Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 969: , Barbaric growth in battle

The small island wrapped in a light golden translucent film is like a solidified amber in the long river of time. No matter how the devastating energy outside collides and rages, it stands still.

Except for normal light and sound, everything from the outside world can't seep into it. Li Rui and Wang Lei are sitting in the middle of the island with different thoughts.

After a long time, Wang Lei pointed to the empty wine bottle in Li Rui's hand: "Are there any more?"

Li Rui leaned back on the spot, raised his eyebrows, and cast a look that you were thinking about eating.

"Although strong wine is good, don't be greedy for a cup~"


Although he didn't know what Jinjiu was, Wang Lei nodded silently.

"The energy contained in this wine is highly concentrated, half a bottle, enough for me to kill you."

"Brother Lei, who gave you the courage to say to kill me? You are the one being beaten now!"

Li Rui leaned down suspiciously, but Wang Lei turned his head to look at the giant zerg that was standing in the void, the shadow covering the entire earth, and it took a long time before he retracted his sight.

"How long can you maintain this abnormal outbreak?"

There was a thump in my heart. Before Li Rui could continue to stubbornly, the three-year period, no, the four-minute period had arrived. The extremely swollen zerg slowly shrank, and a weak and weak soreness surged onto the limbs.

Perceiving the abnormal changes on the battlefield, Wang Lei grinned grimly.

"Now, it's my turn!"


After pondering for a few seconds, Li Rui looked directly at Wang Lei's eyes and spoke with a solemn expression.

"Don't slap your face."


Armor +21

Health +44

Magic resistance +12

Dragon Fury +1!


The giant axe of the open sky stomped the worms and scrambled. How arrogant Li Rui was before, how embarrassed he is now.

[Spirit Blade of the Savior] Although it provides an extremely powerful shield and strength, it also overdraws a certain amount of spiritual energy.

In the face of Wang Lei's angry crit, the Zerg who had fallen into a short-term period of weakness had nothing but to resist.

Damn, Brother Lei's [Blood Fury] is still growing!

After a blast, Li Rui secretly slandered, and at the same time urged [Void Stomach Pouch] with all his strength to accelerate recovery with the accumulation of nutrients and energy like the sea, in an attempt to quickly pass the period of weakness!

The human abdomen made a faint gurgling sound, but the projection of the Zerg's Phytomorphology turned into a deafening dull buzzing.

Massive dragon meat is digested and decomposed, turned into a warm torrent, and injected into every cell of the body with the blood meridians.

The split carapace quickly closed and healed. The injured body stimulated the crazy secretion of adrenaline, squeezing and digging out the various attributes deposited in the depths of the soul to deal with the threat of death.

The fourth stage [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] runs at full force, and the surging energy spreads from the abdomen to the whole body, and the simple golden moiré patterns on the Zerg’s carapace light up one by one, revealing pure golden light under the purple-black energy.

The violent pain is like a stimulant, the body feels the threat of death, every cell becomes active, frantically self-reinforcing.

On the system panel, Li Rui's various attributes began to change silently.

Maximum HP +21, +31, +28......

Armor limit +24, +17, +29......

Maximum magic resistance +16, +11, +20...

At the same time, as the blood volume drops like a flood, the incomprehensible power of the law transforms out of thin air, and the mana in the void is like the gurgling stream water, endlessly injected into the meridians.

【The Staff of Time】·Golden Order

The only passive [Eternal]: When you take damage from a hero, you will restore 22.5% of the damage value of the mana. When you spend the mana, you will restore 30% of the mana consumed. Each time you cast a spell, you can restore up to 500 health.

In a daze, Li Rui seemed to understand its motto.

[The owner of the rod of time can have unlimited life and the ability to bring back to life. 】

The blood volume and the blue volume can be converted infinitely. When the basic attributes accumulate to a certain threshold, the frightening effect will gradually show up in front of the world.

Even in the future, when its power is pushed to its limit, as long as it cannot be killed in an instant, it means never want to kill him!


Savoring the power of the [Stand of Time], the squalid worm, which is gradually recovering, waved its sharp claws, leaving a gap of tens of meters in the golden giant, but it could not squeeze the slightest "nutrition".

In the past, Li Rui didn't understand the principle of [Scythe of Seizure]. It wasn't until the battle with Wang Lei that he knew that the amount of blue it drew was actually transformed by the enemy's lost blood.

And Hun Yuan's leakless Qi and blood locks not only abolished his blood sucking ability, but also his blue sucking ability!

All predatory restoration effects were restrained, and Li Rui missed the little cat at home at this time.

If I knew you had this trick, I'll take a cat to show you what real happiness is!

But fortunately, [Eternity] is based on his own endogenous power and is not affected by the enemy's state.

At the same time, even if he loses the blood-sucking effect, he still has an extraordinary ability to heal himself!


Fighting hard with Xingtianaxe, Zerg’s magic phase retreats quickly with the help of counter-shock, and the quaint golden inscriptions all over his body flicker, offsetting the capture of the gravitational field!


Finally, the power of nine bulls and two tigers was used to beat the enemy to half blood. As a result, they left as soon as they said, but they had no choice but to take him. The violent golden giant let out an aggrieved roar.

Immediately after the bright emerald aura bloomed from Li Rui's body, the gurgling life energy mixed with the warm current in the [Void Stomach Pouch], continuously repairing the injured body.

【Wind of Recovery】·Silver Stage

Passive: (omitted)

Active: Continue to restore health for 10 minutes, the total amount is equivalent to 1000+30% of the lost health.

The state of the body is fed back to the spiritual phase, the fragmented chitin carapace slowly creeps back, and the cracks of the tortoise disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blue volume is restored, the distance is opened, and the overwhelming spell bombing strikes again!

It was another familiar taste. Knowing that Li Rui was taking the opportunity to recover, Wang Lei couldn't help rubbing his temples in pain.

But for a while, I couldn't think of a way to crack it!

It took about an hour to stand up just now before knocking out about half of his HP. Can you still hope to rush up and knock him off?

A wizard who is as hard as a tank is uncomfortable!

What's more annoying is that you can't even touch him!

The incompetent and furious golden giant launched a variety of charge skills, but the endless magic always carried bitter coldness, constantly blocking and reducing his speed!

Although under the resistance of the seventh stage [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], there is only a slight pause, but the continuous pictures are like a dropped frame game, I always feel that the action is not smooth enough!

In the end, the red tail flame airflow dragged on longer and longer, and the aura layers of [Dead Man's Plate Armor] continued to stack, and the speed gap between the two sides became more obvious.

With one heart and two uses, Li Rui uses remote magic to suppress Wang Lei, while mobilizing the digested material and nutrients of the [Void Stomach Pouch] to combine with life energy to accelerate recovery.

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