his heart, Li Rui glanced at the remaining extra attributes on the face system panel, and sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, at your age, it is enough to be proud to be able to understand the rebound shock in the fourth stage."

"Back then, I only gradually realized and perfected this set of skills in the fifth stage."

Wang Lei raised his head and braised the wine, grinning grinningly.

"But, do you think this is all? This is just the beginning..."

In the mumbled voice, the golden breath suddenly recovered, as if it turned into a human-shaped black hole, and the space was stretched to fold and ripples, shrinking inward.

The Zerg’s magical form, which looked like a ghost, immediately stagnated, and Li Rui felt like being caught by the gravitational force of a star, and was being pulled over a little bit.

Damn it, as expected, the more advanced the boundaries between magic and martial arts will become more blurred!

The familiar feeling of pulling reminded Li Rui of the [Gravity Well] in another world. The principles of the two skills are completely different, but the final effect is completely the same.

The only difference is that the gravitational well can act on the target over thousands of kilometers, while Wang Lei's traction can only be deployed in a small area around his body. Once the distance is stretched, the pulling effect will plummet!

However, this is deadly enough for soldiers whose main attack method is melee combat!

Run, can't run away!

Hit, you will be injured again!

It may be able to hold it in a short time, but in a protracted battle with [Indestructible Dragon], what awaits them is chronic death.

If you have another day...well...

The old tortured the king!

"Firm, immortal, immortal, eternal..."

"When [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] has cultivated to a certain level and is fully urged, our existence itself is enough to collapse reality!"

Listening to Wang Lei's leisurely recount, Li Rui was curious to pour him wine.

"Just like in general relativity, the mass of a star distorts space, which in turn produces gravity, can our existing "weight" achieve a similar effect?"


Wang Lei chuckled and nodded, grasping the void with five fingers, as if dragging something towards him.

"I am like a more massive star. Once you capture you, you have only one way to confront me head-on."

"And [Eternal Dragon] is best at head-on conflict."

Nodding, Li Rui asked tentatively.

"But it costs a lot to maintain this kind of power? What if the enemy escapes your gravitational pull, isn't it a blood loss?"

"Unless you are far away from me at the beginning, no one can escape from my realm with my seventh level [Eternal Immortality and Infinite Tribulation]..."

Wang Lei sneered triumphantly, but before he could finish his words, the ferocious Zerg Dharma phase was covered with golden light, and at a slow and steady speed, he gradually distanced himself from the golden giant, letting the sinking Xing Tian axe sway away.

"Brother Lei, what did you just say?"

Wang Lei: "..."


Using a drinking gesture to hide his embarrassment, Wang Lei looked up and down at Li Rui with strange eyes, as if he had only known him on the first day.

"That's not right, even though [Eternal Immortal Dragon] has amazing resistance in this respect, your [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] is only the fourth level, why can you escape from my domain?"

"Because I have the power of other systems!"

Li Rui grinned, UU read, but this time Wang Lei was not fooled.

"[The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] increases the resistance of spirituality and high-dimensional power, and its impact on the material level is far less than [Eternal Immortality and Immeasurable Tribulation]. Get rid of the pull!"

" must still have some unknown power!"

Looking at the oppressive sight leisurely, Li Rui smiled and said nothing.

The system’s [Mercury Boots] stacking [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] is a bug!

Not to mention there are [Legendary: Resilience] runes, simple than resistance, I might be more perverted than Wang Lei!

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and Li Rui took Wang Lei's drink again without delay, and the distant Zerg's method switched to the remote bombing mode again, and the overwhelming magic completely submerged the golden giant.

After so long fighting, Li Rui has gradually figured out Wang Lei's attributes.

In the attack aspect, Xing Tian Axe is an anomaly, not to mention it, but in the defense aspect, he is absolutely crushed in all directions.

But even if it is crushed, there is a difference. Relatively speaking, Wang Lei's armor is much higher than magic resistance.

So as long as he can resist his sudden face, in theory the wizard can grind him to death.

Hmm...The premise is that there is enough blue and time...

Thinking of this, Li Rui estimated the rate of blue consumption, and found that even with Ryze’s [Rune Master] bonus, it would be unrealistic to defeat Wang Lei with magic alone.

This guy is too hard, maybe he didn't even enter the kill line when the blue was empty, and he couldn't let go of the [Heavenly Slaughter Divine Sword] at that time.

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