Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 999: , How many four heavenly kings are there?

After counting with his fingers, Wang Lei blinked in confusion.

"How many summons do you have? Didn't you just talk about the four heavenly kings?"

"Isn't it common sense that the four heavenly kings have more than four?"

Li Rui shrugged and asked strangely.


"How many are there?"

"Now there are about a dozen, maybe in the future it can break 100."


There are more than one hundred four heavenly kings?

Young people must be honest, I advise you to make a rat!

Wang Lei rubbed his face twice, accepted the fact that Li Rui was the founder of [Secret Banquet Association], and suppressed all kinds of distracting thoughts.

"So? [Secret Banquet Association] Is there any way to help me break through the bottleneck?"

"This involves where we are going next, Brother Lei, have you heard of Amway... Bah, have you heard of [Holy Grail War]?"

Wang Lei's heart moved and he immediately understood Li Rui's meaning.

"Do you want to use the [Holy Grail of Destiny] to force me through the bottleneck? But didn't you say that the power of [Holy Grail] is too small to realize my wish?"

"Last time was last time, but this time it's different."

"How do you know? And that thing is condensed from the sealed artifact, the ghost knows when there is a second one."

A deep disappointment appeared in Wang Lei's eyes, and he lay down on the back of the chair decadently.

He had considered a method similar to the [Wishing Technique] a long time ago, but now that the divinity has not fully returned, the laws of the material world are tight and firm, and there is almost no existence that can distort his “big” reality.

If Li Ruizhen puts all hope on the [Holy Grail of Destiny], then he can only be said to be too naive.

Do you really think that [China] has no similar power?

Have tried it all...

From hope to disappointment, Wang Lei's emotions turned anxious for a while, and he couldn't help but pick up the wine bottle and slam his mouth.

Tons tons tons tons tons~

"That... Of course I know, because [War Academy] was created by me."


The swallowing throat suddenly froze, and Wang Lei maintained the posture of blowing up a bottle, like a deep sculpture.

After a long time, he silently put down the wine bottle in his hand and looked at Li Rui with a smirk, covering his forehead in pain.

"Wait, let me stroke again..."

"You created the War College?"


"You also directed the first Holy Grail War?"


"You made the weapons, potions, storage space, and even the [Holy Grail of Destiny] provided by [War Academy]?"

Li Rui tilted Erlang's legs, shrugged his shoulders and smiled without saying a word.

"So, [War Academy] and [Secret Banquet Association] are actually one family behind?"



After a long silence, Wang Lei scratched his hair painfully, confirming that there was indeed a problem with his IQ!

As the guide who led Li Rui into the extraordinary world, people have worked out so many amazing secrets under his nose!

And he didn't realize that there was nothing wrong!

Even if there is a reason for his deliberate alienation, this guy is hiding too well, right?

"Brother Lei, as you said, the more cards you hide, the longer you live. Don't tell anyone the secret, including you!"

Li Rui smiled like a two-hundred-jin child, looking at that bright and hearty smile, Wang Lei wanted to blast his fist up.

I asked you to hide two life-saving skills, I didn't ask you to build an organization that feeds on gods, and then a shady covering the world!

Do you call this a hole card?

Did your physical education teacher teach Chinese at Ta Ma Middle School?

Taking two deep breaths, Wang Lei tried his best to suppress the desire to run wild, and continued to comfort himself.

The boy I taught myself must hold on with tears!

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that Li Rui's display of mighty power comparable to gods was just the tip of an iceberg out of the sea.

Under the deep and dark surface of the water, the things that were accumulated and brewed were a hundred times more than what he showed! Thousand times!

The prestige of [Secret Banquet Association] has made the seven gods sleepless, and the tentacles of [War Academy] have spread to the heavens and worlds, involving tens of millions of extraordinary people!

In other words, the power that can kill the gods is only his weakest part, and he has a larger power that quietly grows and changes in the dark...

Perhaps, when this power fades from its pretense and a storm is set off in the multiverse, people will be surprised how terrifying this is!

What kind of monster did I teach?

After letting out a long suffocation, Wang Lei stared at Li Rui with complicated eyes, both gratified and fearful.

During the period when Li Ruigang awakened, his friend Cao Zhi tried to incorporate him into the system, thinking that with his qualifications, if he went on a crooked road, it would very likely cause a world-destroying disaster.

At that time, Wang Lei confidently believed that Li Rui was a real dragon under his nose, and he had to take it!

Dare to be a demon? Leg discounts!

As a result, just under his nose, in less than ten years, people came up with a shady covering the heavens and all realms, and he was as ignorant as a han-han, and walked in place...

Hidden behind the [War Academy] [Secret Banquet Association], its indirect control power has surpassed the Seven Gods, and almost wiped out the elites of hundreds of planes!

In a daze, Wang Lei seemed to have a tree diagram in front of him. UU Reading

At the top is the [Secret Banquet Association], and below it is a dark curtain called [War College] that cannot be seen.

Below, there are thousands of extraordinary elites, and there are many mythological creatures such as Michael and Athena.

After that, there are ordinary transcendents worth hundreds of millions.

At the bottom are all living beings!

Hiding behind the curtain of darkness, a trace of the will of the [Secret Banquet Association], falling to the bottom may be the end-time disaster of an extinction plane!

If they can really use the plane as the dining table and the gods as food...

Unable to shiver, Wang Lei looked around with complicated eyes.

At present, the high-end power of the [Secret Banquet Association] is still slightly weak, but if you wait until everyone here has grown to rough stones, or even myths...

A terrorist organization that surpasses the seven gods and dominates the world in the depths of darkness is faintly visible!

Shaking his head, throwing the distracting thoughts out of the sky, Wang Lei kept reminding himself that this is an organization created by Li Rui!

Compared with the threat to the world, it is more likely to be an opportunity to save the world!

Moreover, if an organization has three [Zhen Guo Zhilong] as its core, it is destined that it will not conflict with [China].

As long as this principle is not broken, he doesn't really care about the rest.

After I figured this out, the pressure in my heart was gone and replaced by a strange emotion.

Just like when he became the [Dragon of Zhen Country], honor, pride, and a touch of superiority.

I worked overtime today and came back late, only one chapter. (′°ω°`)

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