Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 973: , Kang Long You Regret, Shenwei New Moon, Heavenly Slaughter Sword

"As long as I swallow the loser, I can steal the power of [Dragon] and become a new myth!"

The spine made a clucking sound, the old woman tilted her head, her neck gradually twisted into a strange angle, slowly elongated and drooped...

"Hey hey Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The chin dropped to the back of the instep, and the dry palms stretched out to the battlefield. Several transcendents around found an abnormality, glanced at each other, and quietly pulled away from her.

"Stra Patrick?"

"Yes, it's her."

"Didn't she have been silent for several years? I thought she was dead."

"This guy was crazy years ago. Be careful."

"She was the pinnacle stone decades ago, now... divine calamity?"

"I don't know if she has taken the last step, but it seems that she still retains a trace of reason and humanity."

As soon as he finished speaking, watching the body wriggling and twisting under the hood into a weird shape, the extraordinary man couldn't help but shudder.

"When the last trace of humanity disappears, the blasphemous bell rang, and new calamities fell on the ground, bringing death and despair to mankind!"

Not far away, Grace looked far away at the battlefield without squinting, whispering as if singing.

"No matter what?"

Raphael turned his head and glanced at Stella Patrick, and asked unbearably.

"It's useless, she has already begun to forget the human form, and the last trace of rational flame deep in her heart is about to extinguish."

After a pause, Grace suddenly smiled brightly.

"Besides, don't you think it's good to find something for Li Rui to do? Without the plot flip, the battle between two [Indestructible Dragons] is not perfect!"

Raphael: "..."

After hesitating for a moment, Raphael sighed and stopped talking.

Here gathers the most powerful group of supernatural beings on the planet, not to mention that a mere Patrick can't turn the sky, even if a **** is really dropped, he can't withstand the siege of various gods.

In the middle of the battlefield, the fight between the two giants has reached a white-hot stage.

Both sides had more bone wounds, and their movements became more brutal and bloodthirsty.

During this period, the evil and gorgeous inky black lines crazily spread on the golden giant's skin, occupying almost 80% of the body surface area.

Crazy and reason struggled in the eyes, the hideous bone pierced the skin, and the golden giant began to grow claws and bone armor.

"You coward, you actually want to accept death!"

"NO, I have not……"

"Then why don't you use the strongest force?"

"I have tried my best..."

"No! You didn't! You have been allowing his growth!"


The two selves are fighting in the soul, the brilliance of the dark gold vertical pupils flickers, and the more tyrannical and viscous energy than [Blood Fury] begins to flood the limbs.

"Follow the initial choice, the winner lives, the loser dies!"

"If he dies, it means that he is not qualified to inherit the name of [Indestructible True Dragon]!"

"If I die, he will step on my body to ascend to a higher throne!"

"Whether win or lose, it is the best arrangement for me..."

Mysterious and mysterious rants echoed in my mind, like the original sound from the depths of the soul, and like a vicious curse from the subspace.

The blood-red flame ignited in the eyes, and the giant contaminated into dark gold suddenly exploded with irresistible power, blasting the mountain-like black dragon into the sky.


With a terrifying roar, the dark gold giant suddenly turned into a black hole, devouring the energy of the whole body frantically.

All the energy is condensed into a black light of destruction under the action of a certain mysterious law.

Li Rui: "..."

I'm familiar with this trick!

The cold shadow of death enveloped the spiritual sense, Li Rui squeezed out all the warmth and nourishment potential, and his body expanded again!


On the system panel that is invisible to others, the terrifying attributes are infinitely skyrocketing. In the depths of the soul that has been nurtured for many days, the surging divinity is like surging river water!

Under the eyes of the public, the mountain-like black dragon carapace squirmed and turned into a giant monster that shielded the sun all day.

It was as if the ants' sense of powerlessness and despair in the face of natural disasters spread in their hearts, even the strongest original stone-step transcendents could only slowly raise their chin, and their eyes rose with the expansion of the monster.

[You regret] superimposed with [Devil Dragon Coming], and the upper limit of HP exceeds 10 million.

But even with such a gesture, Li Rui still had no bottom in his heart.

Because Xing Tian axe's blade has condensed a ray of death light of "impossible".

The strange power in the dark locked himself in, and Li Rui knew that no matter how he dodges, he would face Wang Lei's strongest blow in the end.

Can't hide!

Then see who is stronger...

Release the thought of destruction in your heart, and the same black light of destruction condenses on the sickle claws.

The same [Indestructible Dragon]!

The same [Heavenly Slaughter Sword]!

When the two "black holes" swelled in the sky, the onlookers looked at each other and opened the distance without a trace.

Just eat a melon, there is no need to take your life into it.

Looking at the battle between these two monsters, even the original stone steps are in danger.


Unsurprisingly, the two monsters roared at the same time, and the world was instantly swallowed by a dark light. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Kaitian·Sill God Axe"

"Kanglong has regrets, the mighty new moon, the heavenly slaughter sword!"

In the invisible chaos and darkness, two tyrannical and crazy low growls exploded in my heart, and everyone involuntarily raised a fear from the soul.

The voice of divinity faded in a flash, and the whole world quieted strangely...

It seemed as if a moment had passed, and it was as if a century had passed, the faint light penetrated the darkness, revealing a shocking picture.

The original blue ocean has disappeared, and replaced by a bottomless abyss, as if linking endless voids.

The dark clouds in the sky were crushed by the divine power across the firmament, revealing a bright Milky Way that stretches to the end of the line of sight!

And in the middle of the abyss and the star sea, a giant wrapped in purple, black, and gold flames is softly suspended, and the black arc flickers and extinguishes, and the substantive divine flames are fluctuating on his body surface, and the dim human form under his feet The law is in sharp contrast.

Everyone stared at this weird and magnificent scene blankly, and their eyes were involuntarily attracted by the towering figure in the center.

Looking through the indeterminate flames, I vaguely witnessed the hideous nature shrouded in the colorful divine light, a wave of biological instinct, so indescribable fear that instantly rushed into my mind.

Devouring, death, greed, fear...

As if it was an indescribable horror manifestation in a nightmare, all kinds of extreme negative emotions stacked together, unexpectedly gave birth to an indescribable yearning for worship.

Severe pain penetrated through the body and mind, flesh and blood and energy riots were distorted, countless weird pieces of flesh bulged and wandered under the onlookers' skin, forming various minor distortions.

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