Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 965: , You don't know my power 1

Had it not been for the 90% damage reduction of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], I would have blown you up!

This time it was Li Rui's turn to feel uncomfortable. Looking at the golden giant standing there, he wouldn't be able to fight, nor would he not fight.

Do you still want to light up an icon and dance?

If you do it like this, it seems like I'm pretty good!

Gritting his teeth, the Zerg's Faxiang suddenly lit its sickle and claws, and flew towards the golden giant.

Hundreds of meters of scarlet air flow dragged behind him, and the huge energy condensed to the tips of his claws, forming a bottomless purple and black light.

[Void Blade]!

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Stab of Fear]!


In the end, all the power was released exponentially under the "WeChat steps" superimposed for tens of minutes!

[Dead's Plate Armor]-Crushing Slam: The next basic attack will cause 200% extra damage when it is launched, and all the imposing layers will be consumed at the same time. (slightly).

"Good job!"

Wang Lei, who had been hanged for a long time, was also full of fire. The power of [Blood Fury] was like magma poured into Xing Tian's axe, making the simple and hideous giant axe shrouded in brutal blood.

The materialized purple-black void energy collided with the golden red blood light, and the whole world became dark.

In just one ten-thousandth of a second, the world is still, time is frozen, and the world belongs to absolute tranquility.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical and vast chaotic light enveloped everything, and the terrifying divine light distorted the world, causing violent ripples in time and space within a radius of tens of kilometers.

Until this time, the loud noise that seemed to be a supernova explosion was transmitted to the ears of the onlookers, and a shock wave of energy like a star ring came oncoming, instantly drowning them.

The scorching and tyrannical energy pushed them back and forth, and only the most powerful group of transcendents could withstand the impact and be nailed in place.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in high-energy radiation that could not be seen directly. After a few seconds, the scene in the central area gradually appeared.

The sharp claws and the giant axe stalemate together, and the two monsters resembling mountains are like ancient demon gods, standing in the void, wrestling with each other in the most primitive way.

A big hole has been broken in the space where they are located, and countless time-space cracks suddenly appear and disappear around, and they can even look directly at the endless void below the crack.


The violent energy ravaged the world, the sea was boiled and evaporated, and at the core of the battlefield, as if being oppressed by an invisible force field, a bowl-shaped huge crater solidified on the sea surface, accompanied by the constant expansion of the wrestling between the two phenomena.

But in such a terrifying environment, a translucent golden "small ball" enveloped the island, showing a painting style that is incompatible with the outside world.

In the sky above is the magical image of the fighting wrestling gods, and the terrifying light destroys everything.

And the two [Indestructible Dragons] in the island below are still pushing their cups and changing their lights, talking and laughing Yan Yan.

The foundation under the island has long been destroyed by energy. The entire island is like an inverted pyramid suspended in mid-air, completely fixed in place by two [Indestructible Dragons].

"Xiao Rui, I didn't expect you to dare to get close, happy!"

Wang Lei's throat let out a low growl of a giant carnivore, and the dark gold vertical pupils shone with bloodthirsty brilliance.

"But this is also a stupid choice, it will only accelerate your defeat!"

However, Li Rui's forehead bounced with blue veins, and smiled hard.

"Hehe, on the contrary, the choice to be close is for more sustained combat."

"Brother Lei, I have found a way to defeat you, you can wait to die slowly!"

Wang Lei: "..."

Staring at Li Rui gloomily, Wang Lei could feel boundless confidence in his tone.

"Why are you so confident?"

"Because as long as the stalemate continues, I will definitely win the final victory!"

With a stunned expression, Wang Lei seemed to have heard some funny story and burst into laughter.

"Xiao Rui, are you stupid? Your qi and blood are less than half my thickness, and the technique is crushed by me in all directions."

"Believe it or not I can fight you for seven days and seven nights, and the one who died first is definitely you."

Li Rui nodded, but his confident smile did not abate.

"I believe you can fight with me for seven days, but..."

Leaning down slowly, Li Rui stared into Wang Lei's eyes, grinning cruelly.

"I can fight you for a month, even a year or two..."

Stretching out a finger, Li Rui came to Wang Lei slowly.

"Brother Lei, remember this?"

Wang Lei's expression gradually became solemn, as if he understood something.

"Once you asked me how much I can eat, I gave you this answer at that time."

"One! Straight! Eat!"

"My body has endless accumulation and storage, and you, no matter how strong your vitality and blood, you are still just a golden rank!"

"You still have to be constrained by flesh and blood. It is impossible for you to grow out of nothing like gods, and draw energy from nothing..."

"Indeed, I don't have enough power to break through your seven layers [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation]!"

"But... I have enough patience and "stamina" to slowly grind with you!"

Seeing Li Rui's aggressive gaze, Wang Lei frowned.

"I have [Blood Fury], you can't keep up with my power growth!"

"Coincidentally, I just broke through the secret diamond not long ago, there is still huge potential in my body that has not been stimulated, just to see who of us grows faster!"

Wang Lei stared at Li Rui with a stare at UU reading

"Compare your permanent growth with my temporary improvement? Xiao Rui, I only discovered today that your arrogance in your bones is more crazy than me!"

Everyone laughed angrily, Wang Lei headed away, and the dark pupils bloomed with murderous intent.

"No! No! No! This is not arrogance, Brother Lei, I'm just stating the facts."

Li Rui shook his head calmly, raised his head to look at the two gods and magical figures in the sky, and it took a long time before he retracted his gaze. The cold and vast purple and golden dragon pupil did not have the slightest emotion.

"Brother Lei, you don't know anything about my power!"


The sky's zerg magic phase suddenly exploded a shock wave, and the terrifying magic power condensed into a blue-white thunder arc around it, moving back and forth.

The air reverberated with low current shocks, a thick magic barrier enveloped the carapace, and the energy brilliance that showed through the chest became more radiant.

【Overload】·Silver Rank

Gain 9% of the maximum health value of the blood shield, 6% of the maximum mana value of the spell power, 30% additional movement speed bonus, for 60 seconds.

The power of the spell skyrocketed, and the Zerg’s claws threw out a magic ball that looked like a black hole, spinning a ring of energy.

【Spell Surge】·Silver Step

Passive: (omitted)

Active: Release a magic ball, which will bounce back and forth between the enemy hero and yourself, forming a surge of spells.

Each ejection will cause 150 (15 spell power) (2 maximum mana) magic damage, and reduce the enemy's spell resistance by 1 (a single target can be reduced by 5), and the maximum number of ejections is equal to the number of layers of [Surge].

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