Feng Hanran was shocked, staring at the old man in disbelief.



Taking a breath, the sluggish expression solidified on the spot, Feng Hanran recovered after a long time.

"Including [Life, Death, Obscure, Disillusionment, Two Instrument Dust Array]?


"Did you pass [Ziqing Double Sword] to him?"

"Because of this [Slaying Dragon] mission, temporarily borrow her to use it."


Having been unable to speak for a long time, Feng Hanran looked at the fading aura, and the corners of his mouth seemed to taste bitter.

Xiao Rui, you have to come on!


"His Royal Highness Qiuzi, that group of aura is coming towards the island, and it is expected to enter the airspace in a few minutes."

"[Zhonghua] Is there a reply over there?"

"They didn't give a specific explanation, they just said they couldn't stop it."

"How can it be repaired, it's deceiving too much!"

"I don't even bother to explain, do you really think we are a country?"

"Hehe, maybe I thought it was a colony."

There was a lot of discussion in the urgently-convened conference room, and Jingu Qiuzi watched them perform indifferently, and his pupils were unhappy.

Seize the opportunity and criticize me around the corner. Do you want to weaken the prestige of the royal family or weaken my personal prestige?

When you need [Zhonghua] blessing, you only promised. Now the situation is a little stable and you want to separate the relationship?

You account for the benefits, let me recite the scapegoat?

Want to be beautiful!

Secretly remembering those yin and yang strangers, Jingu Qiuzi squinted her eyes, and her eyes shrouded in the shadows seemed like a spring.

As if sensing the emotions of the emperor and maiden, the chattering meeting room quickly quieted down.

The few people who made the most riot lowered their heads and began to play dead.

Ignoring the waste, Jingu Akiko took over the command and began to issue orders in an orderly manner.

[Zhonghua] Since there is no warning, it means that the person here is not threatening Dongying.

But just in case, the most basic countermeasures are still arranged.

But as he was speaking, Jingu Qiuzi suddenly stopped and turned to look west.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to expand the defensive barrier in the Kanto area?"

The conscientious liaison officer responded after asking three times, Jingu Qiuzi sneered and shook her head mockingly.

"Forget it, that's it, no more decoration is needed."


Everyone in the chaotic conference room looked at each other, wondering why Akiko Jingu suddenly "gave up treatment".

"It's Ruijun's breath. It seems that [Zhonghua] should have found Wang Lei's trace over there."

"Call back the original stone who went to investigate and inquire. He just passed harmlessly. In addition, he will notify all registered transcendents with emergency disaster text messages. Don't panic."

After giving a few casual orders, Jingu Qiuzi turned and left the meeting room, leaving a group of people staring at each other.

After a few seconds, a cute maid screamed and hurried to catch up.

"His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

"I haven't seen you in a few years, I'm going to see an old friend."

"Your Highness, you can't leave the country!"

"Hehe, are you teaching me to do things?"

And in the bustling city outside the conference room, all the awakened people looked to the west in unison, gradually opening their jaws.

But a larger number of ordinary people followed their line of sight, but they couldn't see anything.

"What are you looking at?"

"Yes... something is coming!"


"What exactly is it?"

"I do not know either."

"Then you are looking at a woolen thread?"

"You know what a fart, although the thing hasn't arrived yet, the aura it emits has already obscured half of the sky. If the sun was not on my head, I would have thought it was the sun!"

"My companions in the Four Kingdoms saw the thing a few minutes earlier than us. It is said that they came from the direction of the Chinese imperial capital. The aura on their side has begun to dazzle the eyes."

The panic was about to spread. All the transcendents suddenly received a disaster text message on their phones, and their tight nerves immediately relaxed.

"It's Li Rui, that's all right."

In order to promote the "exchange" between the two countries, the Dongying media vigorously promoted Li Rui.

Coupled with a series of events such as [Jade Dragon Cup], [Izumo Kingdom], and [Holy Grail War], the people of Dongying are quite familiar with this young and powerful [Indestructible Dragon].

"Wait, didn't Li Rui died a few years ago?"

"Yes, watching him turn into flying ash during the live broadcast, my sister still cried for a long time."

"Stupid, can the death of an extraordinary person be called death? It's just a blindfold!"

Not knowing what the masses of people under his feet were talking about him, Li Rui stared at the end of the sea and the sky, and went straight across the Dongying Islands.

He can already vaguely sense that a volcanic energy is violent and restless in the distance, as if it is about to burst out at any time, engulfing the entire world!


"[Indestructible Dragon] Li Rui has crossed the chain of Dongying Island and entered the waters of the Western Pacific Ocean."

On the huge satellite map, like a typhoon, the spiritual vortex with a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers is moving "slowly".

In the command hall of the Sky Mothership, Wesley Joe looked at the screen and looked at the huge aura light spot on the blue planet outside the window. uukanshu.com couldn't help but shook his head.

This has only been stable for a few months, and I have started to do things again...

"Wesley, shall we follow?"

The adjutant next to him asked cautiously, Wesley Joe nodded after hesitating for a moment.

"They should have discovered Wang Lei's trail, the collision of two generations of [Indestructible True Dragon], this may be the second largest scene in the battle of God."

"Descent orbit, into the atmosphere, we have to approach and reconnaissance."

Wei Wei was a little excited, but he calmed down quickly.

"Wait, keep a vertical distance of 500, no, 1,000 kilometers."

The adjutant glanced at him suspiciously. 1,000 kilometers is not a close reconnaissance, okay?

It's completely edge OB!

Perceiving the adjutant's suspicious look, Wesley Joe sneered.

"You don't know anything about the horror of [Indestructible True Dragon]. If you are too close, the entire Sky Mothership may be shot down!"

"Knock us down hundreds of kilometers away?"

The adjutant's eyes widened in astonishment and his face was confused.

Except for high-end methods such as unreasonable causal laws, fate lines, and blood curses, the direct attack range of ordinary transcendents is simply not comparable to the technological side.

Sinking an aerial mothership a few hundred kilometers away?


Understanding the question in the adjutant's mind, Wesley Joe raised his eyebrows, and the shadow of a black dragon wearing a crown seemed to flash before his eyes.

It breathed out a nuclear bomb-like dragon's breath, flattening an area across a long distance, and the terrifying mushroom cloud turned everything into ashes!

Without explaining to the adjutant anymore, Wesley Joe's mind moved, connected to the mothership's brain, and controlled the dark battleship hundreds of meters in length to slowly raise it.

The ghost knew what else Li Rui could make out of that animal, so it's better to watch the battle from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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