Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 954: ,I'm coming

At the same time, in the classical courtyard of Europa, two beautiful blonde figures with golden pupils are talking excitedly.

"Li Rui has entered the Pacific Ocean, and he must have discovered Wang Lei's traces. Two generations of [Indestructible Dragon] civil war, I want to see who is more resistant to beating!"

"Grace, are you going to watch the game?"

"Sure! [Zhonghua] Civil War, this is only once in a few hundred years."

"You forgot the last time Ulay looked into the [Zhonghua] Civil War, and as a result, the [Kabbalah Tree of Life] was almost cut off, and it hasn’t regained vitality until now."

"That was a fight between immortals in the Primordial Era, now a golden rank and a secret diamond rank, who can hurt me?"

Lifting her chin gently, Grace's eyes stopped, and various pictures flashed in her mind.

Li Rui’s hideous expression in the secret realm of Atlantis, the [Twelve Capitals of Gods Array] unfolding in [Izumo Kingdom], the engulfing of Zerg’s magic phase [Yaki Orochi], [Holy Grail War] 】Zhongyijian dies the avatar of the gods...

The confident smile faded away, she frowned and nodded thoughtfully.

"How about Raphael, you go with me, let's stay away, if we die, we can resurrect each other."

Raphael: "..."

On the Greek peninsula not far from them, several burly figures wearing golden armors sensed the fluctuations in the atmosphere that circled the earth several times, and could not help but conceal their eyes.

"It's [Zhonghua]'s [Indestructible Dragon], shall we go see it?"

"Your Majesty the goddess is refining authority, we have nothing to do, leave a few people to guard the twelfth house, and the rest will go if you want."

In a brief silence, a burly young man came forward first.

"Koneus, you have already touched the bottleneck of gold. This time to watch the battle is very good for you to break through the secret diamond. Go and see how terrifying the world's strongest gold rank is!"

A middle-aged man in a commoner robe patted him on the shoulder, his bright eyes full of encouragement.

"Senior Gadofield, do you know Wang Lei?"

Corneus looked at him curiously, and asked respectfully.

Gadofield turned his head and looked out of the window, the magnificent sea reflected in his pupils.

Obviously he didn't say anything, but Corneus tasted a bit of bitterness in his eyes.

"A long time ago, I played against him."

Not only Corneus, but the other golden saints' eyes lit up, staring at him scorchingly.

"At that time, he was silver, my secret diamond, we played three days and three nights..."

Withdrawing his gaze, Gadofield's gaze crossed the faces of several juniors, and he laughed mockingly.

"It's no match."


Silver vs. Secret Diamond? Three days and nights? Regardless of the outcome?

All the golden saints showed black question marks on their faces, and they couldn't imagine the scene at that time even if they wanted to break their heads.

"Senior, didn't you have armor at the time?"

Ordinary Silver Tier can't fight the secret diamond even with a magical tool, but if it is a genius like Wang Lei, with a powerful magical tool, it should be able to cross the two tiers and draw the enemy.

But the premise is that the other party is a naked secret diamond...

Gadofield laughed and shook his head, his eyes seemed to be more bitter.

"Not only did I wear the armor, but I also used my full strength, but the man's body is almost comparable to the holy cloth. No matter how terrible the damage I cause him, he can quickly recover and become more resilient!"

The scene fell into dead silence again, and everyone was silently digesting the information in their hearts.

Each of them is a saint in the eyes of the world, so they understand the horror in the words of the middle-aged.

The artifact is a power amplifier, two different energy levels use artifacts, then the absolute power between them will not only not be reduced, but will open a huge gap!

For every energy level higher, the gap will be exponentially enlarged!

And Wang Lei actually reached a tie with Senior Gadofield in the second tier?

What kind of fairy is he?

Suddenly, even people who were not very interested in [Indestructible Dragon] started to itch. They wanted to see those two monsters beyond common sense fighting each other, who would be better?

In his mind, Corneus even recalled the scene of fighting with Li Rui in the secret realm of Atlantis.

At that time, his body seemed to be comparable to the saint clothing, indestructible!

In addition, after so many years of growth, how far has he evolved?

Do I still have a chance to defeat him?

Looking at his palm in confusion, his sharp golden fingers slowly squeezed, and Corneus's eyes gradually became clear and firm.

No matter how powerful he becomes, he cannot crush my fighting spirit!

"Senior Gadofield, please protect the zodiac."

Seeing the renewed fighting spirit, the gray-haired middle-aged man raised his mouth in relief.

"Go, [Zhonghua] has an old saying, knowing the shame and then being brave, knowing your own gap but chasing it harder, this is our proud little lion!"

Patting Corneus on the shoulder, the middle-aged man turned his arm around and left.

Behind him, a stream of gold flashed across the sky, tearing the atmosphere and setting off a deafening roar.


On the endless ocean, the blue sky and the deep ocean are linked together, wrapping the whole world in a azure blue. UU reading www.

Following the guidance of power, Li Rui came to the most central area of ​​the Pacific Ocean.

If you take this area as the center and look down from space, almost the entire earth is surrounded by sea water, and no land can be seen.

The nearest continent is also thousands of kilometers away, enough to make two [Indestructible True Dragons] free to fight!

Only the countries along the Pacific Rim are suffering. The harsh sirens echoed at the Disaster Response Center, constantly reminding of the likely upcoming earthquake and tsunami.

Gradually slowing down, Li Rui turned around and dived toward the sea.

A piece of land the size of a needle's eye quickly enlarged in the eye, and soon turned into a bare island.

From movement to silence, Li Rui seemed to lightly touch the ground like a feather, and then the roar of tearing air sounded all over his body.

A brawny man in ragged clothes sat in the middle of the island, slowly raising his head.

Brutality and calm coexisted in the dark golden eyes. The two looked at each other for a long time before Wang Lei pulled out a hideous smile.

"You came."

"Well, here I am."


Wang Lei pointed to him, but Li Rui shook his head solemnly.

"No, Brother Lei, you should say very deeply: You shouldn't have come."

Wang Lei looked at Li Rui blankly, rubbing his eyebrows after a while.

"Read less novels and don't learn from that idiot Aya Xiyi."

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, Li Rui sat in front of Wang Lei with his face unchanged, and took out a thick and thick wine bottle.

"Brother Lei, you worked hard at Qingqiu to dry the vixen, come and make up for yourself."

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