Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 972: , 7 days beyond 70 years

The brilliance of the golden giant human body flickered, invisible blood clouds spread around the body, the evil and gorgeous black pattern seemed to erode the golden light, and the fuzzy face gradually turned into Wang Lei's appearance.

But even if the two sides are also spiritually integrated, Wang Lei's physical appearance is weak and insignificant!

"Brother Lei, I will advise you one more time, give up!"

His vigorous voice shook the world, facing the terrifying enemy occupying an absolute advantage, Wang Lei grinned wildly and madly.

"no way!"


Xing Tian axe tore through the space with indomitable strength, and slashed towards the mountain-like black dragon.

However, this time Li Rui didn't dodge, just stretched out the dazzling dragon claws to stop the axe on the way.


As if two stars collided, the space suddenly shrank inward, and then a spherical shock wave swept across the sky and the earth, pressing deep craters several kilometers in diameter on the sea.

The high-pressure heavy explosion ripples spread outward at supersonic speeds, even if they are nearly a hundred kilometers away, they can still make the onlookers feel the power contained in them.

However, the situation on the battlefield made their breathing heavy.

Each finger of the dragon's claws over a hundred meters long looked like an Optimus pillar, and the invincible Xingtian axe bombarded the palm of the palm, but it did not cause the damage imagined.

"This...Wang Lei is tired?"

"It should be that even the iron man can't stand the seven-day sleepless battle, not to mention that he is only in the golden rank, and his life level is not as good as the secret diamond rank Li Rui."

The two extraordinary men chatted thoughtfully, and a knight in armor roared with red eyes.

"Shut up, you know what a fart!"

"Wang Lei's offensive power will continue to grow with the battle. Don't look at his current exhaustion, but his offensive power is the strongest moment in his life!"

The two transcendents were screamed with dumbfounded faces, and they froze for several seconds before beeping unwillingly.

"Then how could he be stopped by Li Rui with one hand?"

The armored knight took a deep breath, his irritable mood suddenly became low, his bloodshot eyes looked back at the battlefield, a hint of despair in his quiet tone.

"Of course it's because Li Rui has become stronger..."

At the same time, Wesley Joe was silent while watching the skyrocketing data on the screen in the hall of the Space Mothership in the satellite orbit.

During the live watching, Li Rui's growth was not obvious, because it was continuous and small progress.

However, under the detection of the sophisticated instruments equipped on the mothership, all the small changes turned into cold data, stacked on top of each other, and the results revealed at last made everyone in the hall silent.

"Captain, you said...could the detection result be wrong?"

The adjutant licked his dry lips, swallowed, and asked hard.

"The self-inspection program has been run. Since there is no problem in the process, we must learn to accept the result no matter how against common sense."

Wesley Joe looked at the data intently and said calmly.

Now, no matter what kind of moth Li Rui makes, he will no longer be surprised.

"But it's unscientific. In these seven days, he has surpassed the accumulation of 70 years of ordinary Secret Diamond Rank. Why?"

The adjutant scratched his hair painfully and wailed for his collapsed Sanguan.

Not only him, but the other members in the hall stared at the screen sluggishly, unable to accept this magical reality.

Blood, mana, attack, defense...

All the attributes that can be detected are doubled and doubled up. If the time axis in the data table is stretched to seventy years, it is considered a peerless genius, compressed to seven days...

Ok? ? ! ! !

Ignoring the wailing of his subordinates, Wesley Joe turned to the floor-to-ceiling window and stared at the blue ocean below his feet.

But after holding back for a long time, he couldn't help taking a deep breath and spit out a word silently.


In the center of his sight, after seven days of sleepless grind, a black "mountain" is exhaling a breath of substantial energy, evaporating the surrounding ocean.

A thousand kilometers away, Li Rui was staring at the data on his panel, and slowly let out a sigh of relief.

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: Secret Diamond (introverted spirituality)

Level: 509 level

HP: 727598/1322113 (1141815+spell power×3)

Mana: 162315/274326 (51276×535%)

Armor: 33057 (28746×115%)

Magic resistance: 37756 (32832×115%)

Attack power: 8144

Spell power: 128608【(17705+4.5% mana+3% health)×200%】

All the extra attributes have been emptied and turned into a real combat power!

The 1.32 million HP was enlarged to nearly 4 million under [The Devil's Dragon Comes].

[Giant Hydra] and [Atama's Reconciliation] add 6.5% of the maximum health attack power. These two pieces of equipment alone allowed Li Rui's actual attack power to exceed the 200,000 mark!

Plus the magic power to throw out 10,000 streets!

Li Rui now has an all-round rolling effect on Wang Lei.

Xing Tian axe struggled and trembled in his palm, the brutal divine light violently rubbed against the scales, bursting out dazzling flames.

Li Rui could clearly sense his unwillingness, the golden-rank Wang Lei's personality was still too low to release his true destructive power.

But...I want this effect...

Holding the axe blade to his side, two weird sharp scythes and claws passed between the golden giant's waist, leaving two hideous gaps.

If it is a real human these two paws can take out his waist, but there is only a dim light in the wound of the law.

The mysterious energy squirmed and spread, quickly closing the wound like an adhesive.

However, this was only in vain, because more cruel attacks followed like a torrent.

Without any bells and whistles, the simplest primitive fangs and claws.

As if a huge tyrannosaurus threw down its prey, the scene became **** and cruel.


The dragon's claws pierced into the giant's body, scratching a canyon-like scar.

The brutal mouth gnawed at the giant, tearing off pieces of "flesh".

Even with the ninety percent damage reduction effect of the seven layers of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], under Li Rui's crazy attack, it turned into Ling Chi torture.

In the painful and crazy screams, the two giants scrambled and rolled in the sky, like the blind and foolish chaos beasts of the ancient times, instinctively fighting and fighting, devouring each other and embarking on a higher sequence!

Even at a distance of nearly a hundred kilometers, a huge crowd of onlookers still shivered.

Wang Lei's divine aura is brutal and **** enough, but Li Rui is more brutal and hideous than him!

Obviously it was the battle between the two of them, but the onlookers raised a fear that they dare not look directly!

""Dragon"! What an enviable meme."

In the crowd, the old woman shrouded in her hood raised her eyes and looked at the battlefield where lightning and thunder resembled myths and legends. The erect green eyes were full of greed and madness.

The ethereal emerald green energy in the depths of the eyes turned into countless tiny wriggling shadows, like maggots and snakes.

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