Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 956: Qi and blood atresia

Every collision between the sickle claws and the giant axe will explode a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye, and the trembling heavy explosion ripples sweep across the sky and open a huge hole in the sky.

As if returning to the Primordial Primordial Era, the giant gods who ruled all things were fighting and fighting, and the aftermath of the fight was enough to make them desperate.

But at the core of the most tragic battlefield, everything was calm.

Li Rui and Wang Lei are still sitting opposite each other, drunk openly, the whole island is covered by the round pale golden film, separating the two worlds, inside and outside.

Inside it was to push the cup and change the cup, talking and laughing Yan Yan.

Outside are mountain-like laws fighting each other, setting off waves that sweep the ocean.

A strange sense of confusion came to my mind, and Wesley Joe shook his head to enlarge his vision.

Circles of "ripples" appear across the Pacific Ocean, and the surging power spreads outwards through the medium of water. Even if it spans a distance of thousands of kilometers, it can still set off waves of several meters high.

Fortunately, the battle between the two [Indestructible Dragons] cannot be compared with the energy released by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

Although the battlefield was devastated in the middle of the battlefield, when placed in the dimension of the planet, it could only tickle Mother Earth, and the after waves that spread out will soon decay under various resistances.

"Did the calculation result come out?"

"Well, the wave speed of the combat tsunami is close to 1,000 kilometers per hour, and it will reach the west coast of North America in 7 hours and the west coast of South America in 11 hours..."

"However, the tsunami blown by this kind of wind decays quickly, and the destructive power is not large. The coastal areas of the Australian mainland that are the first to be hit will have huge waves. Hehe, those surfers are blessed."

Wesley Joe cast a blank look at the adjutant, and the senior surfing enthusiast immediately lowered his head in disbelief.

"Although the destructive power is not great, we still have to issue marine disaster warnings just in case, and let the fishing boats operating abroad return to the port to avoid danger."

"Huh? Need it? When they return to the port, the battle will be over long ago?"

The adjutant blinked puzzledly, and Wesley Joe turned around and once again focused his gaze on the blue planet under his feet.

The subtle golden light reflected in his eyes, and after a long time, he muttered to himself.

"The ghost knows how long these two monsters will fight..."

And in the center of the battlefield, the pure golden Sky Giant's body surface began to show strange dark patterns.

These patterns squirmed as if they had life, and gave the originally majestic and pure golden giant a trace of evil charm.


The sharp scythe and claws swept across the giant's neck and pulled out a golden spark more than ten meters long.

A blood stain appeared on Wang Lei's neck sitting in front of Li Rui at the same time, and it quickly closed and contracted and disappeared.

In the next instant, the golden giant smashed the Zerg’s side with an axe, and the thick carapace burst out loudly. Li Rui, who was drinking, had a halt and swallowed the wine with difficulty.

Slowly giving a thumbs up to Wang Lei, Li Rui pulled out a barely smile.

"Haha, Brother Lei, it's hard enough!"

"This is just a warm up."

Wang Lei bared his white teeth and smiled grimly.

"Next I will let you see the true power of [Indestructible Dragon]."


"You have practiced [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] for too short, and the control of qi and blood is too immature. Remember, hold the original and keep one, and the enemy will never be able to touch you."

The hand that was pouring wine for Wang Lei paused for an instant, and Zijin's pupils shrank slightly.

In the world outside the island, the brilliant golden giant suddenly converged its brilliance, and the last bit of illusion disappeared, as if there was a real and true great giant in the world!

System: "The enemy hero's vitality and blood are locked, and the system bloodsucking law cannot shake the opponent, and all exogenous bloodsucking abilities are invalidated."

The system reminder that sounded in his mind made Li Rui's vest chill. He couldn't help but glanced at Wang Lei's watery cheeks and exhaled a foul breath.

Is there such an operation?

What is the foundation of his protracted war?

One is the deep blood volume, and the other is the powerful recovery ability!

Over a dozen blood-sucking effects are superimposed on each other, and the enemy is one's own blood bank.

And abolishing the blood-sucking ability in the heads-up, means that he can only work hard with Wang Lei.

But when he glanced at a rune that had been fully activated, a cloud of haze flashed across Li Rui's eyes.

【Cut down】·Silver Stage

The additional damage to the enemy will increase linearly, and the target enemy’s health limit is increased by 10% over the host, and the additional damage will be increased by 1.5%. (The upper limit of the Silver Tier is 100% health difference, and the damage is increased by 15%.)

The most worrying thing happened. With a 100% life gap, based on his current blood volume of more than 700,000, Wang Lei's life value was at least 1.5 million!

It's ridiculous!

Who is the opener?

Before Li Rui could come up with a countermeasure, the golden giant suddenly launched a fierce offensive. The terrifying Xing Tian axe carried the world-breaking coercion, and blasted the Zerg method with all his strength into the ocean.

The sea was smashed into a bowl-shaped giant pit, and nearly a kilometer of waves blew up around it, and the steaming water vapor sprayed dozens of kilometers away, engulfing all the people watching the battle.

"Wang Lei is just an untouchable iron knot, Li Rui can't do it."

Grace pursed his lips and smiled happily, but Raphael beside him shook his head solemnly.

"Neither of them are serious yet, UU reading will be the highlight next."

And just a few kilometers away from them, a few saints wearing gold armors looked at the battlefield with emotions.

"Is this the power of [Indestructible True Dragon]? I really want to fight him!"

"If it's only the current level, we still have a chance to win."

"Indeed, both of them are too bulky."

"If it is a senior Luce Parker of Sagittarius, speed and range alone can kite them to death."

Several saints were talking enthusiastically, and suddenly realized that Corneus had been silent.

"Coneus, what are you thinking?"

The silent young man shook his head and muttered to himself while looking deeply at the surging healing ocean.

"Li Ruike is not bulky at all..."

The other golden saints looked at each other, and were about to question them. Suddenly, they felt in their hearts and looked forward together not far away.

In the next second, colorful divine light bloomed, and a girl in a white Greek dress stood in the void, looking into the distant battlefield.

"Your Majesty the Goddess!"

The golden saints saluted in surprise and subconsciously protected the girl in the center.

"Your Majesty is refining [Aris]'s authority? Why did he come here in person?"

The golden saints exchanged their eyes quietly, and they all saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

Only Corneus knew how much the goddess valued Li Ruide, and there was no wave in his eyes.

Seeing the roaring turbid sea, Sae Kazama stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and a dazzling trident instantly solidified.

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