Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 971: , Never admit defeat!

When the amount of blue is exhausted, immediately switch to the melee form and rush to kill!

Calm down after being beaten violently, switch to the long-range bombing mode again to repair and restore, and so on...

Unknowingly, Li Rui's extra attributes deposited in the depths of his body and soul were squeezed out little by little, and even the two great powers that confirmed each other were progressing by leaps and bounds.

And what makes him most delighted is that he constantly recycles runes and skills in actual combat, each time he has a new understanding of the power of the system!

The touch at this time is more profound than the usual practice of 10,000 times!

Each bottleneck was shattered in front of his eyes. If it weren't for enough upgrade options, his combat effectiveness would explode on the spot!

But even so, his short-term growth still shocked the world's jaw.


The dark sky and the earth are surging, and the scorching wind is blowing, most of the high-level transcendents in the world have rushed to the center of the Pacific Ocean to witness this rare terrorist war in hundreds of years!

"How long?"

"179 hours."


Painful groans sounded in the crowd from time to time, and the feeling of the aftermath of the two fighting on the periphery made many of them feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention participating in such a high-intensity war, which lasted more than seven days!

Seven days!

Shouldn't a normal battle like this be won within a few hours or even tens of minutes?

Why can you fight to the point where you are now?

But just as the melon-eating crowd was mourning, the small island at the core of the battlefield, the two sides of the battle had already quietly changed!

Li Rui's figure is still tall and strong, but his eyes can't hide the fatigue.

Even with the continuous nutritional support of [Void Stomach Pouch], the intense battle of seven days and nights still exhausted his energy.

Opposite him, Wang Lei's performance was even worse.

The body that was originally burly like a hill has lost a lot of weight, and for the first time the clothes worn on him looked empty, like a dying tiger.

For seven days and nights without dripping in, he could only rely on his limited storage to fight Li Rui's nearly infinite [Void Stomach Pouch].

As a result, he lost his vitality and blood, and every day he became haggard and thin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Brother Lei, give up, you can't beat me!"

Li Rui looked at Wang Lei deeply with sincere and awe.

He was not happy because he had the upper hand. Only when he really played against each other, could Li Rui better understand Wang Lei's power!

It's so powerful!

Without the power of the system, Li Rui can't figure out how mortals can defeat him!

Even if it was himself, relying on [Void Stomach Pouch]'s almost cheating recovery ability, he dragged him to the present abruptly!

In the past seven days, Li Rui's various skills and runes took turns to recover hundreds of tubes of blood with unlimited nutrition!

What is the concept of hundreds of tubes of blood?

In the later stage, his life value has exceeded one million, which means that with his defense power, Wang Lei has knocked out hundreds of millions of his life value!

Even though these damages were evenly distributed in the long battle and were offset by Li Rui's abnormal resilience, it still proved Wang Lei's unparalleled attack power!

What is even more terrifying is his defense!

At the end of the battle, Li Rui's attack and spell power had already broken through the sky.

Under the superposition of dozens of system laws, every gesture is full of power!

But it was such a terrifying attack power that Wang Lei had forcibly endured for seven days!

Seventh [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity], horrible!

"I... never admit defeat!"

The dry and hoarse voice is like a dying beast, even if it reaches the end of life, it still retains the ferocity of choosing people and eating!

Li Rui let out a long sigh with his eyes condensed slightly.

"I knew it……"

After a short silence, Li Rui slowly stood up and looked down at Wang Lei from a high ground, the cold purple and golden dragon pupil staring directly at the chaotic and dark crazy eyes.

"Then divide the outcome, even if you cut you into a stick, I will take you back!"

The pale golden barrier that enveloped the island was like foam shattering, Li Ruimai stepped forward, taking a step forward slightly.

The elegant and slender figure disappeared abruptly, and when his toes "touched the ground", he had already arrived in front of the Zerg's Dharma Phase ten kilometers away.

With the revocation of the power of balance, the island suspended on the dry seabed slowly cracked, turned into dust and dissipated in the wind.

Turning around, Li Rui looked directly at the golden giant in the distance, and the Zerg's magic phase behind him swallowed him like a liquid.

The purple light bloomed on the chest of the Zerg, like a sun hidden in the body.

The unity of body and soul seemed to have touched a special law, and the surging energy surged in the body, and Li Rui seemed to see the way to a higher personality.

At the same time, the Towering Zerg suddenly widened his eyes and let out a tyrannical neigh.


The whole world fell into a cold and dead silence, the atmosphere stopped flowing, everything was silent, and time seemed to be frozen in this moment!

A short moment is as long as a century. As the energy shock subsides, the world "burns"!

The black flame expanded infinitely, and the body of the Zerg was expanded along with it!

Muscles squirmed, bones swelled, and thick and sturdy black dragon scales grew all over his body. A pair of dragon wings broke out from behind and spread wildly.

【The Devil Dragon Comes to the World】·Golden Order

Passive: (omitted).

Active effect: the hero becomes a dragon, increasing the maximum health by 200%... (omitted)

This time, without the interference of [Crown of Tiamat], the spirituality of the Zerg and the dragon combined to form a hideous monster with a body length of nearly one kilometer and a wingspan of more than three kilometers.

It looks like a black dragon, but it has two more scythes and claws, and sharp chitinous bone spurs all over the body.

Snake-like jaws opened more than ninety degrees, and inside were rows of jungle-like serrated fangs, and deeper down was the never-satisfying greedy throat.

On the solid and heavy dragon scales, mysterious and obscure inscriptions gradually emerged. Gilt energy flows and flickers in these runes from time to time, giving a faint light to the ferocious appearance, making the monster with its teeth and claws look tyrannical and at the same time beautiful and evil. .

Just unconsciously waving the sharp claws, the escaped invisible energy cut the sea into a gap of several kilometers long.

Adapting to his extra limbs, Li Rui was in a daze, a little confused about the boundary between spirituality and flesh and blood.

When he reaches his level, the dharma phase has gradually possessed physical properties and has begun to tend towards real matter!

In the future, if he ascends to the seat of God, his decapitated limbs and scales will even become real materials.

Blood, muscles, and every part of his body will become treasures that make other extraordinary people crazy!

Shaking his head, leaving these distracting thoughts behind, Heilong looked at the flickering golden light in the distance.

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