Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 994: Son of the stars

【Land of Runes】·Life Altar

The distorted sound of sour flesh and bones was endless. Seeing a porcelain doll turning into a pool of rotten flesh under him, Li Rui felt as if he was still in the water.

He concentrated all his energy on the tentacles of the soul, piercing the outer spiritual layer accurately and quickly, reaching the core of the soul.

At this time, being soft-hearted was the greatest torment to her!

Must be fast! ruthless! quasi!

"Olena, hold on... Come on!"

Katavia clenched his fingers to death, staring at this scene with anxious eyes, and didn't notice the nails pierced into the skin.

Breaking through the instinctive resistance at the periphery of the soul, there is only the last and most critical obstacle in front of Li Rui-the fusion of origin!


With an inexplicable sigh of relief, Li Rui's eyes condensed, his soul's tentacles condensed spirally, softly and firmly piercing into the source!


At the mysterious and profound spiritual level, both sides of the link seemed to be struck by thunder, and the soul tentacles instantly lost their form, as if ink was poured into clear water, forming a new color in an instant.

A strange power descended from the void, poured into Olena's soul through Li Rui's body.

System: "The law is tampered with... the original level is reshaped... the system rules are fixed..."

The violent squirming of flesh and blood gradually calmed down, and the emerald green in the altar pattern found a new target, and suddenly rolled and converged, swarming in like living creatures, continuously infiltrating the rotten flesh twisted into twists.

"The secondary system binding is complete and you have gained a new teammate."

The faint light green life energy penetrated from the depths of Olena's flesh and blood, illuminating the entire altar with a refreshing warm light.

Sniffing his nose, Li Rui couldn't tell whether it was the smell or the radiance.

Cutavia was stunned by the vision she had never seen before. She stared at Li Rui in disbelief until he chuckled and nodded before screaming with excitement.

"Ahhhh! It's a success! It's a success! Oh oh oh..."

Seeing her incoherent venting, crying and laughing, Li Rui felt that this guy was even more excited than when she completed the binding!

However, it is understandable that although Olena has a soft personality on the inside, she can’t compare with her hard-hearted sister. If it hadn’t been for Katavia’s successful binding some time ago to give her hope and courage, I guess this girl I couldn't stand the torture of inhumans, so I chose to give up.

In a sense, it was almost Cutavia who dragged her sister to complete the soul binding!

The life energy in the altar flows into Olena like a stream, the twisted and broken flesh and bones are gradually corrected and restored, and the bright big eyes are slowly opened, looking at his sister, the watery eyes are covered with a layer Mist.

Sister...I finally don't have to suffer the torture of life as good as death...Uuuuu...


The two sisters hugged each other and cried. Li Rui stood silently and looked at them with the rest of his teammates.

"Get up first."

After a long time, Li Rui interrupted the two of them and stretched out his palm to Olena.

Looking around Li Rui behind her, smiling and looking at her predecessor, Olena felt an unprecedented warmth in her heart. It was the resonance and fetters from the soul, and it was a more intimate link than the blood relationship!

Since she was a child, she has depended on each other with her sister, and has never felt the taste of home. At this time, her heart is like a fallen leaf that has been wandering for many years. She suddenly converted to the place where she should exist, no longer afraid of the storm outside.


Touched stretched out her hand, the warmth of Li Rui's palm passed along her fingertips to her heart, Olena slowly stood up, and looked at each senior with gratitude.

During this time, no matter how busy they are, as long as the sisters try to pass on, they will accompany them all the way to cheer.

To a certain extent, it was these successful seniors who inspired Olena to persevere, so that she did not collapse physically and mentally during the torture!

Thousands of words gathered in her throat but couldn't say a word, Olena could only bow deeply to express her gratitude.

"Okay, don't be hypocritical, after that is the highlight!"

Rubbing her head, Li Rui walked straight to the center of the altar, scaring the two sisters behind him into a trembling spirit.

what? What's the highlight?

What was suffering before was just an appetizer? ?

Is it too late for us to run now?

When he walked to the center of the altar and turned around, Li Rui smiled at the corner of his mouth and beckoned to Olena gently.

"Olena, you come first."

As if they understood something, the two sisters' eyes lit up, and they quietly looked at each other and cheered each other up.


Taking a deep breath to calm her emotions, Olena slowly walked to Li Rui, knelt on one knee, and looked up at him from the bottom up, with a solemn expression, as if looking up at the gods.

Without stopping her ritualistic movements, Li Rui hooked the corners of her mouth, her slender fingers moved gently, and drew beautiful colorful cards from the void.

Like a magician, cards of various colors flipped and jumped at the fingertips, flickering and appearing, and it was only a few seconds later that the fingers suddenly stopped, clamping a heroic heritage that was most suitable for Olena.

Sure enough, this one...

Looking at the deep and mysterious figure on the screen, UU Reading www.uukā Li Rui lowered his head, met with respectful eyes, flipped his fingers, and threw the card to the sky.

"Are you sure to start the hero's legacy? The hero is the son of the stars-Soraka, and the subject's real name-Olena Yekis."


The beautiful colorful divine light bloomed behind Li Rui, covering him with a hazy halo.

The handsome face was facing the light, as if a little fuzzy, but a pair of deep black eyes projected into his heart like the night sky.

In a daze, Olena thought she was looking up at the universe.

"Olena, welcome to the top of the food chain!"

The deep and magnetic voice oscillated back and forth in the ear, layer upon layer, and finally turned into a mysterious whisper from the distant horizon, slowly infiltrating the soul.

Sight and hearing were gradually distorted at this moment. In Olena's eyes, Li Rui's human figure gradually disappeared, replaced by two evil and strange purple golden suns!

The clear eyes gradually became misty, and through Li Rui's dark pupils, Olena saw a trace of the divinity deep in his soul!

The indescribable pollution penetrated the body and soul, but quietly disappeared under the protection of the laws of the system, leaving only the eyes that became more pious, fanatical, and worshipful.

A rainbow-like beam of light poured down from the void, and instantly enveloped Olena, and the mysterious knowledge and power began to flow into her body along the channel.

The terrible spiritual pressure swept across the Runeland like a tide, and the turbulent magic roar spread out, forming a tide of energy visible to the naked eye.

As if losing weight, the invisible energy lifted Olena's toes off the ground, slowly floating in the beam of light.

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