Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 997: 、【Crimson Contract】·Secret Diamond Rank

Just like last time, [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] has endured tremendous pressure during the long breakthrough process. A little bit of progress is made. A few days is equivalent to a few months of normal penance.

Slowly exhaling a hot breath, completely calming the last trace of restlessness in the body, Li Rui restrained his emotions and looked at his system panel.

【Blood Contract】·Secret Diamond Rank

You are proficient in the life magic contained in your blood, surpassing the laws of nature to greatly extend your life, gaining a spell power of 3.5% of your maximum health, and each point of spell power will increase your 4 additional health points. (This effect will not overlap by itself)

Your utilization efficiency of life mana is increased, and the blood-sucking effect exceeds the upper limit of 100%. (The secret diamond rank does not exceed 800% at most)

After Luo Li's father's careful teaching, and with the help of the blood clan's understanding of Qi and blood magic, Li Rui finally conquered the core passivity with the stone of his mountain, and his attributes immediately changed drastically!

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: Secret Diamond (introverted spirituality)

Level: 575 level

Health value: 1418780/1418780 (1162815 + spell power × 4)

Mana: 274326/274326 (51276×535%)

Armor: 34232 (29767×115%)

Magic resistance: 39228 (34112×115%)

Attack power: 8144

Spell power: 145388 [(19651+4.5% mana+3.5% health)×200%]

Look at my poor attack power, standard mage template, whoever dares to say that I am not a mage in the future, I will blow his head!

Forcibly ignoring the attack power bonus brought by [Giant Hydra] and [Atama's Reckoning], Li Ruimei zealously appreciates the various attributes, and figured out how to use the gold coins in his hand.

Originally, in order to prevent the [Blood Contract] from being unable to break through, he planned to upgrade [World Destroyer's Death Hat] to smooth the imbalance of energy and blood magic.

When you find that you have enough strength to break the bottleneck, you can save the money.

After all, the [Death Cap] is really expensive, nearly 50% more expensive than defense equipment!

The most important thing is that Li Rui's current blue amount, 140,000 spell power is already a bit over the standard.

If there is no [eternal] passive and blue knives, he will not be able to support a long battle!

Therefore, relatively speaking, it is more important to make up for your shortcomings!

But... what are your shortcomings?

Seeing his perverted attributes, Li Rui scratched his head in confusion.


In the crowded Chang'an Avenue, a burly man suddenly walked out of a hidden alley and squinted his eyes to look at the sun in the sky. Some were not used to such intense sunlight.

And not far from him, a luxurious and restrained car parked quietly on the side of the street, and nine men and women in handsome black suits lined up, attracting the stunning eyes of passers-by.

"Is this making a movie?"

"I can't see my eyes with sunglasses, so cool!"

"The long legs, my goodness, this figure is too good?"

Ignoring the whispers of passers-by, one of them saw the strong man coming out of the dark alley, excited to take off his sunglasses and greet him.

"The three-year period has come, welcome the God of War to be released from prison!"

Looking at Huang Juncai who bowed to him ninety degrees, Wang Lei really wanted to throw his yellow head directly to the ground.

Why didn't you find him so cheap before?

"Brother Lei, welcome back!"

Li Rui, who was following Huang Jun's body, came up in a bear hug. The height of more than 1.9 meters no longer looked like a bird in front of Wang Lei. Two bear-like burly men banged each other's vests.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at all the cool black suits, Wang Lei asked dubiously.

"Xiao Huang's idea is to have a sense of ritual."

Li Rui chuckled and explained a few words, then pulled him to the car.

The two Catavia sisters respectfully opened the thick and gorgeous facing car door. The space inside the car was much larger than it looked outside. It was tens of square meters in size, comparable to a living room.

When passing by the two sisters, Wang Lei felt an unusual sense of intimacy and gave them a strange glance.

Looking up, Wang Lei seemed to understand something, and smiled and nodded at them.

The two sisters were flattered and nodded in return, with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, even the world's strongest gold-tier, the first generation of [Indestructible Dragon] are all their own teammates, how strong are the members of [Secret Banquet Association]?

Are our comrades really all over the world?

While shaking slightly with excitement, they couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in their hearts.

The two of them are the best in the entire group. Even though other teammates never looked down upon them, their pride still doesn't allow them to hold back the organization!

Olena is okay, the current positioning is logistical assistance, and she does not need to go to the front battlefield.

And the so strong Ktavia has secretly decided in his heart that he must practice frantically next, and strive to break through to the golden rank as soon as possible!


After closing the door, the car started smoothly amidst the comments of the onlookers, merged into the busy city, and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

"Brother Lei, we are waiting for you."

Take out a bottle of [Dragon Bone Wine] from the wine cabinet, Li Rui smiled and poured it on Wang Lei.

After a sip of the spicy and exciting spirits, Wang Lei let out a contented sigh and exhaled a long breath.

"Damn, I've been eating grass every day in the past few months, and the birds are almost out of my mouth!"

Smash it, Smash it, UU reading www. tasted the familiar aroma of wine, Wang Lei looked around and raised his eyebrows at Li Rui.

"Don't tell me? New younger siblings?"


Five sharp gazes pierced in an instant, the smile on Li Rui's face slowly solidified, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The two sisters of Cutavia didn't react at first, but when they realized that the atmosphere was not right, they looked at each other in confusion.

Blinking and stunned, two red clouds rose on their faces.

"Wang... Wang... Lord Wang Lei, no, no... We and the president are innocent!"

"It's all my own, just call Lei Ge."

Looking at the bewildered sister flower, the corner of Wang Lei's mouth evokes a hidden arc.

Make it well, right?

Brother, I can only help you here!

"Ahem, this is Katavia Yekis."

"This is Olena Yekis."

After bluntly preventing the two idiots from getting darker and darker, Li Rui quickly changed the subject.

"They are all subordinates who have been with me for many years, and the daily affairs of the association are handled by them."

Appreciating Li Rui's sweating excuses, Wang Lei's smile gradually narrowed, but his expression suddenly stopped, frowning in doubt.

"Just now they were calling you the president, association? What association?"

Finally found a chance to fight back, Li Rui narrowed his expression, looked at Wang Lei with a smile, and spoke slowly.

"Secret Banquet Association."

The four ordinary words pierced Wang Lei's heart like thunder, the last narrow smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his mind was a mess.

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