Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1011: , 1 person is angry, the whole family ascended to heaven

388 spell power is just a joke!

Except for the physical damage skills triggered by qi and blood, and a small amount of divinely activated law effects, he is basically insulated from spells in his life!

If it weren't for the system to give [Flash], based on his own ability, he really didn't have a spatial displacement skill, it was all brainless tricks such as charging, rushing, and sprinting.

That is to say, seeing his horrifying magical power, Li Rui was utterly innocent of letting him cultivate [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie].

Rather than believing that the Tietouwa is resuscitated, it is better to believe in a "miracle" vigorously!

In the distant battlefield, the two injured Secret Diamond Steps suddenly violent, releasing an overwhelming offensive, ejecting and fleeing in different directions.

Wang Lei grinned grimly, like a tiger showing its fangs.

"Want to run? Come here!"

Ignoring the attack that fell on him, Xing Tian axe pointed towards the fan-shaped space in front, and the illusory energy hook instantly entangled the two enemies, and then bounced back with irresistible force.

【Ruthless Iron Hand】·Silver Stage

Passive: The hero gains 35% armor penetration.

Active: Pull all enemies in the cone to the hero, and slow them by 40% for 3 seconds.

[Blood Fury] Wang Lei in his state is like a **** and demon, the two secret diamond steps have not even a trace of resistance, and are dragged in front of him by pure brute force.

Looking back, the desperate and horrified eyes only saw the eyes like a sea of ​​blood, and the horrible dark red flames almost burned their sanity.

But before they could react, Wang Lei wiped one of them with an axe, and the white spine could be vaguely seen from the hideous wound!

【Disabling Strike】·Silver Stage

The hero's next basic attack causes additional physical damage of 65% of total attack power and slows the target by 90% for 3 seconds.

If the target is killed, the cooldown time of the skill will be reduced by 50%.

The pupils suddenly enlarged, the seriously injured and dying Secret Diamond Step subconsciously covered his throat, but the terrifying enemy in his sight rose into the sky.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. He watched a "mountain" jump up in the air, stretched his figure, and raised the axe above his head with both hands, revealing an indescribable beauty of violence.

Powerful, ruthless, cruel, tyrannical, like a demon who destroys the world...

Looking up at the terrifying figure falling from the sky, he actually had the urge to kneel down and worship!

The last picture in the line of sight is that the dark red axe light shields everything, without the slightest resistance, a strong secret diamond is being split into two alive along the center line of the body!

【Noxus Guillotine】·Silver Step

Leap to the target hero and perform a fatal slash, causing 300 (+75% attack power) true damage. Each layer of [Bleeding] effect on the target will cause [Noxus Guillotine] to cause an additional 10% damage.

If [Noxus Guillotine] kills the target, its cooldown will be completely reset upon killing.

boom! !

The indescribable horrible crash sound came from far away, even through the water mirror, Li Rui and others could feel the unparalleled brutal breath piercing the soul, making them want to scream and escape!

Fortunately, with the protection of teammates' rules, this feeling disappeared in a flash, but the melon-eating people behind them were not so lucky. One by one, they fell to the ground with distorted faces, screaming with their hands and feet and crawling back.

"Ah, no!"

"Do not kill me!"


Being so quarreled by these guys, Li Rui stared at the water mirror and uttered two words without looking back.


Needless to say, Aya Xiyi gently slid back, and invisible power fell from the sky, pressing everyone to the ground, and blue-purple ice crystals wrapped their mouths and noses, forcing them to calm down.

But in the battlefield, an enemy was killed with an axe, and an inexplicable sense of refreshment flooded Wang Lei's heart, and the surging power flooded his limbs, supporting his meridians to swell, and he didn't vomit!

The blood-red eyes looked at the last enemy. The surviving Secret Diamond Step could no longer suppress the fear in his heart. The power of his whole body rushed straight up from his dantian, bursting through his throat and let out a deafening wailing.

"Don't come here!!!"

However, the burly man with a heart as strong as iron showed no mercy, raised his great axe again with a grinning smile, and jumped up.

boom! ! !

A long distance away, the dull wind blows on their faces, Li Rui and others look at the cruel picture in the water mirror, their facial features are wrinkled together, as if the axe is chopped on their body, their faces are painful.

"One person is angry and the whole family ascends to heaven..."

"what did you say?"

"No, nothing, brother Lei is over, let's continue to find anchor points."

Shaking his head, Li Rui turned the topic off with emotion as he watched Wang Lei rise more than ten consecutive levels.

It’s cool to open a large trumpet to practice a trumpet. I think how hard it was to upgrade back then. On the other hand, Wang Lei’s chaotic chops... He immediately went to heaven...

If I could kill more than two levels back then...

Uh... It seems like you can't learn this operation...

All sorts of distracting thoughts were circulating in his heart, and it didn't take long for Li Rui to see Wang Lei walking from the darkness with a comfortable expression.

Unscathed, with a calm breath, he didn't seem to have just fought a **** battle, but seemed to have done a good job in the clubhouse.

"How? Brother Lei?"

"Not enough, I hope there will be more awesome ones next time."

Smash it, Smash it, Wang Lei seems to be reminiscing about the pleasure of releasing the power just now, his eyes are full of regret.

If the enemies are all secret diamond steps, then he will have one axe at the end, and it will definitely be more exciting to chop them!

You can be a man...

Seeing Wang Lei's dissatisfied expression, Li Rui's mouth narrowed, for fear that he would chop his teammates together with his passion!

"Waiting for the finals will make you feel better."

"Hehe, even if I face the gods, I am fearless!"

"What if a group of gods surround you and beat you?"

Wang Lei sneered proudly and stopped speaking.

He is reckless, but he still knows himself.

In frontal combat, he has the confidence to resist the attack of the angel rank, but at best he resists being beaten.

The laws and powers of the gods are strange and mysterious, unpredictable.

Even with the protection of the seven layers of [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation], sooner or later you can play him to death!

Seeing the change in his expression, Li Rui grinned and patted his shoulder.

"Brother Lei, be confident. Our final opponent must be a group of gods, and they will be handed over to you."

"Leave it to me? What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, you sprint, yell'unmatched power', and then rush in and kill indiscriminately!"

Wang Lei: "..."

Do you think killing pigs?

After a long silence, Wang Lei asked with a complicated expression, "What about you?"

"Me? I'm a crispy mage, I must hide behind and output! You must protect me, don't let anyone come."

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