Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1012: , Jiu Shu greetings, please come and be beaten!

Li Rui glanced at him strangely, and said earnestly.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Lei tried his best to suppress the impulse to give him an axe for the Heavenly Spirit Cover, the white teeth rattling.

The crispy mage of God, who fought with me for seven days and nights before grind me to death?

The turbulent emotions were stirring endlessly in his chest, but before he had a seizure, Li Rui slipped aside as a thief and urged Aya Xiyi to lead the way.

At this time, the broken maze of ghost mythical creatures was almost restored. Aya Xiyi identified a lower person and led the team through the stacked rooms to find an inconspicuous staircase.

"I remember that the original shape of the building is only two floors. We are already on the second floor. There is a symbolic ghost. Where does this staircase lead?"

With a chuckle and talking to herself, Aya Kiyi stepped forward and stepped onto the steps without hesitation.


The old wooden plank groaned overwhelmingly, and Aya Xiyi paused and suddenly raised his fist.

All the teammates stopped neatly, Dito and others who followed the team were startled and held their breath instantly.

The soles of Aya Xiyi's feet began to rippling black ripples, and a biting cold from the heart penetrated into the skin. Everyone felt it and looked at the corner of the stairs.

Something is coming down in the dark!

Soon, black hair wriggling like a living thing emerged from the corner, and a woman with distorted facial features poked out her head little by little, staring at the crowd with spiteful eyes that shed blood and tears.

The position of her head is strange, at the height of a normal person's knee, and she seems to be lying on the stairs.

Before Li Rui could understand, the dead white head that came out floated to the ceiling again.

It is hard to imagine what a distorted picture behind the corner, and everyone's goose bumps suddenly appeared.

"お邪魔しました. (Excuse me.

When the atmosphere fell into freezing point, Li Rui suddenly greeted the woman, and then forcefully hooked her finger.

"Jia Ye Sang, Jiu Shu greetings, please come and be beaten!"

The woman's face became more distorted, with deformed fingers like dead branches lying on the corners, and black sharp nails leaving blood marks on the wall.

Her eyes were full of resentment and hatred, and the blood basin full of sharp teeth roared silently, as if she wanted to rush out and choose someone to eat.

Li Rui took a step forward without showing weakness, her eyes slowly contracted, turning into purple-gold vertical pupils, and the vast and cold eyes stared at her for an instant!

What are you looking at?

The crazy evil thing seemed to feel the pressure too, twisting his hideous facial features, and retracted unwillingly.

"Hey~ spicy chicken!"

With a cold snort of disdain, Li Rui looked at the people behind the team.

They were looking at the stairs dullly, not even noticing that various deformed organs had grown on their bodies.

Swollen sarcoma, rotating rotting eyeballs, hair growing from the eye sockets...

All kinds of gadgets that challenge human endurance emerge in an endless stream, especially the dense burrows, which seem to have maggot-like living creatures wriggling slightly.

Just watching, Li Rui couldn't help but want to scratch his skin frantically and pick out the contents one by one!

My intensive phobia is committed!

Aya Xiyi is at a certain critical moment of confrontation. As the second Faye in the team, Li Rui can only play in person.

Arouse the divinity deep in the soul, slap the cover of Dito Tianling with a palm, the colorful divine light instantly penetrates the flesh and blood, driving away the pollution and annihilation.

The deformed organs all over his body withered and shrank, and slowly recovered. Li Rui quickly rescued a group of people with one palm.

But the divine pollution still hurt their vitality, one by one, as if they were fished out of the water, they sat down in the same place with profuse sweat, panting for breath.

"Thanks...thank you."

"You're welcome, if you are polluted, you will become the nourishment for ghosts, I just don't want to be an enemy."

Shrugging, Li Rui spoke bluntly.


The truthful and cruel words left these people speechless, their complex expressions changed back and forth, and it took a long time for Dito to firmly raise his head.

"Anyway, you saved our entire team. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you!"

"Ha ha."

Li Rui smiled without saying a word, shook his head, and turned to look at his teammate.

"Strange... why are you two all right?"

Saving outsiders was just a matter of ease. What really surprised him was the two sisters of Catavia.

Luo Li and Xiao Huang both have artifact protection, and Hannah has a [Lovers].

Xiao Wei hid in his body, and the remaining Ling Xiyi, Wang Lei, and Zhao Youxuan were all gods.

So a bronze, a silver, did not respond in the divine pollution just now?

The Dito team, which is better than them, is almost wiped out!

Looking up and down around them, the two sisters looked at each other and looked at Li Rui dullly.

Shamelessly, squeezed his little hands to make sure that they did not have any abnormalities, Li Rui pondered for a long time, only to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"System, what is going on?"

"[Astral Insight] plus [High-dimensional Magic Net], the secondary host can be immune to low-level divine pollution."

"Why couldn't I be immune before?"

"Because the system law has not yet advanced [Secret Diamond] at that time."



The crisp sound of cracking exploded. UU Reading turned around and saw that Aya Kie seemed to have stepped on the invisible barrier, and the twisted translucent space cracked and shattered up the stairs, revealing even more decay Channel.

A scent of mildew and rotting rushed over, and the entire staircase seemed to be soaked in corpses, emitting a disgusting stench from the depths of the walls.


Luo Li, who is most sensitive to smell, didn't check it for a while, was staggered, and tears were almost streaming out.

"Humph! Little bugs!"

Aya Xiyi's breathing became a little quick, but she still smiled noble and coldly, expressing disdain.

"nailed it?"

"Well, the door to the ground floor has been opened!"

Only then did she have time to look back at Dito's group and slowly frowned.

"Are you going to go in with you? Going deeper, I may not have time to take care of you."

Dito looked at each other, recalling the terrifying evil thing they saw just now, shaking all over, and instantly made a decision.

"Let's stay on this floor."

"A smart decision, on the surface of the ghost, as long as you don't kill each other, the power of the curse can only gradually erode, and you won't die for a while."

Cursing the corners of her mouth, Aya Kiyi nodded, slowly turned around, and stepped onto the steps.

"Furthermore, that thing will have to concentrate on us. As long as the ghost is broken, you can naturally go out."

Accompanied by faint words, Aya Xiyi led his teammates and disappeared at the corner of the stairs. Only Dito and his party were left looking at the direction they were leaving with complex expressions.

I hope I can leave work on time tomorrow (з」∠)

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