Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1004: , The light of the right way

Attached to the ear of Jingu Qiuzi, Li Rui quietly said cruel words that were chilling.

The shy smile on Akiko Jingu's face was slightly stagnant, and she looked at him in confusion and horror.

To be reasonable, you all dress up like the villain boss, and they don’t look like good people...

"Hey, if we are in the battle, these people can't make trouble."

Randomly patted Jingu Qiuzi's head, Li Rui pointed at Wang Lei and turned to the target.

Seeing that familiar and terrifying burly back, Jingu Qiuzi relaxed herself, with a sweet smile on her face.

That's all right!

Two, two [indestructible dragons], really feel safe...

However, her smile changed in the eyes of other contestants.

The goddess, who was still oppressing all beings, was as meek as a little cat in front of a hot man. How terrifying is that guy?

Countless kinds of detection perceptions scan Li Rui back and forth, but no matter what kind of system he is in the vision, he is just an ordinary mortal, nothing strange.

On the contrary, the teammates around him exude a magnificent aura, especially the two figures, one gold and one purple, shining dazzlingly, making the people who snooped subconsciously squinted their eyes and dare not look directly!

And surrounded by such a strong, will the guy who is obviously the leader be a mortal?

Ignoring the panic spreading in the crowd, Li Rui walked to the dusty old building with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

There are two floors above and below, plus an attic, with a small courtyard.

On the surface, it is the "one-household construction" that can be seen everywhere in Dongying, but in Li Rui's eyes, it is a twisted singularity formed by the combination of various extreme negative emotions.

"So? It's clearer than last time, right?"

Aya Xiyi walked to him and asked with a chuckle.

"Well, I can penetrate the appearance and see some substance, but the deeper things are still too dark to see clearly."

I don't know when, Li Rui's eyes have turned into purple-gold dragon pupils, his sight seems to penetrate the building, looking directly at its mysterious and unpredictable origin.

"Waste, compared to when we came last time, the mystery of this ghost has increased thousands of times!"


Is it thousands of times less?

"What about you? What do you see?"

Li Rui asked not convinced.


Aya Xiyi smiled coldly, raised her chin proudly, stared deeply at the building, and slowly uttered a few words.

"I can't see clearly either."

Li Rui: "..."

Are you proud of a hammer?

Glancing at her disgustingly, Li Rui walked to the door of the building and passed through the invisible barrier, the surrounding light dimmed a bit.

Sisi Chill ignored the clothes and got into the flesh, making it bitterly cold.

Even with the body of [Indestructible True Dragon], I couldn't help but shudder.

Peeping through the window, the building was dark and the faint light seemed to have been swallowed by something, and only a dark mass could be seen.

In the weird darkness, something seemed to be creeping, and unknown fears permeated my heart a little bit.


Feeling the strange emotional infestation, Li Rui smiled at the corner of his mouth, and put his hand gently on the doorknob.


Opening the door of the room seemed to connect another world.

An obscure and cold invisible force gushed from the door, attached to Li Rui like a living thing, constantly trying to drill into the depths of his flesh and soul.

Farther away, the illusory seal was activated, revealing the formation patterns visible to the naked eye, and the terrifying force impacted on the barrier, forming dense ripples.

"[The Observer] is passively activated, and the curse effect on the host is greatly weakened."

Looking at the prompt on the system panel in surprise, Li Rui narrowed his eyes, and golden phantom dragon scales appeared on the surface.

Since he condensed his own divinity, it has been a long time since the curse can activate the [Observer].

Under the faint golden light, the illusory curse searched out the appearance visible to the naked eye, and the black mist condensed into countless "maggots" with hair thickness. They were desperately wagging their tails, trying to penetrate the imaginary dragon scales and gnaw inside. flesh.

What is the feeling of being covered with a layer of "maggot"?

Even if he knew that this was only the manifestation of a curse, Li Rui couldn't help feeling nauseous, and his hair was standing upright.

Subconsciously igniting the gas and blood furnace, the golden red light that is enough to dissolve all things does not make a wave.

Only then did Li Rui react, [Sacrifice] The negative energy is restrained, and these curses are the power of higher laws!

"Haha, waste wood!"

Aya Xiyi sneered triumphantly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and took out a simple and mysterious bamboo slip.

The obscure and mysterious fluctuations disappeared in a flash, and Li Rui watched her spread out the bamboo slips, writing something on it with his fingers.

Soon, a purple and black light rose on the surface of his body, and Li Rui felt that the heaviness accumulated on his body was swept away, and the whole person seemed to be lightened by a few catties, relieved.

Then came the teammates one by one, the gentle light shrouded them, and any curse that was close to the body surface would be instantly annihilated and disintegrated, returning to a black mist.

After pondering for a moment, Li Rui touched Aya Xiyi's head.

Well, I'm useless.

Enjoying squinting her eyes, it took a long time for Aya Xiyi to react Her expression sank, and she patted Li Rui's hand, frowning in disgust.

"Mortal, don't touch the gods with your dirty hands!"

Li Rui: "..."

If it wasn't for you to be useful, I will show you how mortal people are today!

However, before Li Rui could react, a small head was placed on Aya Xiyi's waist, his arrogant and contemptuous expression solidified in place for a moment, and then the whole person turned into an afterimage and disappeared inside the gate.

"Snakehead hammer!"


"The light of the right way shines on the earth!"

Caressing her white and smooth forehead, Zhao Youxuan slid in her waist triumphantly, expressing her expression quickly.

Looking at this guy sluggishly, Li Rui's eyes twitched, and finally he slowly compared a thumb.

The fierce snake specializes in pretending to be a crime... cowhide!

"Let's go, stop playing."

Wang Lei walked up and urged the two.

Nodding, Li Rui looked around at the contestants outside, with an inscrutable smile on his face.

The smiley expression made these people's hearts frizzy, but before they could taste the taste, Li Rui had turned and led the team into the mission area first.


Stepping on the ragged wooden floor, a dark porch appeared in front of the two of them amidst the hairy crunch.

The decoration in the house is very old and dusty, as if no one has lived in it for many years.

The air was filled with a musty smell, and there was a faint stench of rotting corpses.

The strange entrance is longer than expected, far beyond the physical limits of the building.

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