Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 964: , I look stupid

Damn it!

The scorching divine light tugged and entangled, and there was a toothless rubbing sound in the empty space, and the distant Zergs once again escaped from the golden giant's gravitational field.

"Why? The strongest "person" can't hold it anymore?"

Wang Lei raised his eyebrows provocatively, as if he had anticipated this ending.

However, Li Rui smiled and shook his head.

"No, I'm full."


The two sickle and sharp claws of the Zerg method spread like wings, and the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth condenses into a purple and black entanglement visible to the naked eye under its control.

The fusion-like rays of light bloomed in the chest cavity, the bottomless, hideous giant mouth slowly opened, and a beam of translucent energy light submerged the giant in an instant.

[Wild Scream]!

After a long struggle, Li Rui has awakened.

His current attack power simply cannot tear through the defense of the seventh [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] defense, and it is completely unrealistic to defeat Wang Lei in a short time.

Similarly, as long as he keeps switching combat modes, Wang Lei has nothing to do with him.

The battle between the two sides may enter an unprecedented, tragic and long bladder round.

And this is precisely the area where he has a crushing advantage over Wang Lei!

At the same time, it is the only chance to win!

The magic that tore the atmosphere enveloped the center of the battlefield with a layer of purple-black magic power. Under the raging energy, even the space was torn open numerous gaps.

But in such an environment, a golden hazy figure shimmered at the core of the purple-black "mist", like an eternal star, free from external interference.

But in the next instant, the golden "star" disappeared in place and appeared abruptly in the sky more than ten kilometers away.

Staring at the golden giant sprinting in front of you, the hideous worm suddenly exudes high-frequency oscillations, gathering violent spiritual winds, leaving a faint afterimage on the spot.

【Ghost Walk】·Golden Step

Increases movement speed by 60%, and makes the hero gain dodge intuition when moving, ignoring the collision volume of the unit to a certain extent, for 40 minutes.

The brutal giant axe rushed into the air, and before the golden giant returned to his normal position, the Zerg's claws stabbed backhand, and oncoming was a dark energy ball that tore the void!

[Null ball]!


[Ice Stick] Slow down!


The golden giant was staggered, the golden light all over his body was dim, and translucent ice crystal ghosts and divine flames appeared on the surface!


The pain of lashing the soul caused the golden giant to scream dullly, the divine light flashed on the Xingtian axe, and the ice crystal phantom and divine flame were instantly dispersed.

Knowing that he couldn't compete with Li Rui at regular speed, the golden giant flashed with inspiration, and he didn't know what ability he had activated to shoot and charge toward the Zerg!

The speed accumulates little by little, getting faster and faster, and there is a bright golden meteor in the sky!

Seeing that it was about to catch up with the Zerg, the front suddenly went dark, and the entire world was enveloped by a purple-black void tsunami.

The viscous energy, like crude oil, obscured the line of sight and instantly drowned it.

【Energy Pulse】·Golden Rank!

(Omitted) Inflicts 700 (+125% spell power) magic damage and 75% slowing effect on enemies within the cone. The slowing lasts for 5 seconds.

Ice crystal phantoms and divine flames are making a comeback. What's more annoying is that the acceleration process is interrupted, and the distance between the golden giant and the Zerg's magical aspect is instantly pulled apart.

As a result, the situation once again fell into unilateral remote torture!

[Dark Sacrifice]!

[Flame Breath]!


The gusts of gong wind swept across the world with the dull impact, and the onlookers gradually turned from the initial shock to numbness.

"How long have they been fighting?"

"It's been more than 2 hours!"

"Is energy exhausted?"

"Not only is it not exhausted, but it continues to rise! The overall energy level response of both parties has more than doubled from the beginning of the battle!"


In the command hall of the Sky Mothership, Wesley Joe was silent for a long while, covering his forehead in pain.

This level of battle, even the real stone steps cannot last for too long.

But the two men in front of you are getting stronger and stronger, which is very outrageous!

Not only him, but the high-level transcendents who are gradually gathering in the center of the Pacific Ocean are also confused.

Even in a safe area hundreds of kilometers away, they can feel the aftermath of the battle that shook the world.

Such a fierce confrontation requires an astronomical amount of energy reserve.

Many of them have the confidence to go up with both hands, but at the same time, they also know in their hearts that in less than 10 minutes, they will be drained of energy and breathless.

Waiting for them will be their heads chopped off by Xing Tian Axe, or torn to pieces by Zerg's Magic Phase!

But for the two abnormalities in front of them, they fought for two hours alive, not only did not show signs of decline, on the contrary, they continued to increase their intensity!

Is there really no limit to [Indestructible Dragon]?

Thinking of some unreliable rumors, the onlookers felt as if they had overturned the seasoning bottle, with mixed flavors.

The same are the original stone steps, why are you so good?

what? what? They are not the original stone steps?

Hmm... Then it's okay.

The thought that Wang Lei was still stuck in gold and that Li Rui only advanced the secret diamond a few months ago, these old-brand rough stones felt even more uncomfortable.

Wang Lei is at least known for a long time, Li Rui, a junior in his early twenties, doesn't speak martial ethics at all!

You do it like this, UU reading www. looks stupid!

But reality is more magical than they thought...

In the small island shrouded in translucent golden barriers, Li Rui looked at Wang Lei, trying to find a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"Brother Lei, I have been flying a kite for so long, don't you have any ideas?"

Wang Lei gave him a sullen look and simmered a glass of wine.

"You kid is not slippery, and you can't control it at all. You will rush to your side with great effort, and you will be escaped by [Void Shuttle]. Even if you really catch you, it will not be able to destroy you in a short time..."

Rubbing his beard, Wang Lei became more depressed as he spoke, his eyes flashing with unstoppable fierce light.

From the moment he stepped into the extraordinary world, he had never encountered a player like Li Rui.

Theoretically speaking, the long-range profession must be brittle, but Li Rui is like a floating battleship, not only has amazing firepower, but also thick armor!

The key thing is that this thing is not in line with the common sense of flexibility, all kinds of coquettish positions, shuttles in the void, and play him around!

He seems stupid!

"If you can't find a way to break the game, then you will lose."

Li Rui poured wine and clinked glasses for him, chuckling lightly.

"Hehe, it's too simple."

Wang Lei sneered contemptuously, spreading his hands, and the golden giant in the distance suddenly hovered in place.

"Come on, I'll just stand where you are and let you fight. I want to see how much magic power you still can consume with me!"

Li Rui: "..."

There is a kind of don't use [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity]!

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