Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1006: , Shi moved and abandoned (1/5)

   A blood-red eyeball opened in the depths of the "wound", dripping and spinning around, spiteful and cold eyes scanning back and forth on everyone.

   "What are you looking at?"

Li Ruihan's hair stood upright, one palm was inserted into the "wound", and his eyes were turned to ashes in the golden flames, but more deformed eyes were opened in the enlarged wound, staring at him densely. .


   lowered his head, Li Rui pressed Aya Kiyi's shoulders with both hands, and stared at her eyes seriously.

   "Hei, I'm relying on you this time, I can't do this stuff."

   "Oh, stupid mortal."

   Aya Xiyi threw a purple-black flame casually, an incomprehensible force penetrated the void, silently annihilating the entire wall into particles.

   opened the wall, but on the opposite side was a new corridor. The darkness seemed to have spread to the end of the world.

   "No one can find peekaboo in this place!"

   Zhao Youxuan muttered to herself excitedly, and Li Rui was casually rewarded on her forehead by a brain collapse.

   "Captain, if we just ask us to survive for 24 hours in here, it should be easy? Just find a place to pass the time, don't you need to run around?"

   Luo Li asked suspiciously.

   She could feel that the lethal power of this ghost is not strong, as long as everyone is not separated, there will be no danger at all.

   "It is really simple for us to survive 24 hours. Even without the protection of Xiyi, relying on our own divine resistance can support a long time."

   Speaking of this, Li Rui suddenly reacted and looked at the two sisters Cutavia seriously.

   "Except you two."


   "But for other teams, no divine protection is simply a chronic death."

   "Over time, the power of the curse will erode into the depths of the soul and flesh, eventually melting them in this desperately cursed land."

   "More importantly, when you live for 24 hours, how do you get out?"

   "Don't forget, you can only start teleporting when you return to the Mark of the Summoner in this world."

   "How to get out? Back along the same road..."

   Luo Li replied subconsciously, suddenly she understood something, her eyes condensed fiercely.

   Seeing her expression, Aya Xiyi smiled slightly and took Li Rui's topic.

   "It seems that you have realized that since we stepped into the door, there is no original way."

   "We have fallen from one dimension to a deeper level."

   "The way back is not the way back, and the front may not be the other shore. Time and space are disordered, cause and effect are reversed, and evil things are watching in secret."

   "Our only way out is to find the anchor point of this ghost mythical creature relying on reality, and forcibly open the space-time channel."

   "And this anchor must be hidden somewhere in the ghost mythical creature!"

   Hearing this, Li Rui couldn't help but patted her head and interrupted.

   "Well, I... No, the main **** will not issue a mortal mission."

   "So I actually have a way to take you all back now."


   Aya Xiyi looked at him suspiciously, her face full of disbelief.

   "Even if it is not a mortal for us, what about the other teams?"

   "It's very simple, I am their first line of life!"

   Li Rui pointed at herself and grinned.


   Everyone was silent for a long time, secretly distressed for other teams.

   "Since there are no worries, then I have a bold idea."

   Aya Kiyi raised her eyebrows and said excitedly.

   "Put away your bold thoughts, Li Rui sells her body but does not sell art. That's right, does not sell art..."

   A palm suppressed the tiger-wolf words of the fierce snake, Li Rui was full of black lines in his mind.


   Ignoring the call of the fierce snake, Aya Xiyi looked up and down Li Rui, nodded in satisfaction.

   "Your [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] is about to be advanced, right?"


   "So are you interested in devouring this ghost?"

   Li Rui's eyes burst out brilliantly, but he quickly suppressed it.

   "The premise of swallowing it must be sealed first, and it should be difficult to deconstruct it according to the power of the fourth stage [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]."

   Looking around the bottomless corridors and rooms, Li Rui said to himself hesitantly.

   "As long as you find the anchor point, I have a way to help you seal it, even if it can't be swallowed now, it won't be too late to wait for the fifth, sixth, and seventh stages to swallow it again!"

   "This is the rudiment of a kingdom of God, even if you step on the angel level, it is also a very precious advanced material."

   Hearing Aya Xiyi's words, Li Rui's heart moved even more, but after hesitating for a moment, he still gritted his teeth and shook his head.

   "Forget it, this ghost is still for you, you need it more than I do."

   Aya Xiyi's breath stagnated and was very touched, but his facial features were still slowly wrinkled together, and he couldn't help expressing his own disgust.

   "Why should I use such a disgusting thing?"

   Li Rui: "…………"

   So let me use the disgusting stuff?

   seemed to find that she had exposed her true inner thoughts, Aya Kiyi unnaturally looked away, and looked at him.

   "You see this ghost can generate a maze! It's amazing!"

   "You tell me clearly today!"


   "Why should I use the things I dislike?"

   "Oh, don't care about these details."

   "Isn't this a detail? It's about the basis of trust between us!"

   "Well, in fact, I have a fixed number for every level of advancement, and there is no way to change other options. It is useless for you to leave it to me."

   reluctantly accepted the explanation, but Li Rui still didn't love it, rubbing her face and rubbing her face for a long time before releasing her breath.


   There was a weak cry for help in the darkness Everyone looked at each other and immediately changed into a battle formation, protecting a few crispy skins in the middle.

   spanned hundreds of meters in just ten seconds, but the voice calling for help lingered not far ahead.

  Wang Lei, who rushed to the front, frowned and gradually slowed down.

   "Something's wrong."

   "Hehe, because the space we are in is spliced ​​and cycled, we can never get close to the target."

   Obviously felt a few abnormal spatial fluctuations. Relying on the power of [Void Stone], Li Rui quickly understood the problem.

   Stretched out his palm, Li Rui walked alone at the front of the line, walking slowly.

   advanced more than ten meters, he suddenly stopped, and his palm touched an invisible space-time crack.

   "Here is the coupling surface of space circulation!"

   The illusory water wave rippled away from his palm, his spiritual power spit out fiercely, and the void suddenly exploded with a crisp sound of glass breaking.

   seemed to have broken through some kind of barrier, and the heart-piercing scream instantly poured into the eardrum.

   However, what appeared in front of Li Rui and others was a strange picture.

   It was obvious that people in the same uniform were fighting with each other with red eyes. Several of them kept shouting the names of their companions, but they could only attract more grumpy attacks.

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