Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 998: , All my trumpet

"Wait, you let me stroke it."

Wang Lei put his hands on the table, covered his lips, and gradually turned into an old man in the subway emoji.

"Are you the president of [Secret Banquet Association]?"


"Did you kill their former president?"

Subconsciously asking questions in his mind, Wang Lei felt that with Li Rui's personality, such a thing could be done!

Li Rui: "..."


"Then how did you become the president? Do they have many presidents? You are in charge of the earth?"


The expressions on the faces of other teammates have begun to gradually distorted, but looking at Wang Lei's serious appearance, he could only hold back his smile and let his face twitch slightly.

"No, I have always been the president, long ago."

"Didn't you just join the [Secret Banquet Association] on horseback? We also held a meeting specifically for you!"

Wang Lei was confused, and his piercing eyes were full of confusion.

"Um... I'm sorry to keep hiding from you. In fact, the [Secret Banquet Association] was founded by me, and there are only ten of us in the entire association!"

Pour Wang Lei's wine, Li Rui's mouth is filled with a small smile, and his eyes are full of evil taste.


After a long silence, Wang Lei raised his hand again with a solemn expression.

"Wait, let me stroke it again."

In the past, others called him stupid and he never cared, because he thought his IQ was not to say that he was extremely smart, at least it was far beyond ordinary people, and he acted recklessly because he didn't need to use his brain.

If there is a problem, go down with an axe and the problem is solved. If it doesn't work, let's get another axe!

But at this moment, he really began to suspect that his IQ might be flawed...

[Secret Banquet Association]...Li Rui...

The two do not match up at all!

"The first appearance of the Secret Banquet Association was in Europa. The Scarlet Archon Vladimir was a teenager with white hair and white pupils..."

Whispering the information in his memory, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui and quickly looked away.

"This is a powerful mage who is suspected of being an angel on the ground. He is good at blood magic. The ring explosion spell used to wipe out two Cthulhu strongholds, and its power even caused two local earthquakes!"

His gaze stayed on Luo Li's face for a while, but finally moved to Aya Xiyi's face. Wang Lei took a deep breath and whispered in disbelief.

"Xiyi, you actually know blood magic? Can you become a man?"


Ayaki Kiyi's forehead clearly jumped from blue veins, and purple-black flames burned all over her.

"Ahem, Brother Lei, that's actually my disguise."

Quickly stop Wang Lei's death, Li Rui said with a smile.

"You? You were only a silver tier then? And Vladimir is a mage! How do you pretend?"

Wang Lei started scratching his head frantically, staring at Li Rui suspiciously.

Patting his chest, Li Rui asked strangely.

"Aren't I a mage? [Indestructible True Dragon] A part-time mage is normal!"

Wang Lei: "..."

I think you are taunting me!

"What did Wade Winston Wilson say? That's also an angel-level figure on the ground, who can beat hundreds of secret diamond dragons by one person!"

"That's also my trumpet."

"How is it possible? You two have confronted each other!"

Li Rui smiled without saying a word, did not answer, flipped his wrist gently, and pinched a scarlet card from the void between his fingers.

"Brother Lei, do you remember my summon?"

Wang Lei moved his expression and nodded.

According to the information from [Zhonghua], Li Rui can indeed summon a few weird creatures, but as his power grows, these bells and whistles seem to be unable to keep up with the growth, and rarely appear again.

Gradually, everyone was attracted by Li Rui's positive attitude like a god, forgetting that there were many tricks behind him.

"This is Vladimir!"

Shaking the card in his hand, Li Rui shook it slightly, and the spinning card quickly exploded into gilt particles after leaving his hand, condensing into a human-shaped silhouette in the car.

"I would like to introduce you, one of my four heavenly kings, Scarlet Archon Vladimir!"

Pointing at the handsome white-haired boy, Li Rui raised his chin triumphantly.


After being dull for a long time, Wang Lei couldn't help reaching out and squeezing the silent white-haired boy. The touch in his hand was not like a summoned object made of energy.

Generally speaking, with the exception of certain special occupations, the existence of normal summoned objects is closer to the form of law, even ordinary people can perceive the difference between them and real matter!

If you want to use fakes like Li Rui, you can't see any flaws at close range, Wang Lei feels that this is beyond the scope of his knowledge!

Anyway, the few rough summoners he had hammered were unable to do similar things.

More importantly, this summoned item has a solid record, and Li Rui's true level back then was indeed a silver rank...

So... the silver rank summons hit the ground angel level damage?

Ok? ? ?

Having just sorted out a little bit of clues, he was blocked again, and Wang Lei was now full of question marks.

Seeing his doubts, Li Rui smiled and stood up and walked straight towards Vladimir.

"A simple summoned object is definitely not that strong. I was actually fighting with my skin."

Vladimir and Li Rui opened their hands at the same time, and the two merged like a hug. The faint scarlet particles attached to Li Rui, distorting his high-dimensional information state and turning his existence into another state completely unrelated. UU reading

The hollow and sluggish eyes instantly became agile, and the elegant and noble young man raised a soft smile, stroking his chest and saluting.

"The Scarlet Archon of the Noxian Empire-Vladimir, met His Excellency Wang Lei."

Looking at each other for a long time, Wang Lei suddenly let out a breath and slumped on the sofa.

"Damn, so the whole world is fooled by you?"

"you can say so."

Li Rui "walked out" of the white-haired boy, snapped his fingers, and a group of colorful clouds burst out behind him, instantly condensing a card between his fingers.

"Wade Winston Wilson is also your summon?"


"What about his companions?"

"It's me! It's me! Brother Lei, it's me!"

Xiao Wei and Zhao Youxuan immediately began to take credit.

"You also have summons?"

"Yes, this is the exclusive benefit of our [Secret Banquet Association]."

Li Rui sat back on the sofa, put his arm around his shoulder, and laughed triumphantly.

"Brother Lei, what I said, you know nothing about my power!"

"By the way, the one driving us in the front cab is also a summoner."

Wang Lei: "..."

After a long silence, Wang Lei suddenly figured out something wrong.

"Wait, you have a few bells and whistles before, plus Vladimir and Wade Winston Wilson, as well as driving you..."

I always feel something is wrong after the code is finished. After thinking about it for a long time, I found that I forgot to eat dinner, Gan! Forget it, just lose weight (з」∠)

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