Wang Lei looked at Li Rui quietly, and suddenly grinned after a while. The white teeth looked like giant carnivores, which made people shudder.

"In this world, no enemy dared to approach me within ten feet, Xiao Rui, you are the first."

Li Rui smiled slightly, and looked at him leisurely, his dark pupils slowly contracted, and purple awns and gold threads gradually dazzled in his eyes.

The dark golden dragon pupil and the purple golden dragon pupil collided in the air, and the invisible power made the entire island tremble slightly.

"Brother Lei, don't forget, I am also [Indestructible Dragon]..."

Reaching out and touching the air in front of him at will, a small translucent light gold table made of pure energy condensed instantly took shape.

As if not seeing the tyrannical, bloodthirsty and murderous sight in the dark golden dragon pupil, Li Rui took out two small white jade cups and poured the wine leisurely.

"Come on, taste the Dragon Bone Wine from another world."

Looking at the small white jade cup steadily placed in front of him, Wang Lei stroked the translucent pale gold small table, and it took a long time to lift the cup and drank it.

"Energy materialization, Xiao Rui, your progress will always exceed my expectations."

"Thanks to Brother Lei for taking care of it."

Li Rui smiled and refilled him with wine.

From a distance, the two of them are like ordinary buddies gathering together, drinking and chatting with each other.

But under the feet of the two of them, the rocky island kept trembling, and some unremarkable stones on the edge seemed to lose weight and slowly floated into the air. Then they were crushed into dust by invisible forces and dissipated without a trace.

The outer waves became more and more violent, spreading out in circles, looking down from space, it seemed that there were two huge dragons tumbling and stirring on the bottom of the sea, setting off a storm that spread across the entire ocean!

And in the sky, dark clouds and thunder madly converge towards the center, and the violent storms that stretch for thousands of miles are rapidly taking shape.

"I didn't take care of you, you don't need to be grateful."

"It was you who led me in back then. The kindness of meeting you will be unforgettable."

"Hehe, if you know my true inner thoughts, I guess you won't be so naive."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!"

Wang Lei drank the wine in one sip, showing a cruel cold smile.

He leaned down slightly, as if Taishan fell, looking directly at Li Rui's eyes with a sense of boundless oppression.

"Plant a seed in spring, and water it hard in summer to produce fruit. When the fruit matures in autumn, I can pluck it and eat it..."

"But I didn't expect you to mature so quickly, Xiao Rui."

"Originally, I was prepared to wait another 20 or 30 years, but now... as long as I eat you, I can set foot on a higher sequence and reach the eternal and immortal shore..."

The dark golden dragon pupil was cold and vast, and the boundless darkness rolled under Wang Lei's eyes, staining the whites of his eyes with a strange black ink color.

The brilliant golden thread flickered and struggled in the deep pupils, but could not prevent herself from being swallowed by the boundless darkness.

Li Rui was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly raised her head with a bright smile on her face.

"Brother Lei, if you talk about food, then I won't be sleepy!"


The dumped mountain slowly returned to normal, Wang Lei sat upright, took the Dragon Bone Wine filled by Li Rui, and drank it all in one go.

"I now know why you can be friends with Xiao Huang."


Li Rui smiled and filled his glass with wine again.

"When it comes to eating, I’m not blowing it, what [Nine Infants], [Yaqi Orochi], [Munihka], [Tiamat]... What other strange evil gods, every I have tasted all of them carefully."

"Without these nutritious foods, how can I grow to where I am today in a short time?"

While chatting and laughing, Wang Lei remembered Li Rui's past record, grinning insignificantly, showing dense white teeth.

"To be honest, I have always been curious about how far you have grown."

Sensing Wang Lei's tyrannical energy around the corner, Li Rui calmly picked up the wine glass.

"You have avoided fighting with me in the past few years, probably for today?"

"Of course, the sweetest fruits must be reserved until they are ripe to enjoy."

"Actually, I am also looking forward to fighting with you..."

Li Rui looked deeply into Wang Lei's eyes, his gaze seemed to have pierced the darkness, looking straight at his soul.

"Between the two of us, who is the strongest [Indestructible Dragon]?"

Wang Lei didn't seem to see Li Rui's gaze. He raised his head and braised the keel wine and slapped the white jade glass on the table.

"Very simple, the one that survives is the strongest!"


A face was blurred, as if a giant made of gold slowly condensed and formed behind him.

Almost at the same time, with a body length of several hundred meters, the sacred worms, like a mountain, turned from virtual to solid, and primitive gilt clouds appeared on the thick purple-black carapace, faintly exuding power fluctuations of the same root and the same origin as the golden giant.

Two monsters of the same size stood facing each other in the void, and the translucent pale golden "earth" spread infinitely under their feet.

Among them, Wang Lei and Li Rui are still sitting opposite each other.

Li Rui even refilled Wang Lei with wine.

The fuzzy-faced golden giant stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. A sharp, simple and vicious giant axe took shape in his hand.

"This is Xing Tian Axe, really a cruel fellow, no wonder he can compete with Xuanyuan Huangdi..."

Sensing the tyrannical and transpiring power in the artifact, Li Ruiyouyou sighed with emotion, as if it was nothing to do with him, raising the wine glass and gently touching Wang Lei.


The moment the two wine glasses collided, the golden giant and the ferocious worm collided, and within a ten-thousandth of a second, the world was filled with dazzling light than the sun.

On the blue ocean, a golden sphere "slowly" expanded, setting off a nearly 100-meter-high tsunami, exposing the dry and cracked "land" in the center.


The world in front was suddenly replaced by pure white, and after a short period of blindness, the ocean covered by dark clouds resurfaced.

Immediately afterwards, the high-temperature foe wind came oncoming, blowing the golden hair hunting and flying.

Grace and Raphael looked at each other, collapsed into a light particle and disappeared in place.

It has begun, and the civil war of [Indestructible Dragon] has begun!

Not only them, but the high-level transcendents on the entire earth have cast their sights on the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Various detection methods cover the battlefield without dead ends, and two equally brutal and crazy monsters clearly appear in front of the world.

On the high-altitude orbit a thousand kilometers away from the battlefield, Wesley Joe left the captain's seat, walked slowly to the window, and stared directly at the battle at his feet.

The dark pupils gradually shrank, condensing into the size of a needle like a high-powered telescope.

And in his field of vision, the two horrible phenomena are constantly magnified, and the details are projected on the eyeballs.

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