Vigorously miracle!

This is the simplest and most direct way Li Rui can think of!

If you want to replenish your spirituality according to the conventional method, to the extent that it can compress the blood of the gods...

I'm afraid that Yi Lei's IQ is not going to be so bad.

Xiaoxiao shook his head, Li Rui converged his mind, sensing the second [Holy Grail War] message from the system, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a strange expression.

"System, are you the main **** in COS? Do you want me to give you the entire ball of light?"


In the embarrassing silence without a sense of humor, Li Rui once again confirmed that this is a cold-blooded artificial mental retardation, no emotion!

"Do you understand the main god? It's the kind that doesn't talk about martial arts, blood, and exercises. It can be poured into your body with a snap, which can be strengthened without brain!"

"One more shout: Lord God! Repair all! Points will be deducted from me!"

"Just the kind of thief!"


"If it is the kind of [Master God] in your memory, it is still impossible to restore all its functions."


Li Rui's eyes lit up and he grasped the point instantly.

"The five major rune systems have not yet made a large-scale leap to the [True God Rank]. The tampering of the laws of reality still needs to follow the underlying logic of the plane. If the host wants to create the [Master God], it may need to wait for the full expansion of the divine authority."

"In other words, you can really COS the Lord God?"

Li Rui swallowed, and countless Sao operations flashed through his mind.

"Accurately speaking, it is your COS [Main God]. In addition, this is actually not difficult. According to the current power of the system, it has been able to replicate most of the [Main God] functions."

Taking a deep breath, a thousand words converged into one sentence in Li Rui's heart.

System cowhide!

"Then how long will the second [Holy Grail War] start?"

"[The Holy Grail of Destiny] It is estimated that it will take about 9 months to fully condense, so the official opening time will be 3 months later."

Li Rui nodded secretly, because the summoners participating in this competition are all over the world, involving tens of millions of people.

And the system has a show operation, the early elimination schedule will be particularly long, to say less about half a year.

When the championship is released, the [Holy Grail of Destiny] has already condensed into shape, just enough to use it!

Thinking in his heart, Li Rui suddenly felt a strange sense of sight.

This... how is it a bit like the regular season and playoffs?

After hitting the back, the Earth Division competes with other divisions for the [Holy Grail of Destiny]?


Rubbing his chin, Li Rui's eyes flashed with excitement.

There was already a scene in his mind where Wang Lei sprinted into the enemy pile, roaring waaagh, and then chopped off the skull with an axe.

The hardest front row in the world is so exciting!

And he, a noble mage, only needs to lose his skills in the back, enjoy the tactics, the grace and grace that disappears in the midst of talking and laughing.

Lie on your thigh to win points, it's that simple!

With unspeakable touches in his heart, Li Rui quickly recovered and put his distracting thoughts behind.

There is still a preparation period of about three months. He can just digest the harvest and welcome this [Holy Grail War] with the strongest posture.

Thinking of the moths made by the Cthulhu clone last time, his heart trembled, crushing the arrogance and contempt deep in his mind.

Under the gods, he is already one of the strongest people, but this does not mean invincible.

The young man in black robes with purple and blue swords in his hands, the fourth generation of Olympus **** king Kazema Sae, the seraph long Michael...

He didn't dare say he won if he dragged one out.

And this is just the high-end power of the "Earth Division", and no one knows how many monsters and immortals will emerge in other "Divisions".

In addition, will the high gods personally end up interfering with the [Holy Grail War]?

If there is another group of [human bodies], according to the upper limit of the secret diamond energy level, how much power can they exert?

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Rui slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and the corners of his mouth raised a bright smile.

However, it is because of this that it is challenging. If it is just a group of crooked melons, there is not much sense of accomplishment in winning!

If the enemy is not strong, Brother Lei rushes in and Wula is gone. Doesn't it seem like I'm pretty stupid?

If those evil gods come to send warmth again...


[Void Stomach Pouch] There was a thunderous squirming sound, rubbing his stomach, Li Rui smashed his mouth, recalling a certain wonderful taste.


A few months passed in a flash, and due to the further rise of the spiritual energy tide, countless secret realms, illusions, and ghosts descended on every corner of the world.

Even with the power of the Seven Gods, it is impossible to plug every loophole in the plane, and alien races begin to infiltrate the earth.

From the initial horror and fear, ordinary people have gradually been able to accept some weird humanoids walking in the streets.

There are even some Western Virgins who have begun to demand civil rights for these alien immigrants, which has caused a panic in society.

With the large-scale penetration of the plane channels, the public security situation on the earth has further declined, especially in some small countries. The government's ruling power is limited to the time before the sun sets At night, it is almost a hundred ghosts.

The whole world seems to have returned to the ancient times when humans and monsters were mixed. For the first time, ordinary humans felt the fear of falling from the top of the food chain and being dominated by extraordinary alien species!

However, the [Security Council] (Global Occult Coalition Security Council), headed by the Seven Gods and representing the highest force of mankind, took action. A wave of violent winds swept the leaves and killed most of the "criminals".

Taking advantage of this east wind, Li Rui led his teammates to attack and made a fortune.

Not only have experience and gains in gold coins, after a lot of actual combat, all teammates have gradually digested the potential of the Golden Tier and began to make rapid progress toward the Secret Diamond Tier.

Especially for the two gods Zhao Youxuan and Aya Xiyi, Li Rui's eyelids are fluttering with their daily progress, calling out good guys!

【Zhao Youxuan】

Life value: 342019/342019

It has grown by more than 700 points than yesterday, and the pigs in the production team dare not grow so long!

If this trend continues, Li Rui feels that she is almost unable to support her!

The earth can't be wild, every bite of extraordinary food requires money!

On the other side, Aya Xiyi didn't let it go too much. The mana value was already close to the one million mark. The magic power pressed Li Rui of the Secret Diamond Rank under him, regaining the title of the first Faye in the team.

You know, Li Rui's spell power is considered to be the top batch among the original stone steps, and the golden step Aya Kiyi has such brutal data, waiting for her to grow to the original stone...


Just fantasizing about the scene, Li Rui shuddered.

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