My resistance to magic has increased, and the space seems to be flatter... easier to manipulate...

Fortunately, I left a few upgrade options just in case, and they are used now!

The harsh axe light in the eyes of Zerg Faxiang projected into the soul, but Li Rui did not feel the slightest panic, and even leisurely sorted out the harvest.

A smile flashed across his eyes. It was clearly a critical moment, but he had an inexplicable sense of grace.

Feeling the solidified space firmly holding the worms, Li Rui flashed endless thoughts in an instant.

Rule-level space confinement, brother Lei is unlikely to have such a high level of time and space magic skills, it should be the power given to him by [eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity].

Control the enemy and charge to charge, this set of combo skills can be more cowhide than [Flying Snake Detecting Cloud Hand].

If it's really a crispy skin that gets stuck to the face by Brother Lei like this...

Just fantasizing about that scene, Li Rui couldn't help feeling sad for the hapless ghost.

That's really miserable...

But in a blink of an eye, he came back to his senses, Li Rui released his spiritual sense and sensed the energy flow of higher dimensions.

As a result, loopholes and cracks gradually emerged in the seemingly indestructible space.

Sure enough, the power of the law will be disintegrated by more advanced laws.

But... it's not enough...

[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] The immovability concept has distorted reality and must be conceptually cracked!

Li Rui realized something, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.


A clear spiritual light suddenly bloomed, countless void cracks around the Zerg's Faxiang suddenly appeared and disappeared, and the empty space suddenly exploded with an explosion of glass shattering.

Following Li Rui's thought, the huge Fa-image instantly collapsed into a mass of void particles, disappearing in place without warning.

[Walk in the Void]!


The divine light of Xing Tian axe failed again, the sea slowly "cracked", and a magnificent "gorge" that spread to the end of the line of sight appeared in front of the world.

The terrifying divine power poured into the seabed, as if splitting the earth's skin, the bright red "magma blood" spewed out, and the huge "wound" was licking with steam.

Damn, if this is hit by the [Savior Spirit Blade], you have to fight it out!

Seeing the horror scene caused by Wang Lei, Li Rui's eyelids jumped wildly.

At the same time, the extraordinary senses that had stagnated in time slowly faded, and a faint exhaustion flooded into his mind.

But on the surface, Li Rui calmly helped Wang Lei fill Wang Lei with wine, smiling without saying a word.

"Your [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] is far inferior to me, why can you break the prison?

I don't know if it was because of using the ultimate move, Wang Lei's breathing was a little bit short, and he stared at Li Rui with complicated eyes.

"Because I not only possess [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], but also the power of other systems!"

Nodded, Wang Lei thought he was talking about [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie], and sighed.

"Sure enough, when it comes to the manipulation of the law, it is better to [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]..."

Haha, just relying on the fourth level of [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation] that can break through your seventh level [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation], there will be ghosts!

I only tore the confinement by putting all the power together!

Li Rui still wore a faint smile on her face, looking unpredictable.

Outside the battlefield, all the melon-eating people looked at the "wound" that slashed the earth, Qi Qi fell into silence.

A golden rank cut off this kind of effect is outrageous!

Even if he is holding the [Zhonghua] artifact, this destructive power is too high!

"Can you resist this trick?"

At the headquarters of the [Magic Council] on the Europa continent, a group of black-robed wizards watched the scene in the crystal ball, their faces jumping wildly.

"This kind of power has surpassed the limit of the original stone steps and has reached the God's Domain. It cannot resist but can only hide."

"But he obviously imposes a confinement effect on the target before the move, and he doesn't know how strong this law is..."

"It doesn't need to be too strong, even if there is only a moment of interference that prevents us from breaking through time and space smoothly, then..."

Needless to say, just looking at the "wound" that hasn't healed for a long time, the black robe wizards seem to have foreseen their end.


"Damn it, isn't it that [Indestructible True Dragon] is good at defensive, and its attack is relatively weak? This stepping on a horse is called weak?"

Not only the wizards of [Magic Council], almost all high-level transcendents in the world are scratching their heads frantically.

Even the original stone-step Golden Saint Seiya, who is also known for its defenses, felt his scalp tingling when he saw such an exaggerated sight.

And through the Sky Mothership, the [Mechanical Sect] people who overlooked the battlefield from outer space, they more intuitively saw the scarlet wound that was spewing with "blood".

Also understand the horror of this trick.

"Can the energy shield of our mothership stop this move?"

"This is divine damage. Except for the [Destroyer]-class mothership, all other warships have one axe."

"I now finally know why the captain told us to keep a thousand kilometers away."

"Well, I even feel insecure for a thousand kilometers..."

Behind you are the whispers of the crew, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com Wesley Joe stared at the battlefield blankly, but his brain was calculating fast.

According to the defensive power of [The Last Sanctuary], if I want to block this move, my mental barrier must be at least 97 times stronger!

Simply breaking through the secret diamond is definitely not enough, and even reaching the peak of the rough stone is not safe!

Various data flickered in the brain, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh.

"Oh... I don't understand..."

At the core of the battlefield for a thousand kilometers, the island is still calm, and Li Rui and Wang Lei are still pushing the cups to change.

But the outside world is a **** storm.

Sensing that the golden giant had fallen into a period of exhaustion after the ultimate move, the ferocious insects immediately changed their tactics, and the two hundred-meter-long claws set off endless purple and black sword lights, instantly drowning the enemy.

As if falling into a flesh-and-blood grinding wheel, the golden giant stalked left and right, retreating steadily, and even with Wang Lei, bloodstains appeared and disappeared.

"This shot speed... [Shushan] Few sword lunatics can match you."

After drinking Li Rui's full wine, Wang Lei seemed to feel no pain, staring at him calmly.

"I'm just a talented man, I don't dare to compare with them."

"'s a pity that there are no systematic tricks for such good hard conditions."

"Brother Lei, it has only been six or seven years since I awakened to my full calculation. I have tried my best just to digest my talent."

Li Rui grinned and filled him with wine again.

"That's true, forget it. I just showed you how to deal with long-range crispy skin. Next, I will show you how to deal with flexible and strong fighters."


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