After being sour, Li Rui scratched his head and began to assign tasks to the two new players.

The second [Holy Grail War] is about to start, at least you must point out [Rebirth] and [Resurrection] for them!

The remaining strength can only be resigned, anyway, as long as they can get an assist in the "high-end game", they will earn blood, even if the two life-saving skills of [Rebirth] and [Resurrection] are consumed, it is not a loss!

After pondering for a few seconds, Li Rui decided to follow the guidance of his heart, and the [Secret Banquet Association] all dispatched a trumpet!

Finding the tablet computer sent by the [Security Council], and choosing an ordinary golden-rank criminal for a long time, Li Rui assessed the strength of the enemy and the enemy and nodded with satisfaction.

We have a secret diamond, six golds, and two trumpets, and a small yellow-card gun car in the upper middle field. The lineup is very reasonable.

The enemy has only one gold and is weak.

We dispatched a division of troops to fight him.


As long as the trumpet gets the first blood, click on [Resurrection] and [Rebirth], and he doesn't care about the rest, just follow the team and go out!

With a plan in mind, Li Rui felt the "miracle" slowly brewing in the depths of [City of Origin Sea], rubbing the scum on his chin.

Brother Lei, if you don't come out again, you won't be able to keep up with the heat!


A few weeks later·【Runeland】

The sun in the sky was obscured by a thick **** fog, as if it had turned into a dark red star.

Terrifying magic power surging between heaven and earth, and an occasional shock can instantly turn everything in the range into dust.

The whole world was shrouded in a weird red light, and every inch of space was lingering with a smell of smelly sweetness, the air was thick and moist, as sticky as glue.

"Is this the power of the secret diamond?"

Looking at the **** sun in the sky, Olena murmured dullly.

During this period of time, she had just become acquainted with the power of inheritance, and was shocked again and again by the terrifying power displayed by the [Secret Banquet Association].

Rebirth, resurrection, flash, clarity...

All kinds of incredible abilities are imprinted into the soul like instinct!

I thought that after so much stimulation, she would no longer be surprised, but she didn't expect that the president immediately opened her new horizons.

Even with her full eyesight, she could only vaguely see the tiny black spot in the center of the sun.

But it was such a small existence that released the blood mist that enveloped the entire world!

"Ordinary secret diamonds are definitely not so strong, the president is special!"

Katavia stood side by side with his sister, looking up at the scarlet sun in the sky, with feverish excitement in his eyes.

And not far from them, Luo Li looked at Zhao Youxuan who was licking the air frantically, her brows frowning and tightening.


"Don't lick, you pig worm, the captain's blood will be licked by you!"

"You obviously licked it first! I just tasted it!"

Zhao Youxuan paused and roared, and immediately her pinkish little tongue stirred in the air even more ghostly.


Luo Li clenched her fists and stared at her, raging, feeling that her exclusive dog food had been robbed.

And in the void above their heads, Li Rui embraced Yuan Shouyi, running [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] with all his strength, immersing his spiritual sense in the endless blood.

Waves of bright red tides oscillated and spread around him, eventually turning into a coquettish blood mist covering the entire world.

As time passed, the blood cloud spread to the end of the plane, and the sweetness in the air began to become rich and rich.

The sky was obscured by blood clouds, and the heavy clouds gradually pressed down, as if the sky had collapsed, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

A day later, the blood mist had swallowed the entire [Rune Land], and when I looked up, there was nothing but blood in the world.

The originally cold and lonely world became more empty and lonely, only Li Rui's teammates guarded the altar, looking at the blood-red sky.

After another two days, the mountains on the earth seemed to be dressed in a layer of blood. In the hazy scarlet mist, everything became evil and weird. [Rune Land] is like a lair of a certain evil god, ready to rush out of countless monsters Eat the living!

Bang bang~



The heart-like rhythm changed from weak to strong, the calm blood cloud began to roll and squirm, and the eyes of the teammates on the ground brightened, knowing that this transformation has reached a critical moment!

In the core of the blood cloud, the scarlet entanglement almost condenses into substance, and there seems to be a huge heart in the sky, and the long rhythm seems to shake the sky and the earth.

Li Rui had indeed reached a critical moment in the dark red fog that couldn't see his fingers.

The turbulent qi and blood inside the ocean were all released to the outside world, entangled with magic power, and produced a wonderful transformation.

Compared with the last time the spirit and flesh were out of balance, this time Li Rui's spell power has increased to hundreds of thousands. Under the urging of [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Tribulation], a natural breakthrough in the key node, there is no waves in the whole process.

The closed eyes suddenly opened, and the purple-golden dragon pupils burst into red light, and there was a thunderous thunder in the heavens and the earth.

Even the gods like Aya Xiyi are oppressed by the magical power of blood and blood, UU reading www. felt a little breathless.

The two sisters of Cutavia were holding their chests in pain, as if an invisible hand was pinching their hearts and gradually contracting...

If it weren't for the protection of the teammate's law, Li Rui's unconscious magic power alone could kill them half their lives!

The blood mist in the sky began to boil and roll, swallowing the aura in the void like a black hole.

Enduring the pain of the surge of soul power, Li Rui tried his best to urge the transformation.

The sea of ​​blood that stretched for hundreds of kilometers began to spiral and converge into the tiny figure in the center.

The sun shined again on the earth, but the two sisters of Cutavia did not feel the slightest relief, but became even more uncomfortable.

The invisible pressure became more solemn, and Li Rui sat quietly in the void, silently pushing the last trace of transformation.

The condensed liquid blood sea vortex generally seeps into the body, and as the last trace of blood returns, the long transformation finally comes to an end.


A ray of blood flashed away, and in a short span, there was a real "blood sun" in the sky!

The wanton blooming fluctuations spread in the atmosphere, and the violent energy lasted for a few minutes before gradually dissipating. The two Katavia sisters who had witnessed the whole process up close looked at the magnificent blood sun and could not speak for a long time.

This power... is really something mortal can have?

Li Rui opened his eyes in the void, quickly introverted his aura, the hollow and icy purple-gold dragon pupils slowly faded, and became ordinary again.

Squeezing his fists and experiencing the skyrocketing power in his body, Li Rui's eyes flashed with surprise.

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