Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 993: , You can skip meals and do homework

After Li Rui left, the barrier of [Twisted Space] gradually disappeared, and the locals discovered the collapsed house and the monster body with only half of the body left, causing a panic.

And when the transcendents of their own country came to investigate, Li Rui was already at the imperial capital on the other side of the earth to have dinner.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

Luo Li and Teacher Hanna finished their work early and came back early to prepare a large table of sumptuous dinner.

The taste is not top-notch, but it is full of the taste of home, Li Ruibi gave a thumbs up and feasted.

"Don't eat too cleanly, Xiao Huang will be back in a while, save him some."

Teacher Hannah smiled and watched Li Rui devour it, taking out the bento box and picking out a little bit of each dish.

As the big sister in charge, she always takes good care of every member.

But listening to her tone, Li Rui always felt like he was talking about leaving some leftovers for the pet dog who was going to waste...

Xiao Huang, your family status is too miserable...

Secretly wiped his eyes twice, Li Rui tearfully dried two pots of rice and ate all the remaining food.

Last time Wang Lei digested hundreds of thousands of health points in the first battle, but also exhausted all the reserves in [Void Stomach Pouch]. Now that he doesn't eat anything every day, Li Rui always feels flustered.

"By the way, are you really not going to pick up You Xuan? No one told her to sleep until next year!"

After eating and sitting on the sofa, Luo Li stretched out his shocking lines and fell on Li Rui, resting his thigh happily, and squinted his eyes and asked in a daze.

"No, she'll talk about it after a few days of being hungry."

"Then she will suffer again when she comes back to the freezer at home."

In order to meet the needs of a group of big stomach kings, the basement of the Imperial Capital has been transformed into a huge freezer. Every day, the Chinese branch of the [Food Hunters Association] will send people to replenish the "goods."

Li Rui helped them gain a foothold when developing the [Izumo Kingdom], and now most of the extraordinary ingredients in the entire [Izumo Kingdom] Secret Realm are traded through them.

Returning to the peach for the plum, the [Food Hunters Association] also provided Li Rui with an endless supply.

At first, they sneered, thinking to a few big stomach kings, how much can they eat?

Others of our food association dare not say how many extraordinary ingredients are needed!

So he waved his hand and said with great pride that Li Rui's future ingredients are all included! less than half a month, this person came to the imperial capital in person, found a good [Dragon of the Town] and set up a meal, crying and said, "Great Sage, you have magical powers!"

We really don’t have a drop...

Since then, money has been collected for the extraordinary ingredients sent by the [Food Hunters Association], but it is still much cheaper than the market price and only makes a small profit.

But even if it was close to the cost price, Zhao Youxuan and Li Rui quickly made the otherwise wealthy family worse.

Alas... Now that Luo Li and Teacher Hannah go out to buy bags and clothes, they all need to look at the price. I'm such a useless man!

Stroking the soft and smooth golden hair, Li Rui sighed and clenched his fists.

But looking at the dog who was so comfortable with his eyes squinted, Li Rui thought about it again and thought it was also good.

Several women’s clothes and bags have already filled six cloakrooms, and if this goes on, he has to buy another house for them to put them in!

Thinking about it, Li Rui slowly stopped the dog's movement. Luo Li opened his eyes and looked at him in a trance, thinking he was worried about Zhao Youxuan.

"Let me go to Siberia, I know it well."

Blinking his eyes, Li Rui laughed dumbly and squeezed her very small nose.

"Because you are a sled dog?"

Luo Li: "..."


With a roar, Luo Li shook his head and gnawed on Li Rui's finger. The two clamored on the sofa until Aya Kiyi, who was in charge of washing the dishes, walked out of the kitchen.

"Huh, fish-lip creature!"

With a sneer, she turned on the tablet and immersed herself in the world of the "strong man" with relish.

Glancing at each other, the two people in messy clothes and entangled limbs realized that their posture was indecent, and they quickly separated.

"Ahem, yes, where did Xiao Wei and Hannah teacher go?"

Changing the subject abruptly, Li Rui's old face was inexplicably hot.

"The teacher took Xiao Wei to do his homework."

Luo Li's white cheeks were also pink and reddish, and she said in a mosquito-like voice.

Nodding, Li Rui suddenly noticed something wrong.

"Wait, isn't Zhao Youxuan's homework finished yet?"

"Uh...she seems to have more left than Xiaowei!"


Li Rui stood up and walked straight to the hallway.

"Captain, where are you going?"

"Go and catch that stupid snake back!"

You can skip the meal, but you can't skip the homework!


"Wang Lei, this is what Xiao Rui brought to you."

Feng Hanran stretched out his hand and waved, several boxes of [Regeneration Potion] flew out of the storage space and fell on the ground with a heavy muffled sound.

Looking at the treasure chests piled into hills, not only Wang Lei but also Feng Hanran couldn't help but frown.

They thought they had emptied Li Rui's inventory for the first time, but they didn't expect that he would be able to produce a few boxes every week!

This made Wang Lei's recovery speed much faster than expected, and it also made all insiders secretly startled, guessing how many hole cards Li Rui still has not revealed.

"By the way, he also asked me to bring you a word."


Wang Lei scratched his severed arm that was itchy because of the rapid growth of flesh and blood, and asked casually UU Read


After clearing his throat, Feng Hanran looked solemn, and his voice became solemn and low.

"Brother Lei, you must make a good transformation inside, and strive to re-behave as soon as possible."

With a sudden stop, Wang Lei slowly turned his neck and looked at him with black lines.

Are you kidding me?

"Exact words?"

Feng Hanran twitched his mouth and nodded solemnly.

"Exact words!"

So there are more black lines on Wang Lei's head.

"When I go out, I must teach that kid a lesson."

"Ahem, that... Did you forget that you can't beat him?"


With qi and blood on his head, the blue veins began to beat on Wang Lei's forehead. He jumped up with a swish of his unhealed broken leg, staring at Feng Hanran fiercely.

"I can't beat him? Lao Tzu is merciful!"

"Oh... everyone is your own, why bother to speak up? I saw you being beaten by Xiao Rui with a hammer and hanging! You lost terribly!"

Wang Lei flushed, and the blue veins on his forehead bloomed, arguing: "The discussions between our brothers cannot be counted as a loss... Losing... Is it possible to count as a loss about [the immortal dragon]?"

It is a series of difficult words, such as "He may earn blood, but I will never lose", or "When I get well, I will be able to suppress him backhand", etc., which attracted the [Dragon of the country] to help him change medicine. All laughed.

For a while, the house was filled with cheerful air.

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