Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 975: , I have eaten this stuff

All soul tentacles condense and contract in a spiral, like a steel needle, gently and steadily piercing the golden sun.


The giants of Dhamma were twisted into weird shapes, their bones were broken, and their limbs trembled disorderly like mollusks.

The black light of destruction spreads and advances again, and the huge human form is annihilated into the most basic particles at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a curling smoke.

But Li Rui was not disturbed by the outside world, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, mechanically pushing the soul tentacles.

However, just as the inheritance entered the most critical point, a small figure suddenly appeared beside the black dragon, and a distorted old face popped up in the shadow hidden under the hood. The snake-like jaws instantly expanded infinitely, turning into a cloud of sky. The horrible mouth of the sun.

The "sky" collapsed, and the sky was completely replaced by a bottomless black hole-like throat.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an ugly giant snake larger than the planet, showing its greedy mouth, "slowly" attacking the earth.

"Eat you, eat the dragon..."

Crazy and chaotic chattering spread to his brain, Li Rui instinctively wanted to fight back, but immediately suppressed the impulse and focused most of his attention on the soul tentacles.

Although the [Heavenly Slaughter Divine Sword] squeezed the energy, blood and energy, the [Devil Dragon Coming] and [Repentance] postures are still continuing, so what if you let you nibble for two minutes?

[Eternal immortal immeasurable calamity]!

The light golden transparent barrier instantly rises, like an amber solidified in a long river, shielding the interference from the outside world.


The giant human face swallowed two dharma images in one bite, and made a sour chewing sound, but could not swallow it alive or dead.

Until this time, the melon-eating people who were hundreds of kilometers away reacted and were about to sell their affection to [Zhonghua]. Two stern streamers appeared beside the giant snake on the human face without any warning, and gently rounded her neck. turn.

The greedy and hideous expression instantly solidified, and the body disproportionate to the head slowly fell off, releasing a dark green fishy mist.

An elegant and slender figure suddenly emerged, and the two streams of purple and green light happily lingered around him like satellites, and finally crossed into the scabbard on his back.

The ugly head that looked like a person but not a human, like a snake but not a snake quickly shriveled, faintly revealing the bright golden light below.

The terrible golden red flame penetrates the weak skin, rapidly carbonizing it and burning it to ashes!

In the core battlefield of the soul, the last layer of spiritual defense penetrated, and the soul's tentacles instantly lost their form, as if milk and coffee were poured together, and a new substance was formed in an instant.

A wonderful force descended from the void, and poured into Wang Lei's soul through Li Rui's body.

System: "The law is tampered with... the original level is reshaped... the system rules are fixed..."

The violent reaction gradually calmed down, the Golden Faxiang suddenly opened his eyes, and the twisted body shook and recovered, and the loose palms re-secured the Xing Tian axe.


The faint golden light penetrated from the depths of the law, with a trembling aura to prevent the black light of destruction from spreading.

"The secondary system binding is complete and you have gained a new teammate."

Li Rui breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard the prompt tone from the system.

Brother Lei's willpower is really terrifying. In the past, Xiao Huang tried several times before he succeeded, and every time it was like killing a pig!

And Wang Lei was not only a one-time pass, but also no struggle during the whole process.

He is not only cruel to the enemy, but even more cruel to himself!

With a sigh, Li Rui turned around, the admiration and gratification in his eyes disappeared instantly, becoming cold and merciless.

Not far from him, a headless corpse was creeping and swelling, and a disgusting sarcoma grew from his neck, gradually turning into an ugly deformed head.

Ha ha ha ha ~

The viscous, fishy light green liquid squeezed and splashed, making an unpleasant sound of water.

The chest of the giant black dragon was rippling like water, and a sturdy and slender body slowly floated out of it.

"who are you?"

Li Rui didn't even look at the hot-eyed enemy, but stared at a certain beautiful black-robed youth with interest.

The breath of two swords, one blue and one purple behind him, seemed to be familiar.

The eyes that seemed to contain the universe and stars cast a cold look at him, and the young man in the gilt gorgeous black robe slowly spoke.

"Come to kill your people..."

Li Rui's heart slammed, and his eyes quickly floated over the two swords behind him, and a chill rose in his heart.

But then the young man glanced at the golden giant who had gradually shrunk behind him and turned into his body, and sighed insignificantly.

"But it doesn't seem to be necessary now."

Li Rui: "..."

Did you make a tsk just now when you stepped on the horse?

Are you so sorry that you can't kill us?

If it wasn't for Lao Tzu's current state, I would like to chat with you!

Twitching the corners of his mouth, Li Rui turned from his heart to look at the deformed monster that stretched out dozens of meters to his neck.

"Eat you! Eat the dragon!"

There was chaos in the turbid and greedy eyes, and the outline of the person was no longer visible on his face. It was more like a concretization of fear from a distorted nightmare.

But even though the appearance is shabby, the terrifying divinity in its body is like magma tumbling and transpiring. has unlimited expansion and sublimation.

I have eaten this stuff!

There was a sense of sight flashing in his mind, and Li Rui seemed to recall the taste of [Nine Infants] and [Eight Snake], and couldn't help but smash it.

But immediately, he was a little embarrassed.

The endless death fight for seven days and nights drained all his strength.

In the end, he fought with Wang Lei and lost both. Even if he still retained a certain amount of combat power, he still had no bottom in the face of such a fallen creature that embraced the darkness.

You know, once she gave up the last trace of reason and allowed the dark negative forces to erode herself, then she would have taken the last step and stepped onto the **** seat in a deformed way.

She became Him, no matter whether or not the person's "self" was annihilated in philosophy, but in terms of power, He deservedly surpassed the gods and gods and evolved to a higher sequence!

Damn it, facing the divine calamity in this state, and protecting Lei who has lost his combat power...

Li Rui cursed secretly, her eyes rolled, and he glanced at the young man in black robes without a trace, thinking about the possibility of taking a step ahead of him by fooling him.

But in the next moment, he doesn't need to struggle.

Because dozens of gorgeous golden lights burst out in the sky.

Golden bridges spread out from the void, running through the distant space and reaching the other shore.

In the sluggish eyes of the onlookers, the breath was condensed one by one, and the silhouettes of the abyss walked down from the opposite side of the golden bridge, surrounding the entire battlefield.

The tight muscles slackened, Li Rui no longer worried about the enemy with hot eyes, and opened his arms to the figure rushing down from the golden bridge on the other side.

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