[Power of Nature] +1600% basic health regeneration.

【Giant Hydra】+800% basic health regeneration.

[Funatic Armor] +200% basic health regeneration.

[Invigorating Armor] +800% basic health regeneration.

With these four pieces of equipment alone, Li Rui's natural healing speed reached 34 times that of ordinary people!

It is worth mentioning that ordinary people here refer to normal transcendents of the same order.

And [Indestructible True Dragon]'s self-healing speed at the material level is originally the top batch, second only to those twisted strange species that have lost their form and corrupted.

In addition, don’t forget [Power of Nature] and [Inspiring Armor] as well as the two god-level passives: "Recover 3% of maximum health per hour" and "Increase all healing effects received by 60%"!

Therefore, when the original perverted basic life recovery is increased by 34 times, it is also affected by various system life laws.

Li Rui’s [Indestructible Dragon] has shown what is truly "lasting"!


The close combat of the electric light flint may not be visible, but once the distance was opened, the onlookers suddenly found that Li Rui's response speed was a bit strange!

In just a few tens of minutes, the scarred Zerg’s Fascination regained its teeth and claws, the broken and cracked carapace was healed, and the sharp thorns grew and spread, and it seemed to become more tough and hideous!

"People's long-range attack is to save their lives. Is his long-range attack to stop his breath?"

This kind of magical behavior made the onlookers look bewildered.

Especially those who are extraordinary in the law system, watching the golden giant struggle in the magic that destroys the world, the pain and sorrow in their hearts can't stop flowing.

I should be under the car, not in the car...

Even the most proficient long-range magic bombing is not as good as the famous "Immortal True Dragon", the name of this mage, don't worry!

However, Li Rui in the battle didn't know how much impact he had caused to the high-level transcendents of the major forces, and his thoughts were placed in a continuous sense of fulfillment.

In actual combat, we will fully urge the [Eternal Immortal and Infinite Tribulation] to collide and hone with higher-level forces of the same origin.

Wang Lei is like a textbook showing the power of [Indestructible Dragon].

The previously impenetrable bottleneck suddenly opens up under the living reference.

The fierce battle and trauma are like a hammer, squeezing out Li Rui's potential little by little, making him more indestructible!

Maximum HP +12, +17, +21...

Armor limit +11, +13, +20...

Maximum magic resistance +19, +16, +11...

Attack ceiling...

Spell power...

The warm torrents in the stomach pouch rushed through the blood vessels and meridians, and the blood scabs on the body slowly fell off, revealing the new light red skin.

The wounded internal organs slowly squirmed and repaired, making tiger and leopard thunder sounds.

The torn muscles reconnected together, and the bones became stronger...

Whether it is the digestion of extra attributes or the growth of cultivation bases, Li Rui feels that these ten hours seem to be more efficient than the penance of more than a month before!

For a moment, Li Rui even wanted to let this battle continue indefinitely until he hit a new bottleneck!

Naturally, his growth can't escape Wang Lei's eyes. The strength of the two is the same root, and they resonate and vibrate, and there will be a vague feeling between growth and decline.

Realizing that the qi and blood of the Zerg was full and burning, it seemed that it had grown a bit more than a few hours ago, and Wang Lei couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

Can this perverted kid really catch up with my temporary [Blood Fury] with permanent growth?

No way? No way? Couldn't anyone really do this kind of thing?

This kind of magical plot violates the advertising law if you say it!

When the scene that had never been imagined was truly shown before his eyes, even Wang Lei, who was polluted by tyrannical emotions, couldn't help but panic.

No, he must be stopped!

The golden giant exuded dim light, the speed skyrocketed, and it quickly approached the Zerg's Law.

However, the huge zerg worm suddenly released a burning star ring, throwing him out of the clouds in an instant.

【Golden Fire】·Golden Stage

The hero inflicts 300 (+30% attack power) magic damage to surrounding enemies every second, and increases its movement speed by 70% for 10 minutes. The hero's movement speed bonus will continue to decrease. Normal attacks will prolong the duration of [Blazing Fire] by up to 20 minutes.

Wang Lei: "..."

You seem to be so naive if you are so happy.

After venting his heart, the golden giant's fascination faded, and he was immediately submerged in a sea of ​​magic.

In the tingling sensation of acupuncture and ant bite, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui who was calm in front of him.

[Eternal immortal immeasurable calamity]?

Impossible, no one in the world understands the "sincereness" of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] better than him.

[The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]?

It's not like that, this kind of exercise is more soul-oriented, unpredictable, and completely different from the style shown by Li Rui!

Scratching his head, Wang Lei discovered in pain that he has now entered a process of chronic death.


Let alone escape, the pride in his heart will never allow him to take a step back!

Continue to stalemate?

I don’t know how long the torture of cutting meat with a dull knife will last...

At this point, everyone at UU reading www.uukanshu.com has seen Wang Lei's dilemma.

I didn't expect that the indestructible [Indestructible Dragon] would be suppressed one day!

But except for a few people who had old grudges with Wang Lei, they were filled with joy, and everyone else was full of heavy heart.

Because it was not someone else who suppressed him, but a stronger [Indestructible Dragon]!

This means that a huge shadow shrouded in the extraordinary world becomes even bigger.

Even if Wang Lei died in Li Rui's hands in the end, who stepped on the corpse of the predecessor and took over the strongest [Indestructible True Dragon] name Li Rui would be so strong, no one can tell...

In a daze, a strange mood suddenly flashed in the hearts of the onlookers.

Now in this situation... it's better to let Wang Lei continue to wear everything...

At least, he still has theoretical weaknesses, and Li Rui...cannot understand it at all!

Blood, magic, attack, defense, speed, resistance, explosion...

Just compare a certain item, maybe you can find a few hidden masters at the bottom of the box to beat him.

But when put together, they form an insurmountable barrier.

In the age when the divinity has not yet returned, he may be the strongest ceiling under the gods!

Bitter comprehension surged in my heart, and the crowds onlookers suddenly couldn't help shaking.

Wait a minute, he seems to have just advanced the Secret Diamond...

In other words, his current posture is far from his strongest look!

Not knowing that he has caused a desperate blow to the people who eat melons, Li Rui began to torture the golden giant for a long time, both mentally and physically.

Use long-range magic attacks to temper your spell power and restore life.

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