Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1013: , Conceptual damage

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The strange touch sticks to the sole, and the floor seems to be covered with a layer of grease mixed with corrupt blood, exuding an indescribable stench.

There was no light in the gloomy Japanese-style corridor, Li Rui simply lit the [Sacrifice], enveloped the team with pure Yang Qi and blood, illuminating a radius of tens of meters.

As far as I can see, the broken corridor spreads to the end of the line of sight, with endless doors on both sides.

There seemed to be something squirming in the crack of the slightly opened door, and it seemed to be vaguely heard crying and screaming from a distant place.

But after listening carefully, there was only a dead silence inside.

In a daze, Li Rui always felt that the whole world was twisting and wriggling, and everything around him was filled with a sense of unreality.

It was like a nightmare that could not be awakened, suffocation and madness gradually overwhelmed the reason, trying to melt people in this cursed land forever.

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui shook his head lightly, carefully examining his own state.

Hearing, touch, smell, sight...

There is no problem with the five senses, it is the world that has the problem!

Dada Dada~~~

Suddenly, a rush of intensive running sound came from a distance, and a dark shadow ran across everyone's eyes, from one room to another through the corridor.

Although it was just a glimpse, everyone's keen eyes clearly caught the strange species.

It was a woman with her body snapped, her left and right joints were broken, like a human-shaped spider dancing with deformed limbs, crawling on the ground and passing by!


The first time they encountered this penetrating thing, the two Catavia sisters swallowed and leaned close together.

After communicating with Aya Xiyi in the Soul Network, Li Rui went out of the crowd, walked to the door of the room where the strange species entered, and quietly looked inside.

The golden red flame dispelled the darkness and found that it was exactly the same as the "downstairs" room.

It just became more worn-out and decayed, as if it had been eroded by time for hundreds of years.

Familiar taste, I also felt this way last time, but this time it seems to have fallen deeper and farther away from reality...

With thoughts flowing in his mind, Li Rui stepped into the room carefully, but no matter how he looked for it, the strange species just now seemed like a phantom, disappearing without a trace.

The room is not big, except for the cabinets, there is no room for Tibetans. Li Rui looked around and was attracted by the **** handprints on the dark windows.

Looking at the hideous fingerprints, Li Rui seemed to have seen someone scratching desperately before he died, even if he broke his nails or scratched his fingers, he would have to grab the last straw...

Standing quietly by the window and looking far away, Li Rui wanted to spy on the scene outside the window, but found that no matter how far he could use his vision, he could only see the chaos and darkness in his sight, as if they were no longer in the world.

After watching for a long time, a strange feeling of nausea surged into my heart, and Li Rui quickly closed his eyes.

But the moment he closed his eyes, the **** handprint on the window squirmed suddenly, turning into a dead branch of blood claws and digging towards his face.

"Be careful!"

The communication efficiency of the mind network far exceeds all means. Even if he closes his eyes, Li Rui still shines with a dazzling golden light on his left hand and punches without hesitation.

But the weird blood claw was like a phantom penetrating through an iron fist to intercept it, and it flashed past, leaving a few hideous scratches on his cheek.

Opening his eyes, the fierce sight turned into a substantive divine light, distorting and disintegrating everything in the sight, destroying it into an evil mist.

Gently raised his hand, wiped a handful of wounds, watching the faint gilded blood bursting between his fingers, Li Rui's chest surged with an unknown fire.

Kayako, don't let me find your body...

"Captain, are you okay?"

Luo Li wanted to help him stop the bleeding, but found that the wound showed a torn state no matter what, and it could not heal.

"Don't waste your time, how can ordinary attacks hurt him? This is a law-level curse, and it is almost a conceptual injury caused by exhausting the entire ghost power!"

Aya Xiyi walked to Li Rui's side, and his cold, white fingers ran lightly across the wound. Under the dark purple and black light, the illusory concept of the law manifested as black air, and was a little annihilated.

The gentle movement seemed to be as heavy as Mount Tai, just wiped it once, and beads of perspiration appeared on the white forehead.

"Don't worry about it, this thing will continuously absorb external forces and contaminate my soul and flesh. It is too bad for you to fight against it in this place."

Holding Aya Xiyi's white tender hands, Li Rui shook his head with cold eyes.

"then you……"

"Hehe, I am [the immortal dragon], this little injury will not kill my life, it is better to directly find the anchor of the ghost, once and for all!"

Grimly grinning and clenching his fists, Li Rui's eyes flashed fiercely.

After groaning for a few seconds, waiting for Aya Xiyi to speak, the skin of Olena's vest that fell behind the team seemed to be electrically charged, with hair standing upright.

Following Lingjue's turn, she saw a spiteful eye with blood and tears from the crack in the wall.


Almost at the same time, the hideous five claws of the big casserole directly blasted the wall, and Wang Lei moved to fit his body. The whole person, like a city-breaking hammer, directly slammed through the wall and rushed into another room.

"Have you caught it?"

Following the big hole that Wang Lei crashed into, everyone came to "next door", UU reading found that the layout here was exactly the same as the room just now.


Unwilling to barter his teeth, Wang Lei's eyes widened, his eyes full of oppression wandering.

Dada Dada~~~

The running sound of the humanoid spider went away outside the door. Li Rui was about to push the door open and chase him out, but Aya Xiyi suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, don't move!"


"Rewind, go back to the room just now."

With a movement of their eyes, everyone vaguely understood something, and in a funny gesture, they walked back carefully.

"Time and space, cause and effect, forward, backward, homeward, the other side... all concepts have been distorted. It seems that the evil thing tried to attack you, just trying to lead us into a path of no return..."

When everyone returned to the original room, Aya Xiyi stared at the hole and sneered.

Li Rui returned to the corridor with an ugly expression and opened the real "next door", only to find that the wall was as good as ever, without any holes.

In terms of the sense of direction of a normal person, two adjacent rooms are the same corridor, so no matter which door you go out from, it will still be the same corridor.

If there is no Aya Xiyi, they will unknowingly step into another dimension, and then go further and further in the endless maze, and finally get trapped in the depths of the ghost...

Having figured this out, Li Rui and Wang Lei looked at each other, and they couldn't help but become scared.

They can blast Kayako’s dog head in frontal combat, but the problem is that they don’t meet them at all!

Remote Pock doesn't give you any chance to mess up, this is the most annoying!

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