Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1000: , We are different

In the dim and mysterious [Rune Land], a bright gate of light breaks the eternal silence, runs through time and space, and blooms in the center of the altar.

A group of people filed out, and Wang Lei looked at the invisible world, unable to speak for a long time.

Private plane!

[Secret Banquet Association] Actually has its own private plane!

How many things did Li Rui do without hiding from him?

After the excitement along the way, Wang Lei's already unhappy mood fluctuated slightly, and he couldn't help looking at Li Rui.

"When did you create such a big private plane?"

"Remember I asked you before, where can I buy a private plane?"

Wang Lei squinted his eyes, thinking hard for a long time, and finally was shocked.

"I remember, you asked me during the time you just awakened. At that time, you were not in the advanced stage. I also advised you not to go too far..."

Wang Lei couldn't help taking a breath.

At that time, he didn't take this matter to heart. He felt that it was just a child's distant dream. If he didn't understand the concept of how terrifying the private plane was, he would naturally give up after being beaten by society.

Li Rui did not mention it again later, and he gradually forgot about it.

Unexpectedly...people did not give up, but already got it!

"Impossible? You only awakened at that time?"

Wang Lei only felt that the Three Views had collapsed. He would not be too surprised if he said that this plane was only recently obtained by Li Rui, but seven or eight years ago, the awakening order?

Ok? ? !

This is like a three-year-old child who has picked up an unowned aircraft carrier, whose magic level is beyond his understanding!

"How can it be impossible? When the Atlantis Secret Realm collapsed, the plane fragments scattered into the void, I just picked up the largest piece."

Grinning, Li Rui casually explained a few words, concealing the most important system secrets, and passing the key points lightly.

"You can capture plane fragments from the endless void in the awakening stage?"

Wang Lei's expression was distorted, and he firmly didn't believe it!

No one understands [Indestructible Dragon] better than him!

If the myth is advanced in the future, he has the confidence to smash certain miniature planes.

Because destruction is easier than creation!

But to capture from the void, stabilize, and create a new plane...

The difficulty is equivalent to capturing an asteroid in the universe, then dragging it to the solar system, and then building a sustainable and circulating ecosystem for it!

Hmm... He may never learn such high-end and delicate skills in his life.

To be reasonable, this is more like an operation that can only be achieved by [Creation Sacred Dragon]!

Quietly, he glanced at Aya Xiyi, and Wang Lei suddenly remembered that Li Rui’s [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] didn’t seem to have low attainments...

"Ahem, my strength alone will definitely not work, but there is this!"

Li Rui smiled and raised his left hand, the colorful gilt gold gathered in his palm, and the dazzling light turned from virtual to solid, condensing into a gorgeous and elegant handguard of the gods.

"Poseidon's Gauntlets."

"Yes, this artifact is the core of the Atlantis Secret Realm. It is precisely because of His help that I can steal Ben...cough cough and obtain plane fragments."

"That's it!"

Wang Lei suddenly realized that with the help of the "key", the difficulty was reduced by 10,000 times.

But with Li Rui's strength at the awakening stage at the time, it was not easy to just stabilize the plane fragments and not continue to collapse.

Even if Wang Lei is allowed to do it now, this plane may be broken into dregs within minutes, dissipating in the endless void.

There is no way, [Indestructible Dragon] is so upright, knowing all about high-end operations and knowing nothing about it!

Feeling sad, angry, gratified, unwilling...

Various emotions flickered in Wang Lei's eyes, as if he could see his thoughts, Li Rui patted him on the shoulder, showing a warm smile.

"Brother Lei, we are different."


Wang Lei: I have to find a chance to beat this kid!

"Ahem, Brother Lei, first accept your inheritance..."

Perceiving the malicious sight, Li Rui coughed twice and diverted his attention.

Leading Wang Lei to the center of the altar, one hero card after another rolled between his fingers, but Li Rui couldn't make up his mind.

It's not because there are too few suitable for him, on the contrary, Wang Lei and many heroes are quite similar!

Not only the character, ability, but also his looks are fierce.

After struggling for a long time, Li Rui finally chose the one that looked most like him.


A rainbow beam of light descended from the sky, and the hero cards melted into gilt particles, swirling into the majestic and violent body.

The whole body's muscles expand and contract with breathing, and the trembling brutal breath swept the world, even his teammates couldn't help but change their colors.

"Ma Yeah, I look at his back and feel stunned. I don't know how it would feel to face his enemies?"

Huang Juncai shrank into a ball shivering, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

From now on, Lei brother will be my new father!

In the future, whoever dares to smash my face, I will close the door and let it go... No, tell my big brother to kill him!

After a long time, the energy tide gradually subsided, Wang Lei fell to the ground dull and opened his eyes.

Tiny golden threads spread from the depths of the pupils, flickering in the blood-red eye sockets. UU reading

"What a magical power!"

Raising his palm and slowly making a fist, Wang Lei grinned grimly as he felt the boiling energy in his body that was familiar and unfamiliar.

"This is the beginning. After you kill enough enemies, you can unlock more abilities."

With a chuckle, Li Rui slowly lifted his toes off the ground, floating above the altar.

Under the gaze of his teammates, he slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the depths of [City of Origin Sea].

Above the indescribable abyss, a gorgeous and beautiful holy grail has been formed.

Reaching out for a virtual grip, the colorful, colorful, "umbilical cord" composed of light particles was gently disconnected, and the Holy Grail appeared in Li Rui's palm instantly.

Like the most perfect artwork in the world, the [Holy Grail of Destiny] exudes infinite charm, even with Li Rui's determination, I can't help but indulge in it.

The mighty power of twisting fate has gathered the great aspirations of tens of millions of summoners!

The "miracle" to realize all wishes!

Just staring and playing with it, Li Rui's body guard was trembling in spirit, and the fragile soul seemed to be unable to withstand this power, and it was about to melt into the light of the Holy Grail.

Without the protection of the power of the system, even I would not be immune to his magic!

Worthy of being a holy thing condensed from luck...

Secretly sighed, Li Rui couldn't help but be surprised.

It has been several years since the last [Holy Grail War], the number of summoners in [War Academy] has doubled hundreds of times, and the upper limit of energy level has been increased from silver to secret diamond.

So even though optimistic judgments have been made, the final holy grail is still stronger than he predicted!

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