Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 958: Under the gods, no one can stand in stalemate with me

At the other end, the melon-eating people on the periphery of the battlefield deeply felt the volcanic power swelling in the two monsters.

As time goes by, [Atama’s Liquidation], [Landry’s Torture], [Conqueror]...

One by one, the special effects were gradually activated, Li Rui's attack power began to rise linearly, and the ferocious Zerg's method slowly gained the upper hand.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure personally, Wang Lei shook his head with emotion.

"Xiao Rui, you gave me another surprise."

"Holding the Xingtian Axe, I was actually suppressed by you in terms of attack power!"

"In just six or seven years, how did you practice?"

Li Rui grinned at Wang Lei's curious gaze.

"Hey, let's practice."

Shaking his head, Wang Lei didn't delve into it, he just watched the two giants entangled and fight, as if the **** storm outside had nothing to do with him.

"Brother Lei, you can use whatever hole cards you have, otherwise you will lose."

Wang Lei raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"I have [the body without leakage] and I am invincible. You are equivalent to my blood bank. The longer the fight, the better for me. How can I lose?"

"That's not necessarily the case, you have [Impermissible Body], I have [Armor of Thorns]..."


Listening to Li Ruiwei's unchecked mutter, Wang Lei didn't understand yet, suddenly he felt a sharp pain that pierced his soul.


There was a gap in the white jade cup in his hand. For the first time since the start of the war, his breath was out of control.


The effect of Thorns Armor's severe injury is transformed into divine severe injury, weakening the enemy's 90% health regeneration. If there is no divine force of the same level to expel, the effect will last forever.

In just a few seconds, Wang Lei used Xing Tian Axe to destroy the alien divinity, and the cold dark golden dragon pupil looked directly at Li Rui's eyes.

"It's a bit like Monichka's authority, but there are subtle differences..."

Carefully savoring the agonizing pain, the tyrannical darkness in Wang Lei's eyes rolled, his chest undulating violently, and he seemed to have an irrepressible desire for destruction.

"Xiao Rui, it's the first time you came into contact with Monichka that you were only bronze steps? You can actually steal his original authority..."

"No wonder he is reluctant to let you go..."

Just after speaking, Wang Lei frowned suddenly, and once again felt the pain of lashing his soul.

Looking at the golden giant who was obviously in a disadvantage in the distance, his face couldn't help showing a trace of distress.

This kind of divine authority is not too strong, giving him a few seconds can easily suppress the expulsion.

But the problem is that he can't just be beaten and not fight back during the battle. Once he fights back, the new alien divinity will come back, adding "buff" to him again.

Not fatal, but the thief is disgusting.

Basically, his bloodsucking ability was also abolished, and he and Li Rui were on the same starting line again.

"It's really interesting, Xiao Rui, I'm getting more and more excited now."

Facing the unexpected dilemma, Wang Lei didn't feel discouraged, but showed a grinning smile from his heart.

"Since you showed your hand, then I can't show weakness..."


The giant axe swept across, and the silent golden giant suddenly exploded with unexpected power, instantly blasting the alien insects away.

A scorching red light appeared in the chest of the heavy golden giant, as if a sun was beating in its chest.

The dark red color like magma spreads through the giant's body, gradually covering it with a weird and cruel blood.

"what is this?"

Li Rui gritted his teeth and asked hard when he felt the damage suffered by the spiritual and physical elements.

"[Blood Fury], use the stimulation of pain, combine emotions with qi and blood, and manifest the illusory spiritual power into substance."

"The more pain I endure and the heavier the injury, the stronger the strength I gain!"

"By the way, as long as I deliberately immerse myself in the emotion of [Blood Fury], theoretically my strength will swell endlessly!"

"Until...beyond your limit!"

Seeing the grinning smile on Wang Lei's face, Li Rui slowly let out a suffocating breath.

"No wonder Han Ran dare not stand in stalemate with you."

Wang Lei sneered and looked at the golden giant who had regained the upper hand.

"Under the gods, no one can stand in a stalemate with me."

"I don't believe that the power of [Blood Fury] really has no upper limit!"

Li Rui shook his head, staring into his eyes blankly.

"Indeed, theory is only theory. Both my will and my body have limits, but don't forget that [Blood Fury] is the power to enhance the self..."

"And every time [I]'s strength increases by 1 point, it will become 100 points under the magnification of Xing Tian axe."

"There is no [Zhonghua] artifact, just rely on the [Blood God Orb] and other tattered things to compete with me, before reaching the [Blood Fury] limit, you will be crushed."

Wang Lei still stared at the battle outside the island, his eyes long.

Li Rui pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

"Not always!"


Wang Lei finally retracted his gaze and looked at him doubtfully.

"Brother Lei, did you forget?"

Li Rui looked at him deeply and patted her chest.

"I, Li Rui, are a mage!"

Wang Lei: "..."

The confused expression replaced the cruel and ferocious, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui dullly, his brain was still unable to connect the word mage with the face in front of him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Wait, let me stroke it."

Wang Lei covered his mouth and pondered, thought carefully, analyzed carefully, and suddenly realized with the last hammer in his palm.

You are teasing me!


The Zerg's Magic Phenomenon slashed the golden giant away and opened the distance instantly.

Purple-black dark flames bloomed on it again, and the huge magic power connected the sky and the earth, stirring up the tide of spiritual energy spreading thousands of kilometers.

The mysterious runes on the chitin carapace lit up one by one, and terrifying energy flowed through it, as if the nuclear fusion engine was activated. With the Zerg’s magic phase as the center, the air within one kilometer began to gradually twist and oscillate.

The primitive runes are indeterminate like breathing, vomiting aura of heaven and earth. Tiny void cracks flickered around the carapace, annihilating all the matter it came into contact with.

Looking down from space a thousand kilometers away, the entire center of the Pacific Ocean is covered by a vortex of spiritual energy. At the center, a terrifying monster is arbitrarily stretching its strength.

Feeling the power of the world stirred by the zerg, Wang Lei smashed his mouth and looked at Li Rui in disbelief.

"Are you really a mage?"

"It's like a fake replacement, don't forget, I have also studied [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]!"

Li Rui grinned triumphantly, and the Zergs in the distance opened its hideous mouth at the same time. A translucent beam of light instantly penetrated the air and bombarded the golden giant.

[Wild Scream]!

The range of power is condensed into a line, and the single lethality doubles.

Even with the defensive power of the golden giant, it was instantly bombed into the bottom of the ocean, exploding a circle of thousand-meter-high waves.

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