Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1005: , Yo, Jia coconut mulberry

After entering the house, the light became darker, and the surrounding colors became weird, as if with a strange coldness that did not belong to this world.

At the end of the hallway, a figure stood quietly beside the stairs leading to the second floor, thoughtfully.

Seeing them coming in, Aya Xiyi curled her lips in dissatisfaction and greeted her.

"Why is it so slow?"

Li Rui was taken aback for a moment, with a bright smile on his face.

"I'm helping you beat the snake..."

However, just when the two sides were only one arm apart, Li Rui's five fingers turned into iron claws and instantly grabbed her head.

The majestic and sacred golden dragon scales are just like the substance, as if a divine dragon protruding its claws.


The golden-red flames from the first sun burst out, burning the familiar face beyond recognition.

Ahhhhh! !

The miserable and sharp screams pierced the eardrums, as if someone had digged through the glass with their nails. It was chilling and sour.

Amid the infiltrating screams, the scorched figure struggled in Li Rui's hands, but couldn't escape the capture.

The carbonized and cracked facial features were all buckled in Li Rui's palm, only a pair of blood-red spiteful eyes were exposed through the fingers, staring at him firmly.

However, Li Rui smiled more ferociously than her.

"Silly X, still want to pretend in front of Lao Tzu? Die!"

The five golden fingers slowly rotated and clenched, as if a hydraulic machine gradually pinched the head to deform.


The woman struggled frantically, and her whole body melted into a black mist, trying to get rid of the shackles of the five fingers.

But the repressive power of [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] firmly locked her, and despite her misty mist, her head was still caught in Li Rui's hands.

The insidious black nails dug on Li Rui's arm, but they failed to leave the slightest trace on the illusory golden dragon scale.

The unexpected vitality made Li Rui frowned slightly and increased his strength in his hands.

The facial features were almost squeezed like a rubber. With the final grip, the deformed head exploded like a watermelon.

[Indestructible Grip]!


The destructive force was released, but there was no vitality feedback. Li Rui rubbed his fingers, full of disgust.

"The annihilation curse projection of resentment."

An inconspicuous prompt pops up on the system panel, no experience, no gold coins, no rule fragments, nothing!

I lost my blood!

If she raised her head with feeling, at the corner of the stairs, a woman with a distorted face was tilting her head and staring at them, her spiteful blood-red eyes full of cursing killing intent.

"Yo, Jia Ye Sang, meet again."

Raising his hand to say hello to her, Li Rui smiled and the sun was shining, as if he had met a neighbor in the morning.

However, in the next moment, Li Rui appeared at the place where Jia Yu was located, and the sharp five claws fell on her heart, but she was lonely.


Posing his lips in disgust, Li Rui retracted his palms and stood with his hands behind.

"Xiao Rui, where did Xiyi go?"

Wang Lei came forward with a solemn expression.

He is good at dealing with entities with clear goals, but what he is most afraid of is invisible, intangible, godly talkative stuff.

Li Rui's speed was much faster than him just now, but the thing almost disappeared when he started it.

In the face of this kind of thing, even if he had the power to tear the world apart, he couldn't find the target to use it!

As for destroying the realm with brute force...well... if the power of the twisted law is so easy to clear, there won't be so many sealed objects in this world.

It is because brute force cannot deal with it, so it can only be sealed!

Therefore, it is better to leave professional issues to professionals.

The macho should just be frontal!

"The ghost knows where she went, and there is no discipline at all!"

After a few casual complaints, Li Rui lightly nodded his eyebrows, a mysterious wave penetrated time and space, spreading like ripples.

"what are you doing?"

"Super Dimensional Coordinate Broadcasting."


Every word is understood, but together you don't know what it means.

Seeing Wang Lei's confused expression, Li Rui explained patiently.

"Using the spiritual penetrating dimension, using oneself as the anchor point, radiating to the surrounding time and space..."

Listening to his explanation, Wang Lei nodded thoughtfully, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"So that's it, I understand."

Fart, you don’t even understand!

Except for a few very silly and naive cute guys who believed his evil, the other teammates rolled their eyes tacitly, but didn't dare to say anything.

At the same time, a gap was opened in the void in front, and a petite figure straddled time and space, and rushed into the vigorous snake face without saying a word.

"What do you want to do? I warn you not to... Ay, Li Rui save me!"

Zhao Youxuan, who was scurrying with her head, hid behind Li Rui and jumped repeatedly with coquettish walking skills.

"Guardian! Escort!"

"Eh~ a fierce snake around the pillar, you can't hit me, eh~"

"Okay! Stop it!"

With one arm around one, Li Rui clamped them under his arm and walked straight to the second floor.

And after all of them went upstairs, the wooden door behind them slowly disappeared, the whole building twisted and wriggled, and an endless corridor appeared at the original exit...

"So what did you find?"

To prevent Aya Xiyi from destroying the snake's ass, Li Rui separated the two with his body and pushed Aya Xiyi forward.

"Humph! This place has sunk into a deeper have already separated from the real world."

"The laws of physics are gradually failing here, so it's not surprising that any bizarre phenomenon occurs."

"Listening to you, it feels a bit like a projection of the kingdom of God."

Seeing Aya Xiyi's breath slowly faded, Li Rui let go of her shoulders and rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

Back then, in the [Hall of the Abyss] at the bottom of [Fallen Paradise], there was a similar feeling!

But [The Hall of the Abyss] relies on the world-destroying-class sealed object [Lovers] as a material carrier to allow Monichka to drop its projection. Why can Kayako construct such a weird realm?

There was a sudden stop for the shadow in front of him, Li Rui bumped into her, looking at her suspiciously.

Aya Xiyi's eyes were cold, with a solemn expression: "It's not like a projection of the kingdom of God, this is a kingdom of God that has not yet formed."

Li Rui: "..."

Not only Li Rui, everyone was surprised by the terrible news.

"Of course, just like a mortal stepping on a **** seat, you need to gradually upgrade your sequence, stepping up one step after another. The environment here is far less incomprehensible than the kingdom of God, and at best it is the enhanced rough field."

With a disdainful smile on her face, Aya Xiyi stood proudly with her hand in her hand, looking at all sentient beings.

"However, fortunately, we came early. If we let it continue to grow, Dongying might have an extra evil god."

White fingers ran across the wall lightly, as if cutting a dead person's skin. The wall slowly cracked, revealing the corrupt flesh underneath.

Disgusting sticky black blood oozes down the "wound" and forms a pool of smelly blood on the floor.

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