Da Da Da~

The high heels stepped on the clear echo in the open passage, and the deep base seemed to have no end, which made the sisters feel a little hairy.

But after a few minutes of walking, a strange light finally appeared in front of him, Katavia's eyes lit up, and she pulled her sister forward quickly.

When they walked out of the long passage, they saw a mysterious and magnificent picture.

In the center of a huge empty spherical space, a magnificent pyramid stands here, exuding a simple and mysterious atmosphere.

The luxurious metal color covers the entire pyramid, and the golden lines spread from the central platform to the surroundings, which looks like a huge altar made of pure gold and silver!

In the tiny pipes all over the steps, the platinum liquid flows like blood, forming a powerful torrent of energy.

The faint, but trembling spells lingered around the pyramid, and the indescribable dignity and holiness impacted their hearts, giving them an urge to kneel.

"You are here, come up."

The faint voice oscillated back and forth in the empty spherical space, inexplicably thick and deep, and it felt like the babble of a **** from the distant sky.

Taking a deep breath, Cutavia calmed down her excitement and pulled her trembling sister onto the steps.

One step, two steps...

Looking up at the apex of the pyramid, the two of them seemed like devout pilgrims, going to see the gods they believed in!

And ascending the last step, what awaits them is a familiar smile.

Li Ruiduan was sitting on a pale golden throne condensed from pure energy, with a gray and white kitten curled up on his knees, and a beautiful girl, half human, half snake, was snuggling under his feet and dozing off.


Swallowing hard, it was clearly a peaceful picture, but Katavia felt a huge sense of oppression inexplicably.

In the past few years, she has witnessed the rise of Li Rui with her own eyes.

From the time when they first met, the two sides were at the same energy level. Now that they have entered the secret diamond, they are still worried about gold...

The gap in real combat power is even more exaggerated. He was able to hang himself up and fight back then!

Now she doesn't even have the qualifications to compare with others!

He lowered his head and let out a sigh of relief. Outside, the confident [valkyrie] arrived in front of Li Rui, but she felt a little inferior in her heart.

As if sensing her sister's emotions, Olena squeezed her hand, silently comforting.

However, a straight steel man didn't notice the girl's slender emotions at all, stopped his cat-slapping movement, and slowly stood up.

As he left, the translucent pale gold throne faded away, silently melting into the air.

At the same time, a dazzling light gate bloomed behind Li Rui, revealing a dark void passage.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for you."

The little milk cat fell on the ground, meowing at Li Rui in dissatisfaction, and instantly jumped behind the light gate.

Zhao Youxuan opened her eyes in a daze, like a caterpillar, wriggling into the light door arch by arch.

"President, where are we going?"

Cutavia looked at the bottomless passage of time and space, with a hint of anxiety in his excitement.

"Secret base."

With a chuckle and winking at the two of them, Li Rui stroking her chest and bending over, making a request.

"Lady first."

The sisters glanced at each other, excitedly, and stepped into the light gate.

After a brief sense of chaos in time and space, a solid touch came from under their feet, and a vast and boundless world was revealed before the two of them.

"this is……"

Looking around in confusion, before the two of them understood the situation, the horrible energy fluctuations accompanied the fierce wind.


The dazzling light flashed away, and Katavia subconsciously protected her sister behind her and made a defensive action, but the expected pain did not come.

A translucent wall of light as thin as a cicada's wings shrouded them in front of them, as if a rock in a torrent stood still, shielding all destructive power out.

"Xiao Wei, save me!"

Amid the screams, Huang Juncai's embarrassed snakeskin walked away, dodge the carpet bombing from the sky.

"Okay, stop practicing, I have new members to introduce to you."

Clapping his palms, Li Rui's voice spread throughout the [Rune Land], and in a blink of an eye, strange figures appeared on the altar.

With a slight pressure on the palm of his hand, the wind raging between heaven and earth subsided instantly. Under Li Rui's will, the whole world became quiet, as if welcoming new guests.

One is dark and elegant, the other is red and slender, and the two full-covered female armor helmets fade, revealing a familiar and beautiful face.

"Master Luo Li!"

"Master Hannah!"

The gray and white little milk cat turned into light particles in the sky, condensed into a slender beautiful girl, and smiled and greeted the two with Zhao Youxuan, who was half human and half snake.

"Master Li Wei!"

"Master Youxuan!"

They are all people who have been familiar with them in the past few years, and they are not humble or humble at first sight.

"Don't be so restrained, relax."

Pressing their heads and gently rubbing them twice, Li Rui smiled and introduced them to secrets that had never been revealed before.

Listening to Li Rui's statement, the brighter eyes widened, and the excitement in the pupils was about to overflow.

"So... are you willing to accept the inheritance?"


With shouts of excitement in unison, both UU reading www.uukanshu.com sisters understand that this is a critical moment to change their destiny.

"But this process may be extremely painful and even life-threatening. Even so, are you willing?"

The sisters froze for a moment, and Cutavia took a deep breath and nodded decisively.

She was once regarded as a meat sacrifice to Menichka, the **** of [pain and torture]. She experienced inhuman abuse and almost brought her sister into the magic cave.

Since then, Katavia has understood the importance of power.

If she had the power of Li Rui at the time, these pains would only be borne by the abuser!

At that time, when she was dying and returning to the light, she secretly swore in her heart.

If she can survive, she must absolutely seize the power and authority at all costs, and never let herself be like a fish on a chopping board and be slaughtered by others!

Never let your pain, despair, and wailing go to please those disgusting gods!

Seeing her sister's decisive look, Olena seemed to have gained courage and nodded vigorously.

Staring deep into the eyes of the two of them with serious eyes, Li Rui pondered for a long while, and suddenly raised a bright smile.

"The pain is real, but the danger is actually not that great."

As long as the "strength" is mastered, the soul tentacles are actually very difficult to cause irreparable damage. The life danger he said is actually only the last test.


With a sharp snap of his fingers, Li Rui looked at the two with a smile.

"Well, who will come first?"

There was a shudder inexplicably, and the sisters looked at each other, always feeling that the adult's smile made people panic.

Is it too late to regret now?

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