Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 957: The body without leakage

"be quiet!"

The crisp voice was ethereal and sweet, but when it spread to the distance, it looked like thunder.

The tall girl is like a king who speaks the law. In just two words, the roaring sea under her feet immediately converges into a ferocious "fierce look", the waves are calm, like a gentle pet crawling under her feet.

Your Majesty can already use the power of Seagod?

Several golden saints looked at each other, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

But in the next instant, it seemed that a nuclear bomb was detonated on the bottom of the sea, and the sea in front of it exploded. Tens of thousands of tons of seawater were sent to the sky, forming water mist that stretched for dozens of kilometers.

In the steaming mist, a huge shadow of no friends flashed away, colliding with the heavy golden giant.


It was as if two solid iron **** with a diameter of several hundred meters collided, and the horrific and low vibrations killed the only living organisms around them—microbes.

At this point, all things within the core battlefield were extinct, leaving only a group of high-level transcendents hiding in a safe distance and looking at the battlefield.

The deep shock swept across the world, even with the filtering of the golden saint clothing, Corneus still felt his heart tighten, as if being run over by an invisible mountain.

But the expected shock wave that would destroy the heavens and the earth did not arrive. In the misty water mist, the ferocious Zerg's Phytomorphology also condensed the external energy, and the purple and black void flames turned into indefinite runes, in the real chitin The carapace moves upstream.

The sharp claw and the giant axe were in a stalemate, and the terrifying force collided between the two laws, but did not reveal the slightest residual wave.

"Qi and blood are like mercury, blending the primordial primordial essence, and ordinary rough stone steps can hardly control the energy to such a degree, Xiao Rui, you have already entered the room."

Wang Lei sips the drink lightly, and the dark golden dragon pupil slightly picks, as if a hungry behemoth is locking its prey.

"But I'm still not as good as Lei Ge, who can actually penetrate every trace of qi and blood, making me completely unable to move. This is the real unity of mixed elements."

Li Rui faintly sighed, looking at the completely materialized golden giant, purple light flashed in his eyes.

"It's unbelievable. This ability can no longer be explained by control. Not to mention the golden level whose spirituality has not yet begun to be restrained, even the pinnacle rough stone can at most weaken my qi and blood plundering ability. leak."

Turning his head to look at Wang Lei deeply, Li Rui's eyes were burning and he made a firm assertion.

"Brother Lei, this shouldn't be your own ability, but the effect of the law given to you by [Eternal Immortality]."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Wang Lei suddenly grinned grimly.

"Yes, at a low level, few people can plunder the enemy's vitality on a large scale, but at a high level..."

After drinking a toast, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui who was pouring himself and said quietly.

"Many people will start to try to plunder the enemy's energy and blood to make up for themselves. If we don't have the strength to restrain ourselves, no matter how strong our energy and blood are, it's just a wedding dress for others."

"You have a glimpse of the mystery of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], immovable, immortal, immortal... these concepts are not all of him."

"In order to resist external demons, and even the erosion of time, the [Impermissible Body] is the only way to eternity!"

Listening to what Wang Lei said, Li Rui was silent for a moment, then slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"So... I can also gain this power in the future?"

Wang Lei glanced at him and nodded: "As long as you can survive today."

"Hey, on Gou Ming, I'm still more confident."

Li Rui chuckled and suddenly changed the topic: "However, since the [Impermissible Body] is the power of the law, it can theoretically be broken down and destroyed by the higher-order law, and it is not absolutely unshakable."

Glancing at Li Rui, Wang Lei nodded with a grin.

"Yes, the power of the law is declining. If you face a certain deity who is in charge of the [qi and blood] domain, the [Impermissible Body] will at most cause him some troubles, far from being restrained."

"Therefore, there is no absolute strength. Some seemingly unsolvable situations are simply because your personality is not high enough."

"For example, the blood clan is a master who manipulates the magic power of Qi and blood. If I face a certain [True Ancestor], I will most likely be restrained by him."

"In this regard, your little girlfriend should have a great say."

Hearing this, Li Rui paused slightly and frowned solemnly.

"I have a lot of young girlfriends, which one do you mean?"


Wang Lei's complexion was stagnant, and his eyes slowly narrowed, his eyes sharpened.

"I'm joking, Luo Li is indeed very talented in this area. I have also studied with her father Prince Abel for a while, and I have really benefited a lot."

But in the seemingly leisurely conversation between the two, the two statues outside were beaten to the ground.

In the unpretentious collision, there were "ripples" visible to the naked eye in time and space, and every confrontation would set off a deafening roar.

Terrible waves are conducted along the atmosphere, and violent energy collisions can be detected even in Africa on the other side of the earth.

"It's a terrible power. If I didn't know the abilities of the two in advance, I would think it was two mythical creatures fighting each other."

In the aerospace mothership outside the atmosphere, the adjutant shivered while collecting combat data

"There are more terrible things."

Wesley Joe grinned, staring at the battlefield, reluctant to move away.


The adjutant looked at him blankly, his little head filled with big doubts.

"Hehe, you'll know by pulling out the timeline of energy changes."

When the adjutant thought, the complicated and messy data immediately turned into intuitive graphics and appeared before his eyes.

The two curves representing the energy indices of the opponents rise gently and steadily, as if no limit is visible.


The adjutant gasped, and finally understood what the chief said.

The most terrifying thing is not how horribly they fought, but the most frightening thing is that they have not done their best yet!

"They may be the two strongest fighters on earth."

"Energy ranks are meaningless to them. You see, the blood is restrained and condensed, and every trace of energy is used on the blade. Ordinary rough stone soldiers may not be able to achieve their level."

"It is precisely because the destructive power has been cancelled out that the influence of the external power has become inconspicuous, which gives people the illusion that the energy index has not changed."

"But in fact, they are undergoing earth-shaking improvements every second. They are dangerous and dangerous, and they may only be experienced when they are on the scene."

Seemingly aware of Wesley Joe's eagerness, the adjutant grabbed his sleeve and looked at him pitifully.

"Captain, you can't go down."

The tight muscles gradually relaxed, and Wesley Joe rolled his eyes and broke away from the pull of the adjutant.

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