Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 995: Aegis of Immortality

The colorful cards in the beam of light gradually melted, turning into gilt gold and digging into the center of her eyebrows, and the mysterious purple star pattern spread on her skin, looming like breathing.

After a long time, the beam of light spreading from the void slowly converged, and the petite figure fell lightly like a feather.

A pair of strange eyes slowly opened, and the transparent emerald green brilliance seemed to draw everyone's souls into the bottomless abyss.

Meeting her gaze, even if they knew they were their teammates, everyone could feel a weird numbness, as if every cell in the body was about to move.

Only Li Rui had all the realization in his heart, looking at Olena's system panel.

【Olena Yekis】

Race: Human

Energy level: Bronze (spiritual strengthening)

Level: Level 1

Health value: 1647/1647

Mana: 3010/3010

Armor: 61

Magic resistance: 92

Attack power: 121

Spell power: 295

Seeing the values ​​of various monsters and immortals, and suddenly seeing such weak attributes again, Li Rui was a little uncomfortable for a while.

1647...If I go down with this punch, it is estimated that she will find me tens of thousands of blood...

But in fact, this is the attribute that a normal bronze rank should have, and Li Rui's group of people are all monsters outside the rules.

Even the most dishonest Xiao Huang is a genius in attack. His dish is because compared with a group of monster teammates, if he is thrown outside, the ordinary secret diamond rank will be blown by him!

Similarly, what Li Rui fancy is not Olena's basic attributes, but her passive talent!

【Flesh Manipulation】

Weaken the spiritual protection of flesh and blood, and realize the effects of manipulation, distortion, grafting, and distortion.

Unlike the imagined [Rebirth], Li Rui's eyes moved and he savored the difference.

I originally thought that Olena was just a pure auxiliary nurse, but [Flesh Control] is actually an offensive and defensive skill.

The so-called weakening of spirituality is definitely not aimed at oneself, but at the enemy, which is similar to the control of the enemy's blood by blood magic!

With a thought in his heart, Li Rui suddenly realized that this thing and [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] are restraining each other!

If Olena is taller than Brother Lei, maybe the [Flesh Manipulation] will be able to break [Hun Yuan's Impenetrable Body]!

Similarly, if Brother Lei had a high status, Olena would lose the most important means of attack in front of him, very passive.

In addition to manipulation, she can also distort, graft, and distort...

This is a bit interesting!

In just an instant, Li Rui flashed countless Sao operations in his mind.

"Olena, try to control my flesh and blood."

Looking at the looming emerald green light in her pupils curiously, Li Rui spoke.

Nodding, Olena frowned slowly, her eyes were stained with a strange dark green after a few meters away.

After a while, Li Rui felt a slight itching in his chest, and his thoughts instantly suppressed the cells that were about to move.


With a muffled grunt, Olena's forehead bounced with blue veins, and it took a while to relieve her breath.

"President, you are too strong, I can't shake your spirituality at all."

Sure enough, personality, energy level, cultivation technique, divine nature... countless weights were superimposed on each other, Olena had no way to do with him.

Nodded, if Li Rui felt something in her heart, she had a general understanding of the strength of her abilities.

A drop of crimson blood gushes from the pattern on the wrist and instantly attaches to the tip of the nail, forming a scarlet blade that is as thin as a cicada's wing.

Using the [Blood God Orb] to cut open the skin, Li Rui controlled her own self-healing power and reached out to Olena.

"Try the treatment again."

Taking a deep breath, this time Olena simply held his palm, and the dim aura quickly poured into Li Rui's body.

Unlike the twisting power full of confrontation, the power of healing was not hindered at all, and the wound was instantly healed.

Ignore spirituality?

No, my spirituality is not hindered, it knows this is a power that is good for me!

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui felt a faint warmth flowing in the wound, and the surrounding cells were like seedlings that had been thirsty for a long time, greedily sucking this energy.

Manipulate... graft...

She used her stored vitality to heal others, no wonder she would lose blood.

As for [Regeneration], it is just a bonus of flesh and blood manipulation, Olena's potential is even greater than I expected!

Looking at the delicate and beautiful girl in front of him, Li Rui only felt that he had found a treasure.

A little shy by his scorching gaze, Olena lowered her head timidly, her ears flushed, and occasionally raised her eyes to peek.

"Olena, what is your maximum control distance?"

"Probably...probably less than 100 meters. The closer you are to me, the stronger your control. If you exceed 10 meters, there is not much lethality, and it can only cause some harassment."

Hearing Li Rui's question, she quickly raised her head, like a student named by the teacher.

The bronze step is 100 meters, if you reach the secret diamond rough stone, which covers a radius of several kilometers, then it is a bit powerful!

Nodding secretly in his heart, Li Rui rubbed her head in excitement, only then beckoned to Cutavia behind him.

"It's your turn!"

The elder sister who had been itchy for a long time rushed to Li Rui like a vigorous female leopard.

Quietly clenched a fist to cheer her sister, Olena retreated aside obediently, and was immediately pulled aside by Xiaowei and Zhao Youxuan.

The rainbow beam pierced through the void again, a few minutes later, the magic tide calmed down, the slender and full legs fell to the ground, Katavia clenched his fists excitedly, UU reading www. The eyes of are shining with a subtle sun shine.

A son of the stars, a goddess of dawn, fortunately your sister is not a bright moon...

After a while, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, and turned to look at her system panel, a touch of sourness immediately appeared in her eyes.

【Katavia Yekis】

Race: Human

Energy level: Silver (spiritual strengthening)

Level: Level 1

Health value: 9957/9957

Mana: 2144/2144

Armor: 271

Magic resistance: 319

Attack power: 577

Spell power: 231

The silver rank has nearly 10,000 blood, and can barely be called the pride of heaven.

But the basic attributes can't make Li Ruicha lemon, what really makes him pantoxin is the appalling passive talent.

【Immortal Shield】

The power of the soul is attached to flesh and blood, the will is immortal, and the divine shield is immortal!

As the saying goes, the fewer words, the bigger the news.

Compared with those passive talents that have clear explanations, Zhao Youxuan, Aya Xiyi, and Hannah are all such divine explanations.

What [Diwa], [Six Paths of Reincarnation], [Dark Violet]... At first glance, it seems useless, but only in-depth contact can you gradually understand the horror of each word.

Moreover, even from a literal point of view, Cutavia's passive talent is surprisingly strong.

It is immortal and immortal...

Ma Dan...I should be under the car, not in the car, [Indestructible Dragon] should let you be!

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