Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 966: , Hurt each other

The intensive back and forth ejection swayed shocking energy ripples between the two dharma phases, and the 30 ejections overlapped each other, causing the golden giant to retreat again and again.

The slightly weakened spell resistance quickly dissipated under the effect of [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation]. Li Rui took advantage of the flash of opportunity to burst out all energy!

[Runes imprisoned]!


[Dark matter]!

[Energy burst]!

The [Rune Imprisonment] of the Silver Step only limited the golden giant for a moment, but it was such a trivial obstruction that exposed him to the magical damage that destroyed the world.

The pincer between heaven and earth, plus a black hole particle that entangles the starlight thunder and tears the space.

Even with Wang Lei's resistance, he couldn't help groaning, his breathing was stagnant.

But the attack that was enough to drop the secret diamond step in an instant did not cause him fatal damage, but instead aroused the bloodthirsty and fierceness in the dark gold vertical pupil.


Turning the pain of the flesh into the power of anger, the giant axe emitting red divine light swept across, splitting the blocking claws, and fiercely blasted the Zerg's waist and abdomen.

The Zerg method moved horizontally for hundreds of meters, blaring a dazzling fire light on the illusory golden ground under his feet.

Stabilizing his body in the void, the brutal Zerg let out a more stern roar, opened its sharp claws, and counterattacked without fear!

The vigorous dark green brilliance condenses on the carapace, and the Zerg’s form is like a turbulent volcano, and what terrible power is faintly about to erupt!


After anchoring an enemy hero, the rune will absorb the power of the law and obtain a [aftershock] law.

Actively use this rule, your current armor and magic resistance will increase by 50, and you will gain additional (0-40%) armor/magic resistance for 10 seconds.

Subsequently, the power of the rune exploded, causing 150 (+8% of maximum health) magic damage to nearby enemies.

The dual resistance skyrocketed by thousands of points within 10 seconds. With the addition of the [overload] remaining vitality and blood shield, Li Rui completely gave up his defense and replaced it with injury!


The two demon gods seem to have lost their reason, dominated by the most primitive animal nature, and vent their tyrannical and bloodthirsty anger!

[Stab of Fear]!

[Divine Chopping]!

The dark and dark claws of purple and black turned into afterimages in the sky, cutting out hideous gaps in the golden giant.

At the same time, the heavy axe bombarded the Zerg's body, splitting its tough carapace into pieces.

The magma-hot [Blood Fury] energy became more and more violent, and on the other hand, Li Rui was also undergoing transformation silently.

Armor digestion +7

Health Digest +11

Magic resistance digestion +4

Dragon Fury +1!




In the vast roar of the two statues, the onlookers widened their eyes, and their jaws gradually widened.

The divine light infested with bloodthirsty anger seems to have some magical power, so that the eyes of the extraordinary who are directly looking at the battlefield are gradually stained with bloodshot eyes, and the desire to destroy everything rises in the chest!

Fortunately, the transcendents who are qualified to watch the battle are the elites of the major forces, and they soon broke free from the divine pollution of the two [Indestructible Dragons], and regained clarity in their eyes.

"Damn, why are their divinities so pure? I can't beat them even at the highest level?"

An extraordinary person who watched the game secretly scolded and quickly aroused the resonance of everyone.

"That's right, Wang Lei is only at the golden level, and his spirituality hasn't been condensed yet, how can he brew a divine nature? It's a hell!"

"What the **** is Li Rui, okay? He has only awakened for six or seven years, and the Advanced Secret Diamond has only been fully calculated for a few months. Where does the time come to condense his divinity?"

Amidst the resentful complaints, only a few natural divine creatures stared at the battlefield intently, without the slightest surprise.

In a short span of ten seconds, the Zerg’s Faxiang's body violently oscillated and compressed to the extreme, and the bright dark green aura exploded, distorting the space within hundreds of meters.


[Aftershock] The bursting magical impact caused the golden giant's movements to be slightly deformed. Taking this opportunity, the sharp claws left several terrifying gaps on him.

However, Li Rui's eyebrows jumped wildly with the giant axe that followed. Without the dual resistance bonus of [Aftershock], Xing Tian axe's attack was really terrifying!

However, more intense stimulation continuously activated the potential deposited in the depths of the soul and flesh, allowing Li Rui's extra attributes to "burn" at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Armor +13

Health +21

Magic resistance +9

Dragon Fury +1!


Killing rises, the Zerg's Faxiang roars, and uses its speed to rotate around the golden giant, turning it into a purple-black knife-light winch.

But Wang Lei is also a battle-tested veteran. He doesn't dodge or avoids, just head-to-head with you, bursts of fire burst out from the knife-light winch, and the sour rubbing sound rang through the world.

Suffering from the surging blood, Li Rui gritted his teeth, unwilling to give in, his eyes condensed, and activated [skeletal plating]!

【Bone plating】·Golden Stage

(Active) Gain 25% damage reduction for the next 1 minute, and on this basis, reduce the final damage received by 150 points.

(Passive) slightly

"Come on, fight a pain!"

With a roar with red eyes, the Zerg Faxiang gave up the fight and became open and close.

The two magical aspects of the gods have entered the phase of hurting each other again, and the onlookers are sweating coldly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Is that human being?

Wasn’t that the only thing that happened in the ancient times?

The key was played so terribly, neither of them was fatally injured, which is outrageous!

If there is a real battle in the future, isn't the place where the two go through a sea of ​​corpses?

Who can stop them?

Just fantasizing about the scene, the transcendents of the major forces felt a chill rushing from the tail vertebrae to the sky, and their scalp numb.

On the other hand, various attributes were gradually digested in the fierce battle, and Li Rui became more excited as he fought, but his soul remained clear.

He clearly knows his strengths compared to Wang Lei, so when the blood volume drops and the blue volume rises to a certain level, he does not hesitate to withdraw!

With all his strength unable to restrain Li Rui from leaving, the golden giant roared and threw an axe light on the Zerg in the air.

But according to the defensive power of the two [Indestructible Dragons], this kind of air attack can only be regarded as scratching at best.

Using the power of axe light to accelerate the retreat, Li Rui switched to the long-range bombing mode again, torturing Wang Lei's nerves with continuous magic madness.

Various deceleration effects took turns. Although the effect on the seventh stage [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] was not good, it only took a moment of delay and Li Rui could easily stretch hundreds of meters away, making the golden giant incompetent and furious!

Occasionally, Wang Lei's use of certain secret techniques is not a big problem. [Walking in the Void] One thought can make his efforts to vanish.

Until this time, many of the wizards who had been hammered by Wang Lei burst into tears. It turns out that the wizard can still fight against [Indestructible Dragon]...

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