Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 959: , No operation required


The body surface looked like melted gold, and intense water vapor evaporated from the giant's body. Within a few breaths, a cloud of high temperature mist rose on the sea.


In the tumbling and rolling, a huge shadow glowed with dark red blood, emitting a tyrannical roar.


A shock wave exploded on the spot, and the shadow of blood and light flashed away. In an instant, it sprinted across a long distance and sprinted in front of the Zerg's Law.

However, the monster that was a little larger than it disappeared in place at a speed that did not fit its size, letting the great axe that destroys the world and the earth smashed into the air.


The sea is divided into two, and a bottomless "canyon" spreads indefinitely along the direction of the giant axe.

Like a rock fracture, a dull loud noise came from deep underground, causing the entire ocean to oscillate slightly.

After a while, the divine power of distorting reality dissipated, the "canyon" tearing the ocean collapsed, the abyss-like waterfall bridged the collision, and the water wall splashed hundreds of meters high!

But just as the golden giant smashed the air, the Zerg who opened a safe distance pointed lightly with its sickle and sharp claw.

In the sizzling electric sound, the tiny void dark particles suddenly swelled at the tip of the claw.

Like a group of deep black holes, the arc-like void cracks stretch and shrink on the surface of the black hole, pulling up and distorting the surrounding space, shaking up terrible time and space ripples.

In the next instant, black hole particles shot out, and the dazzling starlight thunder danced wildly around the periphery, like a bright meteor, instantly poured into the vest of the golden giant.

[Dark Sacrifice]!


The sea once again exploded a circle of bowl-shaped giant pits, and dozens of millions of tons of seawater were thrown into the sky, and even flew out as far as 50 or 60 kilometers, forming an artificial rainstorm in an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers.

"Just the aftermath of the attack caused a wide range of terrain changes. These two guys are really..."

The beautiful blond elder sister sighed, thinking about it for a long time but didn't think of a suitable adjective.

The pure gold pupils looked towards the gloomy seabed, their eyes penetrated the thick water layer, and saw the golden giant who interrupted the sea mountain range.

Even with the buffering of the ocean, the giant still bombarded a radial deep pit on the seabed, and the dull red magma continued to gush out from under him, and it quickly solidified under the cooling of the sea.

"I am not surprised that they have such power. What is strange to me is that Li Rui actually changed his fighting style!"

Grace frowned and stared at the battlefield suspiciously.

"Isn't he a foolish man? Why didn't he go up there? Instead, he played guerrilla like a mage?"

"It may be that Wang Lei is too hard, and he suffered a loss in close combat, so he avoided fighting."

Listening to Raphael's guess, Grace nodded gleefully.

"Well, it is indeed possible. This is the first time I have seen Li Rui avoid the enemy's edge. It turns out that this guy also has someone who doesn't move!"

But smiling, the arc of Grace's mouth slowly disappeared, and something was wrong.

"Wait, he is so magical, why did he only chop and chop when dealing with us?"

As soon as the voice fell, Grace reacted instantly, with blue veins jumping on his forehead.

"Damn it, doesn't he think that we don't need to operate to deal with us, just hacking it without a brain?"

"Ahem, don't think about it, maybe his tactics were not mature before."

"No, he has always been a master of both demon and martial arts, but his fighting style has always been the way of breaking through with strength and being violent!"

Grace gritted her teeth and stared at the Zerg's method of stepping on the void.

"But facing Wang Lei alone, he chose to avoid his edge and showed a delicate technique that he had never had before."

"This shows that he didn't use his brain at all when he used to fight us!"

After sorting out his thoughts, Grace became more and more angry, wishing to rush up to punish the **** who despised the gods!

But then she changed her mind to think that Li Rui's choice seemed to be fine.

According to the frankness of [Indestructible Dragon], it should have been smeared on the enemy's face.

No matter what type of enemy they face, this is their fastest way to win!

It should be the only way...

[Indestructible True Dragon] is as obvious as their weaknesses, but in many cases they are so powerful that they cover everything, and they can win without thinking.

To put it simply, it is a frontal rolling, so strong and plain.

But the paradox is that Li Rui, a strange player, can actually change the fierceness of [Indestructible True Dragon], and act as a guest of the wizard's flexible and ethereal.

No, I can't say a cameo, the power he showed is even more weird than most rough mages!

It's almost like a tank suddenly turned into a stealth fighter. The combination of two conflicting styles makes people feel awkward to vomit blood!

Uncomfortable, unscientific!


The golden giant roared and shot out from the bottom of the sea, but the Zerg's magic phase kept a safe distance at a speed beyond imagination.

Continuous spells bombarded the giant, creating creeping pits one after another.

But just as the Zerg’s magic phase exploded, the hill-like giant suddenly squatted down, carrying magic, UU reading is like a continuously compressed spring, accumulating power crazily.

This thing is not right!

Li Rui, who squeezed the wine lightly, raised his eyebrows, and the zerg in the distance immediately retreated wildly.

"Xiao Rui, if you just want to beat me by flying a kite, then you are too naive!"

Wang Lei grinned, drank the wine in one sip, and rested the white jade glass on the translucent pale gold table.


Along with his movements, the mountain-like golden giant was like a spring compressed to its limit, instantly releasing energy, and suddenly disappearing in place.

However, the Zerg’s magical form ten kilometers away suddenly froze in mid-air, and the invisible time and space closed around it, confining it to the spot.

The all-destroying colorful axe light tore time and space, leaving a dark void fold along the way, silently falling to the neck of the Zerg.

Li Rui's pupils shrank, and the blue veins on his forehead skyrocketed, and all the strength of his body was poured into the law!

Give it to me, open it!


Facing the stimulus of death spurred all potential, stagnated for a long time, and the bottleneck was shattered in an instant.

Li Ruifu went to the soul, and instantly invested two upgrade options to promote him to the secret diamond rank.

The thick and obscure void energy flows throughout the body, and every cell is covered with a purple-red magic shield that is invisible to others, and the surging energy torrents gather together, condensing into a purple and black light that is indescribable.

The icy cold soaked in the bone marrow poured into the soul, time slowed down, and finally fell into a standstill. The unprecedented Qingming control the brain, giving Li Rui the illusion of controlling everything.

【Void Stone】·Secret Diamond Step

The hero’s magical damage is reduced by 35%, and the hero gains a bonus to gods.

Curing characteristics, space manipulation!


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