Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 976: , Ollie, do it!


"Li Rui~"

Amid the howls, two soft bodies slammed into his arms, and their small heads rubbed hard against him.

"team leader."

The tearful Luo Li still had to be more restrained, waiting for Li Rui to comfort the two cute creatures before hitting people with the ball, making his chest feel stuffy.

"Well, don't cry, I'm fine."

Holding Yingying's slender waist, Li Rui patted her vest before looking at the other teammates behind her.

Teacher Hannah's eyes were gentle as water, Aya Kiyi was inexplicably proud and proud, as if she was talking to a familiar woman.

Huang Juncai's expression was the strangest. He smiled and nodded to Li Rui, with a hint of indifference in his open-mindedness, like a master monk who saw through the world!

But soon, Li Rui found that something was wrong. The young man in the black robe not far away was staring at Teacher Hanna, and the eyes of Canruo Xingchen moved back and forth on her.

If it weren't for his clear and pure eyes, without a trace of lewdness, Li Rui would go up and chat with him on the spot!

But even so, Li Rui put down Luo Li and intervened between the two, facing the young man's eyes provocatively.

What are you looking at?

The disgusted frowned, and the young man looked away and disappeared in place.

"Cut, spicy chicken!"

With a secret curse, Li Rui narrowed her mouth. Just turning around, she saw Aya Xiyi pointing at him triumphantly and proudly showing off to the woman with her chin up.

"My son, Li Rui, has the capital of the emperor!"

Li Rui: "..."

Sand sculpture melon skin takes advantage of Lao Tzu again!

Fierce snake! on!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Li Rui winked at Zhao Youxuan concealedly, and the excited Pigworm immediately catapulted and started.

"Snakehead hammer!"


With his head on his stomach, Aya Kie folded her whole body into a C-shape, and instantly disappeared from the end of her sight.

"Humph! Spicy chicken!"

With a cold snort, Li Rui turned around and looked at the poor divine calamity.

A powerful enchantment isolated and wrapped him, and dozens of dragons of the town and country surrounded him frantically, and the scene was extremely cruel.


Until this time, the seawater that was blasted away by the [Heavenly Slaughter God Sword]'s confrontation rolled back and re-submerged the bare seabed along the way.

Hundreds of kilometers of tsunami rushed and roared, like a galloping horse, and finally poured into a bottomless trench.


The water pressure from all directions hits the center under the action of gravity, and all the forces converge, splashing a liquid "mushroom cloud" straight into the sky.

"You guys made this scene really beyond imagination!"

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Feng Hanran and Li Rui stood side by side, bathed in muddy sea water.

"Have you been watching?"

"Of course, it's just that those old and stubborn ones don't allow anyone to intervene, so we can only watch the battle remotely."

Feng Hanran shrugged, looked around at the melon-eating people hundreds of kilometers away, and pressed his mouth lightly.

"But as long as you prepare [The Golden Bridge on the Other Shore], the distance is meaningless to us. We are actually closer to you than those onlookers who are far away."

"Hehe, the result was just one point, the old stubborn ones are the happiest runners."

Nodding, Li Rui moved his body, and his joints burst out like firecrackers.

"Do you still want to shoot?"

Looking at Li Rui in surprise, Feng Hanran blinked suspiciously.

He thought that after playing for so long, Li Rui's body and mind had reached the limit, but he didn't expect that he still had more energy!

"I'm not a person who gnaws and doesn't return."

Li Rui grinned grimly, his white teeth shone inexplicably cold under the sunlight.

As if a cool breeze was blowing behind his head, Feng Hanran shuddered, silently sighing for the enemy in his heart.

Who is bad for you to chew? Gnaw him?

The divine creatures that died in his mouth could not be counted in one slap!

In the next second, Li Rui flew onto the head of the weird black dragon softly, like a deity patrolling the earth, urging a monster nearly 1,000 meters in length to rush towards the barrier!

The dragon gas of the same root transpired, and the thick barriers of the barrier rippled like water, allowing Li Rui to drive straight in without any hindrance.

Die to the Lord!

The monster that swelled to hundreds of meters long grew various strange organs, but in front of a larger form, it seemed helpless.

The sickle and sharp claws flashing with purple and black light flashed by, cutting off dozens of serpentine necks protruding from the surface!


The wonderful torrent of blood and cold mana poured down from the void, and the long-lost sense of fullness made Li Rui burst into tears of happiness.

Blind, foolish, chaotic, divine calamity is good, majestic, upright!

It's like the iron and hanky Lei brother, he doesn't pull a hair, and he can't squeeze a drop of oil!

The nearly dried blood became full again, and the black dragon at Li Rui's feet opened two sickles and sharp claws, as if a hungry and greedy person raised a dinner knife.


[Stab of Fear]!

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Void Blade]!


Hundreds of meters long sharp claws pierced into the creeping and swelling deformed flesh, tearing off pieces of flesh and blood the size of houses, greedily squeezing energy.

With Li Rui joining the front row of the meat shield, the besieging [Dragon of the Town] let go of their hands and feet and unleashed a horrible attack.

All kinds of powerful artifacts are equipped with various special effects, and the monsters that lose their human form are howling and neighing.

But even under the devastating blow, the deformed and weird flesh continues to swell, gradually transforming into an ugly and bloated human-face giant...

Before the fall, he was at most five-to-five with one [Dragon of the Kingdom of Towns], but once you take the last step and abandon your humanity, the horribly twisted and deformed life will be able to stand up to the siege of dozens of Dragons of the Kingdom and rampage!

Even if there is a powerful [Indestructible Dragon] like Li Rui at the front, a group of people have spent a lot of effort to grind this strange species to half blood!

Li Rui stood on top of the black dragon's head when he stopped the deformed head that stretched and squirmed, always feeling a little awkward.

"Ah! What an ugly pigworm!"

"Bah! This is not a pig worm! The pig worm is very good!"

There was a familiar quarrel in the telepathy, and Li Rui twitched her mouth, finally knowing why she felt awkward.

The body is too short and too bloated. It is not so much a snake as it is... a maggot?

Human face maggots?

No wonder the creeping attack!

Looking at his fat and pale torso, and the corrosive viscous pus continuously secreted from his body, Li Rui inexplicably retched.

Damn, you really want to talk about this stuff?

Or forget it?

But the guidance in the spirit still urged him, and there was a pang of hunger from the Black Dragon Faxiang.

Through the appearance of ugliness, Li Rui could see the huge divinity contained in him.

Compared with the true angelic divine creatures, this chaotic and crazy blasphemous thing contains almost the same divinity, but the fighting power is very different.

One has a brain, the other has no brain, and the latter one is counted as one.

If you swallow him, increasing your health is a trivial matter, and the biggest benefit is the huge improvement in the transformation of the divine!

One such thing is worth at least ten years of hard work!

Li Rui gritted his teeth and rushed up with his eyes closed!

Ollie, do it!

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