Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 988: , "Death" is terrible

"Sister, sister, don't die!!"

Olena cried out and took out a bottle of [Life Potion], and poured it into Katavia's mouth without money.

Li Rui retracted his palm in confusion, stepped back, watching a group of people surrounded by blood, like a tattered doll, and scratching his head in doubt.

Why is this... It shouldn't...

Walking to the edge of the altar and sitting down, the noise behind him gradually faded away. Huang Juncai sat next to him silently, took out a cigarette and handed it to his eyes.

It took a long time to discover the cigarette in front of him, Li Rui slowly turned his head, his face was full of black question marks.

"What? I don't smoke?"

"A cigarette at this time can better highlight your melancholic temperament."

"How do I feel that you are gloating?"

"Where is it? I just feel the vicissitudes of the world, the world is impermanent, birth, old age, sickness and death, sorrow and joy... Feng Shui turns, and I will come to your home tomorrow!"


So you are gloating when you step on a horse?

I looked back irritably and found that Cutavia had quickly stabilized his injury under the action of [Balance·Life Potion], and Li Rui was relieved.

Bang bang~

After being slapped **** the shoulder twice, Huang Juncai's eyes brewed with fresh light and looked at him sincerely and guiltily.

"Brother Rui, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrong, I shouldn't say you are an old snakeskin!"

After speaking, he squeezed out a tear, and then took a cigarette, his eyes were pale but profound, and he looked towards the sky with an open-mindedness between his brows.

"I feel comfortable, I have a good idea, and my life is no regrets!"

Li Rui: "..."

No regrets, right?

Feeling annoyed, Li Rui grabbed Huang Juncai's wrist and flicked it hard, and the screams disappeared into the sky from near to far.

Throwing this sand sculpture into a beautiful parabola, Li Rui's mood improved slightly, rubbing his chin and began to think about the reason.

Cutavia's reaction to the Soul Contract was astonishing. Before the tentacles of the soul had reached the core layer, the intense pain had already broken through the body's self-protection mechanism. The result was even Li Rui's scalp numb.

The extremely convulsive and twisted muscles tore bones and tore the Achilles tendon, like a towel thrown into a washing machine, twisted into twists.

And with the deepening of the soul's tentacles, Cutavia seemed to be crumpled into a pile of waste paper, constantly refreshing Li Rui's understanding of human softness.

Why is this?

Xiao Huang never "dead" so badly!

After thinking for a long time without a clue, Li Rui got up and returned to the center of the altar, looking at Katavia, who had roughly restored his body structure, and was silent.

The blood and sweat gathered under her body into a pool of puddles, and the torn muscles and bones gradually squirmed under the action of [Life Potion], like an inflatable doll inflated with air.

After more than ten minutes, after recovering from the hellish torture, Cutavia opened his eyes and saw Li Rui's face in the shadows.

"Are you awake?"


Rolling her eyes, she fainted without hesitation.

Li Rui: "..."

Am I that scary?

Gritting his teeth and squeezing out a gentle smile of "kindness", Li Rui slowly turned to look at Olena, and said softly: "Olena..."


Like a small deer stared at by a beast, Olena solidified in an instant, she lowered her head and trembles not daring to look at Li Rui's eyes.

Li Rui: "..."

"Xiao Na, don't be afraid, we are not good people either..."

Huang Juncai, who had slipped back at some point, got into the crowd, and was sent to the sky by Li Rui before he finished speaking.

The rest of the girls looked at Olena with unbearable expressions and saw the miserable situation of Cutavia. They really didn't want to see the timid porcelain doll twisted into a ball of "rotten meat".

At the same time, a wave of fear emerged from the bottom of their hearts, and until this moment, they realized how lucky they were.

Ask yourself, if you suffer the same level of pain...

Hmm...just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

"Ahem, that, Olena, do you want to continue?"

With a dry cough, Li Rui looked at Olena calmly.

If she chooses to give up, Li Rui will not blame her, the pain that reaches the soul may be more terrible than death, and she has no need to endure such torture!

After all, her ability belongs to logistical support, even if there is no systematic inheritance, it can still play a powerful role.

However, to Li Rui's expectation, the seemingly weak cute girl gradually calmed down and nodded fiercely.

She clenched her teeth, even if the tears were rolling in her eyes, she did not say the word "no".

"Good boy..."

Rubbing her head, Li Rui was relieved.

Then after another ten minutes, the weak Katavia threw herself on the inhuman-shaped piece of meat and wailed loudly, pouring the [Life Potion] into her mouth without money.

"Olena! Olena! Don't die!!!"

Not far away, Li Rui sat sluggishly on the edge of the altar, tilting his neck and scratching his head in confusion, with a face full of doubts about life.

Why is shouldn't be...

"Brother, is the inheritance so painful?"

A warm body hugged Li Rui's arm, shivering.

Laughing Li Ruihan’s tactics scratched his head: "Maybe their souls are more sensitive... You see Brother Lei..."

Uh... Brother Lei seems to be the same, forget it...

After a pause, Li Rui changed the subject abruptly and threw the lingering little cat to fight with the snake.

On the other side, fortunately there is [Balance·Life Potion], no matter how serious the physical injury, the two sisters will be another hero after 30 minutes!

Seeing the two battles, supporting each other's sister Hua, Li Rui couldn't help but sigh secretly.

The valiant and brave Quetavia had become a helpless little quail at this time. His face was pale and his eyes were misty. He walked like a weak willow and took the wind, showing a pitiful look like never before.

You know, when she was sliced ​​and killed as a meat sacrifice, she didn't shed a single tear, dragging her dying body, she dared to fly a plane and rescue her sister with Li Rui. In terms of mental perseverance, it is estimated that only Wang Lei could match her.

But even such a strong existence was tortured into a frightened bird. One can imagine how terrifying the soul tentacles of the system are!

However, in the eyes of the two sisters, Li Rui's sigh was like a whip on their hearts.

The president is disappointed with us!

The breath of the sisters stagnated, feeling the air in their chests being squeezed out, and their pale faces lost the last trace of blood.

He has redeemed us, blessed us, and cultivated us, but we cannot even bear this test!

Guilt and self-blame are like poisonous snakes eating the heart!

The past all sorts of marquees flashed in the brain, and finally overwhelmed the fear of pain, turning into a touch of firmness deep in the eyes.

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