Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 989: , Advanced [Deadly Natural Enemies]

Do not!

We must not let the president down!



Li Rui nodded lightly and sighed secretly in his heart. Sure enough, his teammates couldn't force it...

"I won't give up, I want to try again!"

"Okay, I don't blame...what?"

Li Rui stared at the two men, his eyes full of suspiciousness.

Just you two kittens that have been beaten up, do you want to continue?

After pondering for a long time, Li Ruicai shook his head involuntarily.

"Your mind and body have been greatly destroyed, and it is not suitable for you to contract again in a short period of time. Let's talk about it when you recover from the injury.

Hearing this, the sisters were quietly relieved.

If they had another journey to **** soon, they would not have the confidence to stay down.

But when the body is well and mentally prepared, they are still confident to try again.

To put it simply, the wind has stopped, the rain has cleared, and I feel like I am doing it again!

Send the two sisters out of [Rune Land] and watch them help each other, staggering on the inner character, like a poor back figure of a hundred sturdy men who have performed a relentless multiplayer movement.

Li Rui couldn't help giving them a thumbs up in his heart.

Strong girl, cross this mountain, and you will see a road leading to the gods!

Come on! I am optimistic about you!


[Deadly Natural Enemy]·Silver Step

After killing a specific creature, you can decompose its composition characteristics, analyze its existence concept, and cast the corresponding conceptual weapon to become its natural enemy.

Repeatedly killing such creatures can strengthen conceptual weapons.

(Upgrading the rune level can expand the concept range)

Currently, the advanced conditions for [Dragon Concept] have been reached, please choose a new path!

Sitting in the void of [Rune Land], Li Rui contemplated the information prompted by the system, and thoughts flowed in his mind.

Since he killed [Tiamat] in another world, [Deadly Enemy·Dragon] has been filled with direct experience, but the next wave of things happened one after another, and he had no time to study this powerful talisman carefully. Text.

Now that everything has been decided and a large number of upgrade options have been saved, he finally has the opportunity to study it carefully.

"The concepts of [Scaly], [Evil], and [Chaos] are stripped from [Tiamat]..."

"I can choose one of them as an advanced path..."

Li Rui's eyes fell out of focus and muttered to himself when she tapped her chin.

【Scaly】is a biological feature, which can extend the concept to all creatures with scales.

This is easy to understand, but what really shocked Li Rui was that the system included the illusory [evil] and [chaos]!

Evil natural enemy? The natural enemy of chaos?

Can such abstract things be concreted?

Is it because of the divine person of [Tiamat] that these special advanced routes appear?

In a daze, Li Rui seemed to understand that this is like a hidden profession, a good choice can make him soar!

The restless mind was forced to calm down, and Li Rui nodded his eyebrows and began to think about which advanced route was most beneficial.

[Scaly] was the first one to be ruled out. After returning to Earth, his main opponent had changed from an alien to a human. There is no room for powerful alien beasts on this planet.

Other branches that were not as good as [Scaly] were also quickly eliminated. These are estimated to be the conceptual path that ordinary dragons opened for him.

In the end, the only ones left in front of Li Rui were [Evil] and [Chaos]!

The concept of [evil] is more extensive, but [Chaos] has a higher level. Many divine creatures have chaos attributes. The human face maggots knocked off before are the best examples.

How to choose one for volume and one for quality?

Rubbing the scum on his chin, Li Rui fell into a happy trouble.

After a long time, Li Rui made up his mind and glanced at the [Oath of Justice] in the task panel.

The skill is used early and the CD is early. I chose [Chaos] when the ghost knows when it can meet a prey, or [evil] is good, there is such **** everywhere.

With a thought in his heart, Li Rui's soul trembled. Unspeakable power penetrated from high dimensions, distorting the light of his soul a little bit.

The trembling spread to the outside world along with his body, and soon the whole [Rune Land] trembled slightly.

After a few minutes, the vibration subsided, Li Ruishu breathed a sigh of relief, and a dim light was cast in the depths of his eyes.

【Eyes of Evil】

Evil has nowhere to hide in your eyes!

With a little concentration, Li Rui quickly understood the principle of this ability.

His eyes can now look directly at the karma of other people, and the existence of evil is bound to accumulate a lot of resentment.

Unless they can hold similar divine authority, it is difficult for mortals to eliminate such entanglement of cause and effect.

Nodding satisfied, Li Rui slowly closed his eyes, sinking his will into the depths of the Origin Sea.

The lowest level of [City of Origin Sea], the indescribable and incomprehensible "abys" came into view. Li Rui looked at the absolute nothingness, even though he had touched the realm of the gods, his heart was still full of awe.

Without the protection of the [Essential Furnace], even if the true **** sees this "deep", it will instantly melt into it and return to eternal nothingness.

Here at the bottom of the is the end of everything and the beginning of everything!

And just above the illusory "Abyss", the "being" born from "nothing", the great holy grail formed by gathering the luck of the heavens and the world has loomed.

Looking at the familiar outline, Li Rui's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he slowly extended his palm.

The cold and hard touch was fed back to the fingertips of the mind body, feeling the magnificent and mysterious Qi surging in it, and the excitement in Li Rui's eyes could not be suppressed.

This is a gem that the system has condensed after collecting all the summoners' escape for several years. Compared with the previous [Holy Grail War], the number of [Summoners] this time has expanded hundreds of times!

Among them are not only the real gods on earth such as Michael and Sae Kazema, but also the saints of other realms, Tianjiao!

The highest energy level has jumped from silver to secret diamond, so the "miracle" formed by the collection this time is very rich, far more than the last time.

With such a huge force of desire, I wonder if it can help teammates create another hero position?

Holding the Holy Grail tightly, Li Rui had no bottom in his heart.

The hero status depends on the degree of soul mining. If like him, the system squeezes every trace of potential cleanly, I am afraid that only a true god-level [Holy Grail War] can realize this wish.

In addition, this time there are more teammates sharing the "miracle" than last time. Even if you don't count the scheduled two sisters, Lei Ge alone will divide a large part of them.

Yes, since Brother Lei is spiritually hopeless, then use "miracle" to forcibly condense his blood and violently break through the secret diamond!

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