[Blood Plague]!

[Blood Conversion]!

[Blood Tides]!

[Blood Red Pool]!

[Runes imprisoned]!

[Dark matter]!

[Energy burst]!


The human face maggots don't know how to use their own advantages at all, and will only follow the instinct and rudely release the divine energy. Skills that are useless in Wang Lei are effective for him!

But even so, it took Li Rui and a group of dragons of town and country for tens of minutes to see a glimmer of hope of victory.

Finally hit half blood, the blood volume of this divine calamity is outrageous...

Staring at the dark red aura that others can't see, Li Rui frantically slandered. The sickle-shaped claws lifted up purple and black glow, tearing apart the hideous gaps like a canyon.

The indescribable viscous peristaltic internal organs fell out of the gap, dripping corrosive pus, and convulsed like a python.

Li Rui: "..."

Turning the faint nausea of ​​nausea into anger, the two sharp sickles and claws turn into afterimages, and the maggots are like a frantic chop on the human face!

Oula Oula Oula! ! ! !


The sharp and piercing sound of piercing the air oscillates at a high frequency, and the continuous stern blade light flickers, dismembering the human face maggots "evenly" from beginning to end.


The ugly head that had long been invisible to the human form was raised high, spraying "mellow and sour" dark green pus at the black dragon Faxiang behind him.

There was an exciting spirit in his heart, and the weird black dragon that enveloped the sky instantly collapsed into a void particle at a speed that did not fit its size, and disappeared in place.

And the dark green pus containing some kind of evil authority hit the barrier barrier, instantly corroding it into a huge cavity.

It is as if the caterpillar eats away at the leaves, and the pale green transpiration squirms and spreads along the edge of the hollow gap, melting away the ethereal energy barrier.

"This is a genuine divine authority, revoke the barrier, otherwise it will erode on you along the energy link!"

Aya Xiyi, who did not know when to return to the battlefield, did not rush to warn that the legal system supporting the enchantment [Dragon of the Kingdom] no longer tried to repair the gap and immediately broke the spiritual link.

The divine calamity that has lost its cage is like a runaway mad dog, turning into a mountain-like shadow, shooting towards the distance.

The faces of the people who were still watching the lively melon eating turned green, like a group of fried pigeons, running away.

In fact, in the face of this mobile natural disaster, they are not completely powerless to fight back.

It's just that there is no preparation beforehand, and they belong to different forces. Who will be brave to be the first bird?

Of course it's not as good as a dead fellow!

As long as I run fast enough, the question mark of my teammates cannot catch up with me!

Leave this kind of hard bones to [Zhonghua] to chew! Goodbye!

For a time, there was a brilliant stream of light between the sea and the sky, and the extraordinary eight immortals of the major forces crossed the sea, showing their magical powers, and quickly fleeing away.

However, after running for several seconds, they didn't feel the danger approaching. They couldn't help but look back and saw a picture that shocked the soul.

Between the dim sea and sky, the illusory pure white wings slowly stretched out behind two superb women, one pair, two pairs, three pairs...

The six slender wings stretched out gracefully, and a hot ring of pure gold appeared on the two of them.

The infinite holy light condenses around them, and the pure white feathers float in the wind, and the snowflakes generally melt in the air.

The epic picture is beautiful, noble, holy, elegant...

But in front of the terrifying deformed monster, the figures of the two angels looked extremely small.

However, in the face of the ugly strange species that came to the face, there was no trace of fear in the pure gold eyes. The colorful light circle revolved deep in the eyes, piercing the enemy's flesh and blood, and looking directly at the core of his soul.

"Heaven Chain!"

Countless auras appeared in the void instantly, and the ring seemed to be connected to another plane, and there was faint light and praise chanting.

A golden chain that was thicker than a train shot out from the inside and poured into [Human Face Maggot] like a phantom, firmly fixing the flesh and soul.

The dense golden chains crazily penetrated [Human Face Maggot], wandering around, like a fishing line being dragged by a huge monster into the bottomless ocean.

With only a moment of blocking, a void particle instantly swelled above the two of them, turning into a terrifying shadow that obscured the sky.


They are all old friends, and Li Rui is not polite, and ready to do it after saying hello.

However, Grace suddenly stopped.

"Wait, since we have taken the shot, we have to share the spoils."

Frowning, Li Rui stood on top of the black dragon's head hesitating for a moment and nodded.

"Yes, we share the leftovers!"

The proud and triumphant expression solidified in an instant, Grace twitched his eyes, and his sizable chest rose and fell violently.

Is this what people say?

What is leftover?

Are you a secret diamond tier ready to gnaw divine calamity?

Still addicted to eating, right?

Also, my dignified Seraphim picks up your leftover leftovers coldly?

Am I a beggar?

The turbulent emotions rolled around on his lips, and all kinds of elegant and easy-going fragrant language were swallowed back.

Forget it, something is better than nothing...

Seeing Grace's beautiful little face wrinkled together, and nodding unwillingly, Li Rui smiled slightly, and the black dragon under his feet raised its sharp claws, as if two dinner knives were about to break down food. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Then I want a copy too."

The action paused slightly, the colorful divine light condensed into substance beside her, and the girl in the white Greek robe smiled like a flower.

Li Rui: "..."

You didn't do anything and wanted to join in the fun, prostitute me for nothing?

As if seeing Li Rui's mind clearly, Sae Kazama pointed to the giant struggling under her feet and said softly.

"The two Secret Diamond Tiered Seraphims cannot hold him for too long. Without me, it would be difficult for you to kill him in a short time."

Are you looking down on my output?

Li Rui raised his eyebrows, pointed fiercely at her, and stared straight at her with ferocious eyes.

"I tell you! The deal!"

With the most ferocious attitude, Li Rui stomped on the top of the black dragon's head, urging the mountain-like behemoth to fall.

No way, it took dozens of dragons of the town and country for a long time to beat the [Human Face Maggot] to half blood. It took me how long it took to get into the killing line.

There are many dreams at night, and it is safer to eat fat in your mouth.

Anyway, he eats the rest, and the blood is not lost!

In addition, one side is the Seraphim standing at the top of heaven, and the other is the fourth-generation **** king of Olympus. When they take the initiative to speak, Li Rui must give face.

This is called card face!

What's more, Sae Kazama helped him during the [Holy Grail War] and [War of Other Worlds], this favor Li Rui has always remembered in his heart.

The last and most important reason...

[The Devil's Dragon Comes to the World] and [Repentance] The postures are almost unstoppable!

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