Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1015: , Destroy and devour

The steps of the machinery were all at once, and everyone instantly tightened their nerves and increased their vigilance.

"what happened?"

Aya Xiyi didn't speak, but turned around slowly and looked at the wooden door behind them.

Following her gaze, the previous room was hidden in the darkness.

She raised her ears and turned sideways slightly. After a long time, she said quietly, "Did you hear? The doors behind us were closed one by one..."

A cold air hit the vest, and goose bumps instantly covered the skin. The two Katavia sisters looked into the darkness behind them in horror. There was only a dead silence there, but they seemed to see something terrifying approaching a little bit.

Wang Lei frowned for a long time, wiped his ears and listened. His face was just like constipation. Finally, he shook the axe in his hand: "I didn't hear it. Why don't you go first, I'll go back and see?"

Aya Xiyi twitched her eyes, was silent for a moment, and shook her head: "This ghost should not be scattered. Let's go together."

Wang Lei scratched his head: "Then behind?"

"Don't worry, no matter what it is, it has to face us in the end!"

Aya Xiyi flicked his sleeves and sneered.

"Do you know why that evil thing didn't come into close contact with us from beginning to end?"

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, she looked around, and finally set her eyes on Li Rui and Wang Lei.

"Because it is afraid!"

"Two [Indestructible True Dragons] get together, as long as you light your own qi and blood furnace, the escaping pure sun and true flames can make the virtual creatures below the myth tremble."

"Even in the depths of the "nightmare" far from reality, you are still the most real [Dragon], enough to destroy all falsehoods!"

"Therefore, it will do its best to leave you these wounds, because this is its only vitality..."

Caressing Li Rui's face that was turning black and corrupted flesh and blood, Aya Xiyi's eyes flashed with distress.

"Or... let's go out first, the task is not important, as long as you leave this dimension, I can remove the curse from you."

Reaching out to hold Aya Xiyi's catkin, Li Rui squeezed out a reluctant smile, involving the wound, his brows and feet twitching slightly with the biting pain.

"It's too much trouble, I'm vomiting in this maze, but I don't want to come in and walk again."

"However, the deeper the bottom, the more disorderly and crazy the world will be. The malice permeating the air will squeeze into your body along the wound, and the concept of curse will continue to strengthen..."

After a pause, Aya Xiyi looked at him complainingly.

"You are fighting against the whole world alone!"

"So what? I do it often!"

Wang Lei slapped his chest banging, nonchalantly.


Several dissatisfied gazes swept across his face, staring at him inexplicably.

what happened? I'm not wrong...

This little injury is considered a hairy one. Under the pressure, just rush in and kill that thing?

Scratching his head bewilderedly, Huang Juncai patted him on the shoulder, his face full of emotion.

"Brother Lei, you are not the same as Xiao Lizi, he is loved by someone, and you are not loved by anyone..."

Wang Lei: "..."

Did the little mouth smear honey? So talkative?

Grabbing Huang Mao's head is a burst of chaos. Huang Juncai's screams broke the silence and echoed in the endless loop of the room.

After being ridiculed by such a gag, Li Rui laughed blankly and squeezed Aya Xiyi's little hand.

"I'm too lazy to drag it any longer and solve the problem all at once. I can hold on to this small injury."


Seeing that she still wanted to dissuade her, Li Rui stepped forward without denying him and stepped into the next room.

Looking at his domineering and arrogant back, Aya Xiyi Yinfang bit her secretly and stamped her feet in anger.

But sulking for a while, she still followed up, clinging to Li Rui not far behind.

"By the way, you said we are real [Dragon], what about you?"

Seeing the angry expression on her face, Li Rui smiled and turned the subject off.

"Huh! I am a darker, more chaotic, and more emptied existence than this dimension!"

"You can only destroy it, and I...can swallow it!"

After a pause, Aya Xiyi raised her chin proudly, like a graceful white swan.

With a slight movement of her deep eyes, Li Rui rubbed her hair, speeding up her pace silently.

The sharp pain on his face from time to time was nerve-wrenching, making his mood even more anxious.

But even with their feet, the next period of time was exhausted physically and mentally.

"Hei, which room is this?"

"The 24831th."

"Did you find it? The wallpaper on the wall slowly turned dark brown."

Luo Li walked to the broken wall, stretched out her hand to gently scrape off a little dark brown powder, and gently rubbed it under her nose.

"Sure enough, it is the blood of the extraordinary!"

The ubiquitous disgusting smell interfered with her sense of smell, and it was only then that she noticed the abnormal changes around her.

"Strange, this is not human blood."

"Not human? What is that?"

Glancing at Aya Xiyi, Li Rui scratched the itchy wound and frowned.

"I haven't come into contact with this kind of creature. I only know that the spirituality in the blood is very strong, and it hasn't completely dissipated until now. It should be a secret diamond step."

Secret diamond?

Not human?

Raising her brows, Aya Xiyi seemed to think of something, UU reading www. patted Li Rui's vest.

"We may have to hurry up."

Under her urging, everyone speeded up the pace again, but gradually, the two sisters of Cutavia began to show painful expressions.


"what happened?"


Grabbing his hair, his two delicate faces wrinkled into chrysanthemums.

Doesn’t the system say that it is immune to divine pollution?

Li Rui quickly checked, but found that the two sisters were not contaminated at all.

"This is caused by dimensional pressure. Their [real] creatures shouldn't have come to such a deep place at all. The mental barrier can no longer maintain their form."

"And as the depth increases, the foundation of their existence will be gradually disintegrated, the reality will be distorted by the illusion, and finally melted into a chaos."

Aya Xiyi helped to check it out, but she narrowed her mouth helplessly.

White fingers gently traced mysterious clouds between their eyebrows, and the dark purple and black light flashed slightly, sinking into the depths of their foreheads.

The tight body relaxed in an instant, and the two sisters felt like they had gone through a torture, sweating profusely.

"My strength can't last forever, speed up."

No longer being cautiously guarded, Wang Lei took out Xing Tian axe and rushed to the forefront. Everyone turned into streamers and quickly shuttled through the endless looping room.

"Xiyi, will that stuff be hidden in a depth beyond our reach?"

Seeing the endless repetitive scenery ahead, Li Rui asked worriedly.

"Hehe, there is an evil thing..."

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