Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 967: , Flesh and blood

This society is still good, and our mage has finally stood up!

As long as you have the same resistance, defense and blood volume as Li Rui, you don't have to be afraid even if Wang Lei hits your face!

We can even go back!

The joyful smile quickly froze on his face, and people gradually figured out something wrong.

Serious Master, who has Li Rui's frankness?

Who can stand up against Wang Lei, a serious mage?

Is this a mage?

This horse is a humanoid monster!

It's just that at a certain time, his tactical choices made him look like a mage!

Seeing the essence through the phenomenon, the wizards instantly shuddered and cold, feeling that the world was full of malice towards the crispy skin.

Why is the update of "Reiki Resuscitation" different from what I expected?

A good version of the answer, where is Faye Invincible?

Why is such a naive [Indestructible Dragon] standing up?

Unknowingly, the gazes of the transcendents of the major forces' legal systems were filled with deep resentment, and they cast a silent curse on the two gods on the battlefield.

Of course, such a weak resentment had no way to affect the course of the war. The two mountain-like monsters were torn apart, the sea rolled, and the seabed nearly a thousand meters deep was exposed at the core.

After flying the kite for more than an hour, the ferocious zerg's movements suddenly changed, dragging hundreds of meters of scarlet airflow towards the golden giant!

[Void Blade]!

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Stab of Fear]!


[The Plate Armor of the Dead]-Crushing!

It was the same formula, the same taste, and the huge energy condensed to the tips of the claws, forming a deep purple and black light that penetrated into the golden giant with the help of several Mach charges.

However, this time Wang Lei did not choose to use Xingtian Axe to take the attack. The proud immortal body hardly resisted the sharp claw penetrating body. After more than an hour of [Blood Fury], he burned the energy of his whole body and took the giant in his hand. The axe turned into a flash of cold light.


A terrible shock wave swept the world again, but the energy escaping this time was far less than the last time.

Because most of the destructive power was released into the body of the two people, causing terrible harm that outsiders could not imagine!

The chest was inserted and the back was pulled out, and the golden giant was stabbed to the heart.

However, the Zerg's method opposite him is not good, Xing Tian axe tore the carapace, split into the chest and abdomen, almost cut it in the middle!


One dull and mad, one sharp and tyrannical, seemed to be stimulated by severe pain. When the two statues were the same, they roared like cracking rocks and piercing clouds, and the whole body was tumbling, and the body expanded!

But the scene that shocked everyone's jaw appeared.

The golden giant's muscles squirmed and angered, and his figure swelled in a large circle. The thick blood turned into clouds and mist lingering around his body, like a **** and demon returning from hell.

But his chin rose involuntarily, and his frenzied and brutal sight gradually solidified as the opponent's body shape changed, and his vague face was inexplicably dull.

Not only him, but all the people who are paying attention to this battle are just like him at this time, subconsciously with a bright lotus tongue and a fragrant mouth.

In the emotional greetings, a monster with a body length of nearly 1,000 meters, like a mountain range, hovered in the sky, with a shield of tens of meters thick on the whole body.

[Strak’s Challenge Gauntlets]·Golden Rank

The only passive-Savior Spirit Blade: When you receive 30% of your maximum health in a short period of time, you will get a shield. The health of the shield is equivalent to 90% of your maximum health. After 1 second, the shield will continue to decay for 4 minutes.

Strak's Wrath: When the Savior's Spirit Blade is triggered, its size and strength are increased, providing a larger size, gaining +45% resilience for 4 minutes.

The surging power clashed in the body, and Li Rui tried his best to stabilize the trembling hand so that the liquid in the wine glass would not spill out.

With his chest rising and falling continuously, it took several deep breaths to calm the turbulent qi and blood. Li Rui had a faint feeling, as if he could tear the sky with one punch, and shatter the earth with one kick!

But this time, he knew it was not an illusion!

He really has the power to tear the world apart!


Zergs roared, and swung their sickles at the golden giant like a dwarf in front of them!

For the first time, the golden giant chose to avoid his sharp edge, but Li Rui's attack speed was not what he could dodge. He could only use Xingtian axe to parry when the sword was light and body.


The golden giant disappeared instantly, and a bowl-shaped "basin" appeared in the ocean.

A tsunami hundreds of meters high moves slowly like a wall. Even in space thousands of kilometers away, ordinary people can visually see the "slowly" expanding "ripples" with the naked eye.

The turbulent force made the meridians swell and pain, Li Rui didn't vomit unhappy, the Zerg's magical phase turned into an afterimage under his thoughts, like a fallen mountain range, hitting the center of the "basin".


The earth's crust was slightly shaken, and the shock wave spread along the ground, and was quickly captured by the earthquake bureaus of various countries.

"What is the energy level reading?"

The Air and Sky Mothership also got the data almost at the same time. Wesley Joe stared at the battlefield with his back to the adjutant, and asked quietly.

"The peak is over 100 million."

The adjutant rubbed his eyes and replied cautiously after repeated confirmation.


Wesley Joe’s breathing became obviously heavy, and it took a long time for UU to read www.uukā before he recovered his calm.

Looking at the beautiful divine light that bloomed from time to time on the blue planet, his eyes gradually became out of focus.

This kind of scene reminded him of the scenes he had experienced in the Alien Command.

At that time, Li Rui was also so violent and terrifying, as if he had transcended the scope of human beings and turned into a star. Any life blocking him would be crushed and burned into fly ash!

But at that time he could still comfort himself, Li Rui used the power of three artifacts.

If this power is given to him, he can do the same thing!

However, now, the cruel facts pierced his illusion.

Even without the blessing of the artifact, Li Rui is still that Li Rui, the unmatched [Indestructible Dragon]!

The gap between them may be more distant than imagined!

It's so far away that it's desperate!

Staring sluggishly at his palm, his extraordinary spiritual sense made everything in his sight infinitely magnified and subtle.

Under the ruddy skin, cells carry oxygen and substances, and the blood circulates back and forth. Mitochondria convert organic matter into water and carbon dioxide and release energy to drive the body to fight and grow!

Wesley Joe slowly clenched his fists, his eyes gleaming inexplicably.

"What a primitive and inefficient life form..."

"How can the human body compete with the true dragon?"

"If I miss this skin bag, I will never be able to catch up with him!"

In the mumbling, the confusion and fear in the eyes gradually dissipated, and all the brilliance condensed into a decisive firmness!

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, the machinery soars!"

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