Along with the bright light spreading in the atmosphere, Li Rui hovered over the imperial capital, and one after another blurry figures appeared around him.

Their breath is ethereal, vicious, violent, weird, holy, or cold...

But without exception, they all resonated with Li Rui's dragon spirit.

The already magnificent agitation further spreads, and even some extraordinary people in Southeast Asia can see the beautiful brilliance that reflects half of the sky!

The weaker invisible ripples oscillated back and forth along the atmosphere, gradually covering the entire planet.

"Qiyue Wuyi? The same robe with the son. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Enmity with the son."

"Qiyue Wuyi? The same Ze with Zi. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Work with Zi."

"Qiyue Wuyi? Same clothes with Zi. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my armor. Go with Zi."

Overlapped echoes linger in my ears, but dozens of people’s voices are like hundreds of millions of troops singing in unison. Li Rui only feels an illusory force blessed on the line of fate, letting the original chaos and disorder, an elusive future Gradually constricted and collapsed.

The curtains of time were lifted, but a hazy black mist was always shrouded in the end of the "line of sight". Even in the end, Li Rui failed to break his fate and condensed an ideal "end".

Alas...In the confrontation of the same level, the hard power will ultimately depend on...

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart, Li Rui shook his head unchecked, and looked around at the projections of other dragons of the town.

With firm eyes staring in a circle, without any words, Li Rui nodded gently, and the figure disappeared instantly.


Like a thunder, the violent force tore the air, leaving a vacuum channel high in the sky.

In the core area of ​​the imperial capital at the foot, an old man with a childish face and a crane of hair stroked his long beard and stared at the direction Li Rui was leaving.

"Do you think he can bring Wang Lei back?"

Standing next to him, Feng Hanran shook his head: "I don't know."

"Hey, then we have to prepare for the worst..."

Taking a look at Feng Hanran, the old man sighed.

"We cannot lose two generations of [Indestructible Dragon] at the same time!"

"Let's not cultivate a [World Destroying Evil Dragon]!"

Knowing what the old man meant, Feng Hanran lowered his head and remained silent.

"Although it is very unfair to Wang Lei, if he is really killing Li Rui, then we should intervene in this battle in advance."

"The Immortal Faction rejected this arrangement. They said it was a battle between two men. No matter the victory or defeat, no outsiders were allowed to intervene."

"A group of elm heads! The smelly stones in the dung pit..."

The old man was so angry that he cursed in a low voice, and after a long time he sighed helplessly.

"That group of naive people has always been this virtue, but as the dragon of [China], we must consider the worst."

"If Li Rui wins, then everything is easy to say."

"But if Wang Lei wins..."

After taking a deep look at Feng Hanran, the old man paused for a while, his tone gradually becoming solemn and decisive.

"Then we must annihilate Li Rui before he steps on Li Rui's body to reach a higher sequence!"

"At that time... Kill the brothers and feet, the [Slaying Dragon] plan is automatically activated, then... I will leave it to you, too white..."


A deep magnetic response sounded in his ears, and Feng Hanran's whole body was shaken, and he only felt a gust of cold air from the vest to the sky.

It wasn't until this time that he discovered that a young man in a gorgeous black robe appeared behind them.

The beautiful face seemed to condense the essence of heaven and earth, and the eyes of Canruo stars seemed to contain the entire universe.

Just looking at him, Feng Hanran couldn't help but feel flattered, as if just being watched by his gaze was already a kind of supreme honor.

The condescending gaze was immediately taken away, the young man in the black robe didn't even have to look at Feng Hanran directly, nodded to the old man in his own mind, and slowly disappeared in place.

"Who is he?"

Before he finished speaking, Feng Hanran realized that his voice was a little dry and trembling.

"Lu Taibai, an abandoned baby I found in Shushan twenty years ago."

"From the first sight of the encounter, I knew that this child was talented and unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect that she would grow up so fast..."

Speaking of his proud disciple, the old man was flushed, proud and regretful.

"Unfortunately, [Zhonghua] has always refused to accept her as [Zhen Guo Zhilong]. Otherwise, what else is Li Rui for the leader of this generation?"

Shaking his head, the old man noticed the bitter emotion on Feng Hanran's face and immediately reacted.

"Oh, Han Ran, don't care, she has that attitude towards everyone, not against you alone."

It's okay not to explain, Feng Hanran feels even more weird after explaining.

I'm not targeting anyone, everyone here is spicy...

A strange picture flashed in his mind, Feng Hanran shook his head and couldn't help but think of another person with a similar temperament.

【Creation Sacred Dragon】——Aya Xiyi!

However, Aya Xiyi's arrogance is more on the surface, and since she got together with Li Rui, her divinity of overriding all living beings and seeing everything as a dog seems to fade.

On the contrary, UU Reading's silly humanity is more and more evident in her.

But Lu Taibai is different. He really looks down on himself from the bottom of his bones, or looks down on anyone!

The most important thing is that there is no anger in his heart, as if all this is taken for granted.

A peerless Tianjiao like him should be arrogant!

Combined with [Zhonghua] rejecting him to become the dragon of the town, Feng Hanran had a faint understanding in his heart.

"Senior Lu Yan, that child is the reincarnation of a foreign god?"

Lu Yan, who was stroking his beard triumphantly, smiled and grinned unnaturally.

"It is indeed possible, but it is also possible to personify the Dao. It is still uncertain."

"In the [Slaying Dragon] plan against Wang Lei, the world-destroying power will be used, Lu Taibai... can it work?"

Although the superficial question was about ability, Lu Yan keenly caught Feng Hanran's inner worry, nodded solemnly, and said with a pun: "I believe her."

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hanran stared at the east, the light that reflected half of the sky in his spiritual vision was slowly fading, which also meant that Li Rui was moving away from the imperial capital at an unimaginable speed.

Regardless of whether Wang Lei or Li Rui, their record since their debut has been paved with iron and blood, but why is this secret weapon of Shu Mountain that suddenly emerged?

"Senior Lu Yan, Shushan has twenty-seven kinds of world-destroying sword formations, what exactly does Lu Taibai master? Make you so trust that he can kill an [Indestructible True Dragon]?"

Lu Yan took a deep look at Feng Hanran, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.


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